Can I rate it lower than one? Pretty Please??, May 10, 2006Read More......
Reviewer: K. Morris (Meriden, CT United States) - See all my reviews
Boy, talk about self-loathing.
I felt like "Why can't I quit you?" echoed though every page.
She says I'm gay, but I have to stick with the ones who brought me even though they hate me for who I am!
Cried tears of joy, May 10, 2006
Reviewer: USApatriot45 "USApatriot45" (El Paso, TX)
This book made me cry. I have never read such a touching lesbian lovestory. Now don't get me wrong, I would never entrust either Mary or her sex partner Heather with one of my young impressionable daugthers. But as a red-blooded male, I found the novel titillating and stimulating. I would prefer if they left out the pictures of her (hair too short and too severe looking) so I could fantasize about a more shapely woman. I recommend the book as #1 on my list for men into dating woman from this lifestyle choice.
I went to sleep and woke up with a headache, May 10, 2006
Reviewer: GOPheroe "GOPheroe" (Butte, Montana) - See all my reviews
Seriously, is Mary Cheney auditioning as an advocate for petty backstabbers or what? I consider myself a middle-of-the-road Republican, but HELLO? Miss(?) Cheney comes across as a petty bully jealous of a man's superior upper body musculuture. After the first chapter I wanted to say: "Give me a break Mary. Men and woman were created differently for a reason. No matter how hard you try, you won't have the biceps of a man".
The vicious tone of her contant lesbian diatribe just grated on me more and more. Now before you call me a homophobe, let me assure you I have nothing against that kind. I just can't stand people like Mary who write as if they are so much better than other Republcans. And she seems to hold grudges as if she were a tomboy in a catfight over another little girl. Let me suffice it to say, after reading this garbage, I think everyone will agree that Mary is not parenthood material. Any child under her influence would be too mean-spirited. I can't help but wonder what made this priveleged little girl so angry at the world. She is far from being a role model except for militant (aka vicious) activists. Rosie Odonnel has nothing on this witch.
Too many character flaws (a tedious read), May 10, 2006
Reviewer: Pam Crandall "Kathryn Davis" (Houston, TX) - See all my reviews
I tried as hard as I could to like this little girl's book. I voted for Bush twice and I wholeheartedly respect the Cheney's family values and Bush's critical war on Islam. But I couldn't get around the fact that this book seems like it was written by a junior high school student, and an average one at that. I have worked in the book industry for many years and heard stories that this was a rush job for a quick buck. Unfortunately it shows.
Again, I have nothing against those who are flamboyant about their lifestyle like the Cheney girl or the Gingrich child. My only gripe is that people don't really want to hear about her tomboy exploits and why she is attracted to other masculine woman.
If you are a traditional or family-values Republican, this book is definitely not for you. If you are a homosexual activist like Mary or Elton John or Kenneth Mehlman, then I would suspect you might get some kind of thrill out of this tripe. The bottom line is that Mary seems to have little to say about substantive issues, and mostly focuses on personal grudges and settling scores with her enemies. I tend to think of my fellow Christians as generous and loving, and not as trivial and malicious as Mary portrays them. Mary, just because as Bush said regarding your lifestyle choice: "We are all sinners", you have to realize that we just hate your sinful choices, not you as a person.
The reality is that it is just to hard to reconcile that Mary has embraced her sinful lifestyle choice and mentions nowhere in the book that she has repented or even attempted ex-gay therapy. That seems really hypocritical if she is still trying to keep her reputation as an active homosexual activist, and yet a true Republican at the same time. As anyone can tell you, they don't mix. Until she admits in writing that thousands have been freed from her lifestyle choice, then her advocacy of the homosexual lifestyle is just a spit in the face of heroes like Phyllis Schlaffley and Louis Sheldon.
