Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Orchid Blogging


I took this shot at a show a while back. It's stunning. And ungrowable, by me at least. I wouldn't even dare. You have to grow them in wood slat baskets. Yeah, right. It's hard enough explaining the orchid lights (read: pot lights) to the neighbors. I don't need wood slatted baskets hanging from the ceiling. Anyway, this is truly one of my favorites. Exotic, stunning, creepy, but also beautiful. Enjoy :-) Read More......

Effort to pass ultra-restrictive voter ID law fails in Missouri

News from Missouri's state house tonight is that the Senate failed to even consider the very restrictive voter ID law before adjournment. This is a big victory for fair elections and insuring that all voters get to vote -- in a key swing state. Here's the statement from the very savvy Secretary of State in Missouri, Robin Carnahan, who helped lead the charge to kill the legislation:
Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan released the following statement on the legislative session ending without the passage of a restrictive proposal requiring voters to present a government-issued photo ID at the polls:
“This proposal not passing is a victory for voter’s rights. This debate has not been about having Missouri voters identify themselves at the polls. In Missouri, we already have common sense identification requirements in place. This debate has been about ensuring fair elections, and elections can not be fair if eligible voters are not allowed to make their voice heard on Election Day.

These past two weeks we heard from Missouri voters across the state that feared they would lose their right to vote because they don’t have a government-issued photo ID or a birth certificate, and I am glad the legislature didn’t put their right to vote at risk. The hard work of citizens and groups around this state who opposed this proposal played a key role in making sure this legislation was not passed.”
The Missouri Supreme Court stuck down a 2006 Voter Photo ID law in October of that year, citing that it placed too much of a burden on eligible Missourian’s constitutional right to vote.
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What REALLY happened when Bill O'Reilly lost it on the air

Here's the original that this is spoofing.

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

(Hat tip, Atrios.) Read More......

Saudis tell Bush to go F himself, oil prices are just fine at $127/barrel

Seriously, why do we defend these people? I get it, they have oil. But if their little royal family got conveniently replaced by someone else, they'd still have oil.
"Supply and demand are in balance today," [Saudi oil minister Ali] al-Naimi told a news conference, bristling at criticism from the U.S. Congress. "How much does Saudi Arabia need to do to satisfy people who are questioning our oil practices and policies?"

Early this week, Senate Democrats introduced a resolution to block $1.4 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia unless Riyadh agreed to increase its oil production by 1 million barrels per day.
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Obama is giving Republicans southern heartburn

But in Southern states with large black populations, like Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia, an energized black electorate could create a countervailing force, particularly if conservative white voters choose not to flock to Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. Merle Black, a political scientist at Emory University in Atlanta, predicts “the largest black turnout in the history of the United States” this fall if Mr. Obama is the nominee.

To hold these states, Republicans may have to work harder than ever. Already, turnout in Democratic primaries this year has substantially exceeded Republican turnout in states like Arkansas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Some analysts suggest that North Carolina and Virginia may even be within reach for the Democratic nominee, and they point to the surprising result in a Congressional special election in Mississippi this week as an indicator of things to come.
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Obama calls McCain "naive" and "irresponsible"

Don't make McCain mad. You won't like him when he's mad.
Lumping McCain together with President Bush, Obama declared: "If they want a debate about protecting the United States of America, that's a debate I'm ready to win because George Bush and John McCain have a lot to answer for." He blamed Bush for policies that enhance the strength of terrorist groups such as Hamas and "the fact that al-Qaida's leadership is stronger than ever because we took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan," among other failings.
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Harry Reid forces Bush's hand on the FEC: Von Spakovsky withdrew his nomination today

Earlier this week, at the Maria Leavey Breakfast with Harry Reid, I asked the Majority Leader about the FEC:
JOE SUDBAY ( Hi I'm Joe Sudbay from Americablog, based here in DC. And I'm interested in the issue of presidential nominations particularly the FEC and what will happen with that. We saw last week that Bush withdrew David Mason who was quoted in the Washington Post earlier this year, saying that John McCain was basically breaking the law. So what do you foresee in general with presidential nominations going forward this session and particularly with the FEC.

