Jeralyn is right. For the second time in two days, Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) outright lied. The first time was when he told the morning shows yesterday that he never said Terri Schiavo wasn't in a persistent vegitative state. ThinkProgress and others pulled up the old video of him saying just that. But this one is even worse.
Frist went to the Senate floor and outright lied about what Senator Durbin (D-IL) said about the horrendous treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. As you may recall, the Republicans have coordinated a fake firestorm of protest to criticize Durbin for rightfully reminding the country who embarrassing our pro-torture policy is at Gitmo (and Abu Ghraib, I might add). So they did what good
Nazis fascist governments always do, blow up at the guy telling the truth to try to scare everyone else into not talking.
But Frist's little statement was even worse than usual. Probably because he was trying to take attention away from the fact that he helped coordinate the Terri Schiavo fiasco, and then outright lied about it on national TV yesterday when he was totally made a fool out of the fact that Terri Schiavo's brain had shrunk to half it's size and she was truly and unfortunately a total vegetable, Frist said that Durban is helping recruit suicide bombers!
I've got news for Frist, he and George Bush are doing more than enough to recruit suicide bombers who want to attack America. Senator Durbin hardly has to help. Not to mention, its funny how Durbin pointing out what George Bush has done, with the sanction of people like Cat-Killer Frist, risks inflaming suicide bombers, and of course the fault lies with the messenger, rather than the torturer.
It's time Bill Frist apologized for being a liar.
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