239 Pages?, May 9, 2006
Reviewer: Hedda Dicke (BFE, USA) - See all my reviews
Mary Cheney could've covered the same material in a twenty-five page, double-spaced term paper for a high school English Composition class. There was really no need for her to try to restate everything in as many different ways as her fertile mind would allow.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The customer reviews of Mary Cheney's book are absolutely priceless
And by the way, the right-wingers have rated all the positive reviews (and they're obviously fake reviews) with 5 stars. I suggest you all make sure you vote for YOUR favorite reviews. Here are a few samples:
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mary cheney
Secret Service logs omit 3 Abramoff visits to White House
Ah, I love a good cover-up, especially when it's a sloppy cover-up.
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Howard Dean tells Pat Robertson's CBN that the Democratic Party platform says marriage is between one man and one woman. It doesn't. Gay group pissed.
Don't go getting mad at me. I'm just the messenger.
Uh oh. The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force is returning Dean's $5000 donation.
Don't mess with the gays. I think this is all fall-out from the firing of the gay liaison last week, seemingly in retaliation for his partner having criticized the DNC as being insufficiently supportive of gay civil rights. I supported Dean's run for the chairmanship of the party. I'm not impressed with what Dean's been doing of late.
As an aside, I hope the Dean supporters can behave themselves like adults this time, rather than freepers, in the comments. Feel free to disagree, but there's no excuse for being rude.
Uh oh. The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force is returning Dean's $5000 donation.
Don't mess with the gays. I think this is all fall-out from the firing of the gay liaison last week, seemingly in retaliation for his partner having criticized the DNC as being insufficiently supportive of gay civil rights. I supported Dean's run for the chairmanship of the party. I'm not impressed with what Dean's been doing of late.
As an aside, I hope the Dean supporters can behave themselves like adults this time, rather than freepers, in the comments. Feel free to disagree, but there's no excuse for being rude.
Statement of Matt Foreman, Executive DirectorRead More......
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
"Governor Dean is wrong about what the Democratic platform says about marriage equality. Disturbingly, this is not the first time he has misrepresented this important and affirming plank, and he has been asked before to correct the record and to cease making these misleading statements.
"Governor Dean's record on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues since becoming DNC chair has been sorely and sadly lacking. The Democratic Party chair should stand by and fight for the party's own platform and values. In light of Governor Dean's pandering and insulting interview today with the Christian Broadcasting Network, we have decided to return the DNC's recent $5,000 contribution to us. We do so with great sadness, knowing that the Democratic Party has long been a champion of our rights. Once again, we urge the governor to accurately represent the party's commitment to equality for LGBT people and our families, and to do everything in his power as chair to realize this vision. This would include but not be limited to fighting anti-gay ballot initiatives in various states this November. We urge him to take the money we are returning today and spend it to defeat these attacks on LGBT people and our families."
Larry King asks Mary Cheney if she works on sports at AOL!
Apparently she's actually Ted Leonsis' chief of staff.
No, Larry, all lesbians don't work on sports. Read More......
No, Larry, all lesbians don't work on sports. Read More......
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Live-blogging Mary Cheney on Larry King, now
Every time she says "Go fuck yourself," I'm buying a round for everybody.
Ok, enough of this. It's a big Dick Cheney love fest. Give me a break. Her book is called "Now, it's my turn." That's pretty clearly a response to the controversy over her lesbianiasm. So what's the interview about on Larry King? How great dad is.
Why does Larry King even have a tv show anymore?
UPDATE: We're 30 minutes into the show and Mary Cheney has yet to call the Republicans to task for their hateful gay-baiting. She did however launch repeated attacks on John Edwards and John Kerry for their comments and positions on gay rights, but says nothing about the Bush administration's positions. Perfect example of a gay Republican closet case. Very sad.
UPDATE: Mary basically just defended the hateful anti-gay amendments in the states. When a caller rightfully asked what Mary and her father could do to stop these damn things, which are being used explicitly by the Republicans to get out the conservative vote, Mary responded that it was a disservice to the Ohio voters to ask about whether these state amendments and ballot initiatives affected the vote. God the woman is terrible. She's actually trying to downplay the anti-gay amendments. Read More......