REID: I've had private discussions with Bolten, Josh Bolten. I've had many things public in nature, in fact most publicly, we've exchanged a number of letters back and forth. Here's where we are now. We have three Democrats that we are happy to have on the Federal Election Commission. They have three Republicans they're happy to have on the Federal Election Commission. We will not let one of them be approved. His name is Von Splotsky or something like that. So they're going to have to make a decision, they're going to have to replace him or there will be no FEC. And they need it worse than we do.
Well, Harry Reid won.

Today, Hans Von Spakovsky withdrew his nomination. Read More......

April foreclosures up 65%

The bubble continues to burst and there are few choices left. Just wait for the next round of calls to slash interest rates by Wall Street, who don't really care how much inflation there is. When you live in their league, inflation doesn't matter though for the bulk of Americans, it's a budget buster. Wouldn't it be nice if the Federal Reserve actually gave a damn about anyone on Main Street instead of always pleasing Wall Street? Read More......

More on veterans and the Bush administration

When I wrote a post yesterday on veterans, I had no idea that just hours later a story would hit, via VoteVets and CREW, and now getting massive media attention, that a VA hospital's PTSD program coordinator sent an email to other VA employees instructing them to "refrain" from diagnosing vets with PTSD, and instead consider a diagnosis of "adjustment disorder." I was going to write that there's no analysis necessary here, no explanation or hidden meaning, but that's not actually true -- the motivating reason is, I suspect, that veterans diagnosed with PTSD are likely to get better care and more disability pay than those diagnosed with other illnesses. But whatever the "reason" behind it, is just straight up despicable. From VoteVets:
Jon Soltz, an Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of, added, "This is an issue I take personally. I know of many people who received a diagnosis of 'Adjustment Disorder,' who strongly felt they had PTSD, many of whom confirmed that suspicion with an independent diagnosis. Many veterans believe that the government just doesn't want to pay out the disability that comes along with a PTSD diagnosis, and this revelation will not allay their concerns. It is crucial that we quickly get to the bottom of this, and ensure that misdiagnosing veterans is not part of some cost-cutting policy."
The continued mistreatment and exploitation of those who serve is appalling. On the flip side, it's to the great credit of organizations like CREW and VoteVets that they're on top of these issues. Hopefully we'll see some improvement in the next administration, but many people can't wait that long. Corrections are necessary now. Read More......

Huckabee makes joke about assassinating Obama

These people are sick. What does John McCain have to say about this? And spare me the, "Huckabee didn't mean it" crap. I know a few things about guns, and you don't point guns at people unless you mean to shoot them. So when Huckabee is talking about someone pointing a gun at Obama, that's exactly what he means. What the hell is it with these people? First Bush and McCain and Hitler. Now we've got Huckabee joking about assassinating presidential candidates (maybe they can get Joe Lieberman to agree). Boy I hope Huck gets to be John McCain's VP, because this little assassination joke is going to be his permanent monicker. Then again, we already know that Huckabee is rather light on murder. Read More......

John McCain's creepy advisers

MoveOn's new ad is about one of John McCain's top advisers, who also has advised Ferdinand Marcos, Mbuto in Zaire, and rebel leader Jonas Savimbi. Then again, John McCain's filthy rich wife, whose corporate jet McCain flies on for his campaign, had $2m in investments dealing with the nasty folks in the Sudan. Anyone else seeing a pattern? Watch it, it's good. Read More......

Obama lambastes the Bush/McCain foreign policy

This is how you fight back. It's definitely worth a watch.

Looks like the Obama mantra of "Not this time" is real. Every time, he's attacked by the GOP slime machine, he has to hit back harder and stronger. Today was a very good start. Read More......

Hillary's staff talks about why she lost

Fascinating article.
"The way we handled you guys was a mistake on our part. What we're hearing is that we truly treated people badly and weren't accessible enough or open enough. We had bad relationships with reporters, and it probably bit us on the ass."

"We ran a press operation that lost all credibility with the press through endless and pointless memos like, 'Where's the Bounce?' and polling memos that cherry-picked only positive polls when we were up and ignored polling when we were down."

