October 19, 2010 08:30 PM
Open Thread
My Latino Voice: "Tea Party Candidate Sharron Angle Tells Latino Students They Look Asian".
Open thread below....
UPDATE: Oh, and OBVIOUSLY this is a Yankees-Rangers Baseball Thread, too.
My Latino Voice: "Tea Party Candidate Sharron Angle Tells Latino Students They Look Asian".
Open thread below....
UPDATE: Oh, and OBVIOUSLY this is a Yankees-Rangers Baseball Thread, too.
...look Asian, too.
I think Mz Angle's burning out on the campaign trail.
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
,,,and only 10,000 years ago. And not that large a group that made it across.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
The earth is only 6,000 years old and it's flat! You Lie! (snark)
My bad!
Of course, they were the offspring of...Shem? Ham? Who's Noah's other kid? Ya know, the Mongolian?...And they flew from Asia on pterodactyls.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
Hell if i know who Noah's other kid was....I believe I slept through Catechism (CCD) that day....actually, many days!
Yaba daba dooooooo!
Well, after like 4th grade, when the instructors were lay-persons. Those nuns wouldn't allow much sleep in their classes.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
...Sister Rose Angela, who taught my 2nd grade CCD class was really nice. She'd been one of my uncles' school teacher about 10 years earlier. The others were strict, though. Mean strict.
And still not as bad as my 5th grade public school teacher. Bitch!
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
I use to hide in the girls bathroom from some of the wicked nuns; we did not have too many nice ones...back in the late 70's early 80's.
Fast forward many years. I owned a caffe and catering business and a group of nuns would periodically come in for lunch. No one ever knew they were nuns unless I told them. They were great! One is the Director of Loaves and Fishes (homeless shelter/soup kitchen) and if I had more nuns like them in my life, I probably would not have done an about face from the Church so many years ago!
You have a great evening and please, make sure you vote!!!!!!
Japheth was the third son. Gen 5:32.
Your C&L name used to be "Andy K Jong", didn't it? I have to ask, are you related to Kim Jong-il ?!?
I'm just kidding ... you Libertine you !!!!
If he were Korean, his family name would be Andy and his given name K. Jong.
Was it Pork?
that they want their country back. That would have made great video.
Military no longer allowed to ask-for now. Fourteen state lawmakers want to over-turn the 14th Amendment. Haiti has its own housing bubble. Feds itchin' to wire-tap. The CIA doesn't like one of its own saying bad things about the organization without being vetted first. What's so controversial? Uncle Thomas stalks Anita once again. Poor enough for ya? How about the weather? BP made the grade. End of the world postponed by five more decades? R.I.P. Mr. C.
....and they will eventually say something offense...it is all that they know.
And the Tea Birchers should do it more often. They need such exposure.
China who mines 95% of the world’s rare earth elements, which are vital to the manufacture of diverse products including large wind turbines and guided missiles, has now blocked shipments to the United States.
Chicago sells its parking meters to a bunch of investors led by Morgan Stanley for a billion dollars. MS turns around and sells them to Abu Dhabi for four times that amount. Yay Wall Street!
GOP Senate hopeful advocates East German-style borders
In case you're wondering what rare earths are, here's Wiki's dope. Seem to be needed in high tech things; lasers, self-cleaning ovens, lenses, et. al. (I wonder if they found these minerals in Afghanistan.)
Tons of Lithium there. Billions if not Trillions of dollars worth of natural resources there.
How's the Chamber of Commerce investigation going?
I have watched this moron for years here in Nevada. She hasn't got the brains God gave a fork.
look like they might be Asian, she probably thinks they are communist too. She also said that people thought she was Asian too, so she must be communist.
way to minimize damage ... they are not Mexican they are Asian - what's next insult the Irish ?
Why not just come out with out? You people look UN-American.
Truly the most despicable front-running goons in all of sports. Watching them abandon their team by the tens of thousands for two games in a row has confirmed my low opinion of them.
What has 100,000 legs but no heart? A capacity crowd at Yankee Stadium!