Ok, enough of this. It's a big Dick Cheney love fest. Give me a break. Her book is called "Now, it's my turn." That's pretty clearly a response to the controversy over her lesbianiasm. So what's the interview about on Larry King? How great dad is.
Why does Larry King even have a tv show anymore?
UPDATE: We're 30 minutes into the show and Mary Cheney has yet to call the Republicans to task for their hateful gay-baiting. She did however launch repeated attacks on John Edwards and John Kerry for their comments and positions on gay rights, but says nothing about the Bush administration's positions. Perfect example of a gay Republican closet case. Very sad.
UPDATE: Mary basically just defended the hateful anti-gay amendments in the states. When a caller rightfully asked what Mary and her father could do to stop these damn things, which are being used explicitly by the Republicans to get out the conservative vote, Mary responded that it was a disservice to the Ohio voters to ask about whether these state amendments and ballot initiatives affected the vote. God the woman is terrible. She's actually trying to downplay the anti-gay amendments. Read More......
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So what's the consensus? Do we live blog the atrocity that will be Mary Cheney on Larry King in half an hour?
Let's face it, it's Larry King. It's going to be pretty disgusting. But still, it might be interesting to live-blog it and keep an eye on everything Mary says to catch her in her own twisted words. Thoughts?
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mary cheney
Jeb Bush says Katherine Harris can't win Senate race this fall
Jeb is trying to get Harris to back out before this Friday's deadline for Republican candidates to enter the primary. It will be interesting to see if Bush lapdop, and gay congressman, Mark Foley (R-FL) enters the race to take on Harris. Foley dropped out two years ago when his gay-ness became an issue.
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John Kerry tells Mary to go Cheney herself
Mary called Kerry a son of a bitch. Kerry's reply? Better than being the oh-so-willing daughter of a bigot.
Kerry spokesman David Wade: "Seems like a suspicious lecture from a political operative who flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history and allowed Karl Rove to divide America for political gain," Wade said. "She'd be more credible if she pushed dad's administration to support hate crimes legislation and equal rights for gay Americans."Read More......
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Does Mary Cheney think Ann Marie Hauser of the RNC is a son-of-a-bitch slime who should go fuck herself?
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Spokeswoman Ann Marie Hauser of the Republican National Committee issued this statement:Boston and San Francisco? I think a lot of the queens at the highest levels of the RNC and the White House and George Allen's office and Jim Inhofe's office and Elizabeth Dole's office and Wayne Allard's office and John Bolton's office, to say the least, would beg to differ with you painting Boston and San Francisco as the gayest cities in the land. Just open your door, Ann Marie, and take a walk down the hall. If you're really that hard up to bash a fag, just throw a stone.
"Senator Feingold's rhetoric continues to represent the interests of Howard Dean and, and completely rejects the most basic values of Wisconsin families. It is almost laughable that Feingold believes retreating from Iraq is a 'practical' strategy to win the war on terror. Wisconsin's junior senator appears to be trading the support of voters in Milwaukee and Green Bay for those in Boston and San Francisco."
As for Mary Cheney, it's time someone asked her if Ann Marie Hauser of the RNC is a son of a bitch, slime who should go fuck herself since she's using your sexual orientation for her own partisan politics? That is what Mary called John Kerry and Jon Edwards for supposedly using her sexual orientation for political gain. Or does someone have to pay Mary another million bucks before she holds Republicans to the same standards you hold Democrats?
Speaking of which, it's quite the irony,as we hinted before, that the Republican National Committee, of all places, is gay-baiting. If they had a liquor license, the RNC would be the biggest gay bar in Washington. But hey, I guess those right-wing Christians don't really care if the RNC laughs at them behind their backs. As long as the RNC pretends to be anti-gay in public, then embraces the queers (quite literally) in the hallways of the RNC and Congress (ahem, Senator Allen), the Republican party figures it can have its cake and it eat too.
Apropos of nothing, does Ken Mehlman have a girlfriend yet? Read More......