"Even among Clinton spokespeople long known for their heavy-handed ways, Phil Singer stood out for his all-too-common and accepted profanity-laced tirades and abusive behavior--both at colleagues and the media, who were all too happy to direct his comeuppance toward Hillary at a time she needed them most."
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Andrea Mitchell: Hillary and her people now know they've lost

Watch it here. Read More......

No, AP - Democrats don't "say" McCain said he'd talk to Hamas, McCain said it himself on camera

Come on, guys. Stop with the sophomoric he-said-she-said crap. You have the video from Sky News of McCain saying we should talk to Hamas. Just quote the damn video, it's posted below. It's a fact what McCain said. Don't write that Democrats "say," or Jamie Ruben says, that McCain said x y and z. McCain SAID it. You have the proof. Stop presenting facts as allegations, out of some twisted desire to be fair. You're not being fair, you're not being a journalist, when you quote lies you know to be untrue, or when you quote truths that you pretend are unconfirmed. Do your damn job. It's nuance, to be sure, but it's the difference between a reader walking away with "well, a Democrat claimed that, so it's probably not true" and a reader saying "wow, there's video, McCain must have actually said that." Read More......

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Nazi, appease thyself.
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
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McCain willing to work with Hamas: "They're the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them"

In today's Washington Post, Jamie Rubin destroys the George Bush/John McCain attack on Obama over Hamas. McCain told Rubin that we were going to have to work with Hamas -- and McCain didn't mention any conditions. Now, this interview happened two years ago, so, in fairness, McCain might not remember, but he said it quite clearly:
But given his own position on Hamas, McCain is the last politician who should be attacking Obama. Two years ago, just after Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary elections, I interviewed McCain for the British network Sky News's "World News Tonight" program. Here is the crucial part of our exchange:

I asked: "Do you think that American diplomats should be operating the way they have in the past, working with the Palestinian government if Hamas is now in charge?"

McCain answered: "They're the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them, one way or another, and I understand why this administration and previous administrations had such antipathy towards Hamas because of their dedication to violence and the things that they not only espouse but practice, so . . . but it's a new reality in the Middle East. I think the lesson is people want security and a decent life and decent future, that they want democracy. Fatah was not giving them that."

For some Europeans in Davos, Switzerland, where the interview took place, that's a perfectly reasonable answer. But it is an unusual if not unique response for an American politician from either party. And it is most certainly not how the newly conservative presumptive Republican nominee would reply today.

Given that exchange, the new John McCain might say that Hamas should be rooting for the old John McCain to win the presidential election. The old John McCain, it appears, was ready to do business with a Hamas-led government, while both Clinton and Obama have said that Hamas must change its policies toward Israel and terrorism before it can have diplomatic relations with the United States.
So while McCain was cavorting in Davos with all the other elites, he thought it was okay to work with Hamas. But now, McCain is on the attack over a manufactured issue. What a fraud.

Thanks to Clinton-appointee Rubin for finally getting this out. The debate's only been going on for weeks now - you couldn't have brought this up earlier? Read More......

Friday Morning Open Thread

Good morning.

George Bush proved two things during his speech at the Knesset yesterday: 1) The 2008 campaign for president is about George Bush; and 2) Everything Bush does is political, first and foremost.

So, game on. Bush wants to the debate to be about him. McCain is such a weak candidate he has nothing else to run but Bush's record. This is going to be fun. Ugly, but fun.

What are you hearing? Read More......

Who needs clean air at national parks anyway?

Why doesn't Bush just sell off the naming rights of the national parks - heck, the country - to Exxon or some other energy company? They seem to be calling the shots on everything and just look at the results. Congress needs to step
The Bush administration is on the verge of implementing new air quality rules that will make it easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas, according to rank-and-file agency scientists and park managers who oppose the plan.

The new regulations, which are likely to be finalized this summer, rewrite a provision of the Clean Air Act that applies to "Class 1 areas," federal lands that currently have the highest level of protection under the law. Opponents predict the changes will worsen visibility at many of the nation's most prized tourist destinations, including Virginia's Shenandoah, Colorado's Mesa Verde and North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt national parks.
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Bush to jawbone Saudis on oil prices

Haven't we been here before? What next, we won the war in Iraq? Good grief. Read More......