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Video: Mega Man Universe character and level creation
Famitsu has some new videos of Mega Man Universe showing off the game's character and level creation utilities. The videos demonstrate several custom Mega Men, each with different abilities, as well as a custom level being built.First collected 2 hours ago -
Watch the BioShock Infinite gameplay demo
We could all use a helping hand from time to time. In BioShock Infinite, that role is played by Elizabeth, the empowered beauty you see above.First collected 7 hours ago -
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock summons a launch trailer
If you were looking for a video clip that best summarizes what Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock is all about, look no further. Basically, you've got rockers transforming into warriors.First collected 17 hours ago -
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon video crawls out
D3 Publisher's least embarrassing budget game series, Earth Defense Force, is returning this spring on Xbox 360 and PS3 in Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon. The tiny amount of media released by D3 so far, including a teaser trailer after the break, suggests that this new game has a lot in common with its predecessors: specifically, big insectoid monsters destroying a city, and a team of futuristic soldiers shooting them.First collected 22 hours ago -
James Bond 007: Blood Stone trailer highlights henchmen woes
We've never actually met a "henchman" before, but we sure hope they get a good health plan. If this James Bond 007: Blood Stone trailer is any indication, they're going to need a good doctor .First collected 1 day ago -
Mafia 2 takes Guinness f-bomb record; HotD: Overkill effing dethroned
Mafia 2's rap sheet now includes a Guinness World Record for "most swearing in a video game." The mob saga surpassed House of the Dead: Overkill's 189 permutations on the word "f*ck" by .First collected 1 day ago -
BioShock Infinite's Columbia city gets Minecrafted
A team of crafters led by one "DrKamina" has pieced together BioShock Infinite's floating city, Columbia, in the suddenly popular indie creation game Minecraft. The 3D model incorporates design elements adapted form screenshots and concept art, video and, of course, sheer imagination.First collected 1 day ago -
Enslaved developer diary features the prettiest apocalypse
Rarely do we equate the end of the world with beautiful foliage and grand, sweeping vistas, but as the game's latest dev diary can attest, that's what Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is going for. Check out the aesthetically pleasing downfall of mankind in the video posted after the jump.First collected 2 days ago -
These Catherine trailers aren't getting any less bizarre
If we had our druthers, every trailer for every game would be structured like the promo for Atlus' Catherine, posted below. There's character introductions, romantic intrigue, and then a metaphorical examination of the nature of OH NO IT'S A DEMON BABY WITH CHAINSAW HANDS. -
BioShock Infinite gameplay teased on video
You've seen the CG trailer. You've read our preview. -
Project Dark trailer is dark, Demon's Souls-esque
There's still a lot of unanswered questions about Project Dark, the next title from the Demon's Souls team at From Software, but chief amongst them is the simple query: Is this a Demon's Souls sequel? While we still don't have a clear answer on that front, the below cam-captured teaser provides some evidence that it's at least cut from the same, blood-stained cloth.First collected 3 days ago -
Deus Ex: Human Revolution TGS trailer is hard to understand, easy on the eyes [update: now in English!]
We've got a new Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer fresh from TGS, but we can't understand much of what these people are talking about. Thankfully, the language of kicking ass and looking good while doing it is universal.First collected 3 days ago -
Warriors: Legends of Troy preview: Changing the dynasty
It seems that nearly every Koei game, in some shape or form, is related to Dynasty Warriors. Legends of Troy is no different, giving you control over a lone warrior slaughtering hundreds of generic enemies.First collected Sep 17, 2010 -
New Shaun White Skateboarding trailer 'challenges' the status quo
The challenges on display in this aptly titled "Challenges" trailer for Ubisoft's soon-to-be-released Shaun White Skateboarding start off pretty, well ..First collected Sep 17, 2010 -
Fallout: New Vegas dev diary has a story to tell
Now, you may not know this, but in Fallout: New Vegas, you don't play as somebody who's just emerged from a Vault. Shocking, we know -- instead, the game's story has a far more sinister and dark opening involving attempted homicide.First collected Sep 17, 2010 -
Gran Turismo 5's weather effects and X1 Prototype in video
You've already heard about the new stuff coming to Gran Turismo 5, but Sony's uploaded a couple new trailers that better show off the X1 Prototype and weather effects -- both are past the break. Finally, we can all crash expensive cars in the snow like real rich people!First collected Sep 17, 2010 -
Pac-Man, Micro Machines, Air Hockey created in LittleBigPlanet 2 beta
We have no earthly way of knowing who YouTube user TheFinalBurst is, but we're pretty sure the mystery creator's series of videos from the LittleBigPlanet 2 beta could serve as more effective marketing for the game than any ad campaign Sony could put together. Over the past week, TheFinalBurst's managed to create some mind-bogglingly intricate games using LBP 2's tool set -- games like Pac-Man, Micro Machines, an air hockey mini-game and even a first-person shooter, which we're still trying t. -
Ape Escape Move preview: Monkey madness
Ape Escape's first foray onto the PS3 is a PlayStation Move game. Ape Escape Fury!First collected Sep 17, 2010 -
Tokyo Jungle preview: It's a dog eat dog world
Tokyo Jungle has an interesting concept behind it. In the aftermath of what appears to be a catastrophic, human-extinction event, you play as a variety of animals trying to survive in the ruins of Tokyo's urban jungle.First collected Sep 17, 2010 · 1 recollect including... -
Watch your back, puppies: Kevin Butler talks up EyePet
Sony faux-spokesman Kevin Butler's no stranger to talking smack about competitors -- though, for the life of us, we never expected him to turn his scornful eye upon infant dogs. Check out the US commercial for EyePet after the jump as we await a rebuttal from the dog people of the world.First collected Sep 17, 2010
alisdaa Famitsu has some new videos of Mega Man Universe showing off the game's character and level creation utilities. The videos demonstrate several custom Mega Men, each with different abilities, as well as a custom level being built. Read More
2 hours ago