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mary cheney
Forget gas prices and the Iraq war, the US Senate is worried about a Spanish version of the National Anthem
Because, really, there is nothing more important for the US Senate to be worrying about these days:
The Senate approved a resolution late Monday evening stating that the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, the oath recited by immigrants when they are sworn in as citizens and other songs or statements symbolizing national unity should be spoken or sung in English.Yes, that's the GOP-led US Senate in action. Ignore real issues, but never miss an opportunity to pander to the base. Read More......
Great article on Colbert in the Chicago Sun-Times
This article goes far beyond defending Colbert. It's a message to the networks about their coverage, what it is, and what it should be. This is a must-read.
From the TV critic:
From the TV critic:
How's this for a newsworthy lead? It was perhaps the first time in Bush's tenure that the president was forced to sit and listen to any American cite the litany of criminal and corruption allegations that have piled up against his administration. And mouth-tense Bush and first lady Laura Bush fled as soon as possible afterward....Read More......
"I stand by" Bush, Colbert cracked, "because he stands for things. Not only for things, he stands on things. Things like aircraft carriers and rubble, and recently flooded city squares. And that sends a strong message that no matter what happens to America, she will always rebound with the most powerfully staged photo ops in the world."....
This is trouble for the media. It has been losing customers to bloggers and Web sites for years. This won't help. The media's implosion of silence could be one of the final reasons many liberals use to not turn on TV news. It's not like they feel a vested interest in the industry anyway, since it has been bought and parceled by conservatives....
Liberals find true solace on TV only in the fake news of Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" and "The Daily Show," a place where Jon Stewart merely has to show actual clips of Bush speaking, or Condi Rice, or Cheney, or Donald Rumsfeld to elicit laughter at their hubris. If NBC News let in audiences during its broadcasts, those people might also laugh at the president.
But the TV news corps, the unthinking and unblinking herd of pack journalists, prefer to laugh with the president, and kiss many viewers goodbye.
Mary Cheney calls John Kerry a "son of a bitch" for using gays for political gain, but not a word about George Bush or dear old dad doing the same
Welcome to Mary Cheney's million-dollar closet. It's still a bit stuffy in here as a lot of things haven't been totally cleared out.
For someone who has been "out" for a decade, Mary still shows major signs of just-coming-out syndrome. It's what Jeff Gannon is going through, and what many if not most gays go through (especially conservative ones) when they first come to terms with being gay. They start being publicly gay, sometimes say good things, but more often than not their internalized homophobia comes slipping out.
A newbie's coming out experience is usually indicated by one or more of the following utterances:
For someone who has been "out" for a decade, Mary still shows major signs of just-coming-out syndrome. It's what Jeff Gannon is going through, and what many if not most gays go through (especially conservative ones) when they first come to terms with being gay. They start being publicly gay, sometimes say good things, but more often than not their internalized homophobia comes slipping out.
A newbie's coming out experience is usually indicated by one or more of the following utterances:
- I'm not one of those "activists." (I.e., I don't do anything to defend my rights, so I belittle people who do in order to make myself feel better.)
- Sure I'm gay, but it's not all I am, I'm other things too. (I.e., I'm still a bit embarrassed about who I am and about the fact that I'm not an activist).
- Why can't gay people be more "normal," like me? (Normal means hiding out in the suburbs.)
- I'm not a single-issue voter. (I.e., I still vote Republican and the only issue I DON'T take account when voting is "me.")
- Republicans don't really hate gay people, they just "have" to vote the way they do for politics. (I.e., I still vote Republican.)
- Democrats, sure they vote FOR gay people, but they're not perfect either. (I.e., I know Republicans trash gays 90% of the time and the Dems help gays 90% of the time, but I still need to justify why I vote for a party that hates me.)
"What was offensive was that [Kerry] was obviously trying to use me and my sexual orientation for his own political gain."Of course, the reason Kerry and Edwards mentioned Mary's gayness is because George Bush decided to use gays as a, if not "the," political issue of the 2004 elections. How did Mary react to Bush using her sexual orientation for his own political gain?
