I´m at the second annual liberal bloggers conference in Spain, and the most surprising thing has been how mcuh they´re like us. Lots of questions about what to do when politicians and journalists don´t take bloggers seriously. I was like, uh, yeah, been there done that :-) I gave my presentation last night, alongside the persident of the province (basically, their version of the governor, I think). I gave them an overview of the American political blogosphere, then focused on a few activism case studies, including Jeff Gannon (that they got a total howl out of), Wesley Clark´s phone records, and the recent Obama brouhaha. My talk was in Spanish, which was a bit comical since I haven´t spoken Spanish in 8 years, and kept throwing French and Italian words in the mix, but I found that if you play the ham, the audience eats it up, so all went well.
An interesting aside. The Spanish are currently debating a new law that would outlaw the display of fascist symbols (i.e., symbols representing the military dictatorship that governed Spain until the mid 70s). Interestingly, the Catholic Church has asked for an exemption because, apparently, it´s very important to the Catholic faith, and the pursuit of Godliness, that the church continue to honor the military government that killed so many Spaniards. Whether it´s coddling pedophiles at home, or coddling dictatorial murderers abroad, the Catholic church always seems to find the perfect niche for itself, doesn´t it. And spare me the emails about how mean I am to the church. I´m a Christian too - and the Bible says nothing about coddling pedophiles or dictators. The Catholic Church, that loves to so often meddle in the affairs of others, needs to take the log cabin out of its eye first.
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