Trying to provoke the ire of a certain Mr. John Amato?
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
Good diagnosis.
ATLANTA (AP) — Nearly 17% of U.S. medical costs can be blamed on obesity, according to new research that suggests the nation's weight problem may be having close to twice the impact on medical spending as previously estimated.
One expert acknowledged that past estimates likely underestimated the costs and said the new study — which places obesity-related medical costs at around $168 billion — probably is closer to the truth.
"I think these are the most recent and perhaps statistically sound estimates that have come out to date," said Kenneth Thorpe, a health policy researcher at Emory University who has focused on the cost of health care.
The new research was done by John Cawley of Cornell University and Chad Meyerhoefer of Lehigh University. It was released this week by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization.
An influential recent study released last year — which has been cited by federal health officials — estimated that obesity-related medical costs have reached $147 billion, or about 9% of total medical costs.
The earlier study also estimated that obesity adds about $1,400 to a person's annual medical bills. The new study suggests the added cost is double that, exceeding $2,800.
the medical industry keeps raising prices because insurers keep negotiating what they will pay and the medical field has to employ more people to try to get claims paid aand it turns out that it's a vicious circle that has spun out of control.
Meanwhile the big thing at the State Fair of Texas, now concluded, was deep-fried beer...
Diabolus est Deus Inversus
Wife of Clarence Thomas asks Anita Hill to consider an apology
who had a little incident with cops.
That lady called some Hispanic kids Asian and it's like when the cat asks for a cheezeburger. Funny. Internet meme spoof SUCCESS, C&L.
bolder and bolder! They think nothing of spouting racist comments, call the President every name in the book, illegally arrest journalists trying to do their job, refuse to talk to the press when they're running FOR A PUBLIC OFFICE, have no shame not knowing what the Constitution REALLY says, etc. etc. etc.
Ginni Thomas should probably ask her hubby about that pubic hair on the Coke can. And about that video with Long Dong Silver?
I want to see a fat green Aqua-Buddha following Rand Paul around. Since he doesn't want to talk to the press, I think a picture will be worth a thousand words.
Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.
-- Mae West
This time against Chevron.
Van Jones said on CNN that "working one day in the white house is like working a whole week".
on pavlovian orders from Lumpy Rash and Faux.
then you're entitled to me make your own decisions and mistakes. Hope you are a woman and be the first to be elected - the you'll sing different song.
You never know about those Latino Drug Mules, I don't blame Reichsmarschall Angle for calling them on their treachery! Obviously, many of the Mexican kids have orders to observe the Asians and learn to permanently squint their eyes until they can pass for Chinese! That way the Mexicans can avoid the immigrant sweeps that will start immediately after the Tea Party takes America over.
Diabolus est Deus Inversus
field laborers? When Governor St. Reagan was in the Statehouse of Californa he had no immigration policy.
According to the hagiographers, Reagan single-handedly
broke the back' of the Soviet Union, single-handedly dissolved the Soviet Union, and single-handedly ended the Cold War, thereby saving us all from the Red Scare for forevermore.
Etc, etc, etc, ........
Reagan's administration was responsible for more indictments being handed down to members of his administration than any administration before him. (GW will shatter that record).
...and it should be noted, that many of those individuals indicted, and involved in the scandals of Reagan's day, have today, been brought back into positions to either formulate, or sway US policy once again.
Reagan is not merely noted for his accomplishments, he is elevated far beyond them, and his failures are erased and covered over with outright falsehoods.
Reagan's 'canonization' is unearned, and yet it persists, and the myth grows.
And to be fair, Reagan didn't dream up the Amnesty legislation, his handlers may have set him up to promote it, but it was formulated by others, and instituted by Congress. (many of whom are still handling the present 'spokesman' and many of whom are still sitting in Congress today) and yet while Reagan was signing that bill, wife Nancy had hired two illegal maids from Peru right in the White House!
was proposed by JFK - it's just that the Soviets were still too proud/powerful at the time and after JFK the Soviets just waited somebody to "propose" again.
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