Hot Vegas

Jermaine Commands Michael Jackson Army

Jermaine Jackson squeezed into one of his old Jackson 5 costumes to perform a tribute to Michael in Vegas this weekend -- but the whole thing could ignite some serious family drama.

Jermaine Jackson
While cameras rolled, Jermaine performed a series of Michael Jackson's classics to a packed house at the concert hall at the Planet Hollywood Resort.

Here's the rub -- Jermaine is legally allowed to cover the MJ songs in concert, but if he uses the recorded footage to create and then sell a DVD, album or TV special -- he would need to go through the Michael Jackson Estate to secure permission.

So far, it's unclear if Jermaine did get the green light -- but if not, the MJ Estate could bring legal action against Jermaine to protect its most valuable asset ... Michael's music.

FYI ... Michael's kids -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- were all at the show.


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Isn't Blanket a little old to only be called that?


What a joke this guy is. Just like his hogs. He did not sound sincere but only wanting to milk his freak molester brother's death for all it is worth. Jermaine, you stink about as much as your brothers rotting corpse.


Play Free Bird!


I heard the show was an absolute and utter mess. I heard some previews and Jermaine sounded terrible sing Michael's songs. Hell he sounded terrible singing his own songs. Come on Jermaine, Michael is gone, he cannot be replaced. Find your own way again.
Love you Michael


Nice to see Blanket being a rebel. Either that or he did not get the J5 memo to dress in all blacks and grays.

Oh...and "in" before all of the pathetic "He's still alive, I love you Michael, Dr. Murray is a murderer" human trash, post their nonsense. Really, isn't it time you fanboi's changed out of your MJ jammies and got a real life?


well i think jermaine gets grief either way, if he cant pay up, people call him out , if he sings mj songs for money, people call him out...
i wish he could get a studio gig singing back up or something.i just am not crazy about anyone else singing mj stuff..
i personally like it best when he tells tmz to f off...


Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine!!!!

Come on bro, you can't sing The "KING OF ALL MUSIC" songs!!!!

It would have been fitting to sing ONLY the JACKSON 5 SONGS since you and your brother belong to the group!!!


I'm quite sure they would have loved to performed as the JACKSON 5, AGAIN!!!


Next a JW comes to your door ask them if they support the military since these ones like to dress up and play soldier.



I liked it better when you had "King Of Flop" under Jerms photo.

Why did you change it to "Wanna Be Startin Somethin?"

And you thought no one would notice. LoL





The nerve this guy has!!

After being on the creditors claim list along with the other four and their sister he sings his brother's songs.He should realise that there are a lot of jacksons but ONLY ONE MICHAEL!!!!
He should try something of his own,instead of copying MICHAEL to work out his financial troubles.


Still making money off the rubes.


Jermaine should be aware of legal technicalities.
And of course,he is covering his more famous brother's drum up interest in his act.


Jermaine just cannot accept that he has never and will never be as talented as Michael - not even close! It's sad that he still hasn't found his own way and uses his deceased brother's name to make a buck. And bringing Michael's kids to see him butcher Michael's songs - he's a pathetic parasite!


Here's what it's all come down too. It's this or bag groceries for Jermaine! Me personally..I will never pay money to see any of the Jackson Four sing MJ songs.

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