In her interview with Diane Sawyer, Cheney said of Bush: "I think he's a very good man On these issues, he hasn't caught up."Now you have a much larger window into Mary's mind, and closet. In her own personal Stockholm Syndrome, the gay-bashers who started the fight are good people who just haven't "caught up" yet. The gay-defenders fighting back are "sons of bitches," "slime," and need to "go fuck" themselves" (see Mary's quotes below).
Cheney saves her harshest words for Bush's 2004 opponents, calling Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry a "son of a bitch'' and his running mate, John Edwards, a "total slime'' for discussing her sexual orientation during nationally televised debates during the campaign....Read More......
In her interview with Diane Sawyer, Cheney said of Bush: "I think he's a very good man. On these issues, he hasn't caught up.''
Cheney is less generous to Kerry and Edwards, who she accuses of "sleazy'' politics for mentioning she was gay during debates with Bush and her father.
"John Kerry didn't 'out me', nor did he offend or attack me by calling me a lesbian. It wasn't a secret that I was gay, and I certainly couldn't be offended by the truth,'' she writes. ``What was offensive was that he was obviously trying to use me and my sexual orientation for his own political gain.''
Sitting in the studio audience when Edwards mentioned her sexual orientation, Cheney said she looked at the vice-presidential candidate and mouthed the words"Go F*** Yourself'' a phrase her father had earlier employed against Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy.
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mary cheney
America nearly last among developed countries in terms of newborn baby survival rate
Thank God the Republican Congress is focusing on things that REALLY matter, like more tax cuts for the rich and taking a swipe at gays in the US Constitution. From CBS/AP.
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Former NSA director slams Bush over illegal domestic spying
This is what 31% gets you in the polls. Lots and lots of honesty.
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Now, it's an honor for McCain to speak at Falwell's college
John McCain is redefining political pandering:
McCain is a hard core right winger. He admits that. Now, he's a pandering, hypocritical hard core right winger. Read More......
Known for his maverick streak, McCain has been burnishing his conservative credentials in recent months as he readies a likely White House run. As part of that effort, he'll deliver the commencement address at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University on Saturday - an opportunity he described Tuesday as "an honor."What a hypocrite. Just a couple years ago, McCain said he wouldn't pander to them:
Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right.Now, it's "an honor" to appear with Jerry Falwell who in McCain's own words is "the outer reaches of American politics."
McCain is a hard core right winger. He admits that. Now, he's a pandering, hypocritical hard core right winger. Read More......
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Wednesday Morning Open Thread
Ugh. Just watched Condi on the Today Show. My synopsis: 1) She's sticking to the script on Iran (the same script from Iraq); 2) We're making "quiet progress" in Iraq. All us little people who think Bush is doing a terrible job in Iraq are watching too much TV. We can't see "quiet progress" on TV.
Rice is amazingly smug considering only 29% of Americans approve of the way Bush is handling Iraq while only 27% approve of the way he's handling foreign policy according to the latest NY Times/CBS News poll.
Anyway, what else is going on? Read More......
Rice is amazingly smug considering only 29% of Americans approve of the way Bush is handling Iraq while only 27% approve of the way he's handling foreign policy according to the latest NY Times/CBS News poll.
Anyway, what else is going on? Read More......
More trouble for Blair - Equality minister does not believe in equality
Another similarity to his good friend Bush: Blair's new Minister for Equality believes in discrimination. Blair, a very conservative Christian himself, has appointed Ruth Kelly to oversee issues of equality in the UK but Ms Kelly has a long track record of avoiding votes on the subject and will not give a public statement regarding equality. Why was she given this post and why is she still there? She has been given numerous opportunities to support equality yet each time, she dodges it. It's no wonder Labour approval ratings are near 30%.
The newly appointed government minister responsible for equality is facing controversy after she refused to say whether she believed homosexuality was a sin.Read More......
Ruth Kelly, the Secretary of State for Communities, a committed Catholic and member of the Opus Dei group, was embroiled in a renewed row over her religious beliefs yesterday. And critics attacked her new role as the Government's equality champion after it emerged she had missed a series of votes on equal rights since 1997.
Just watched the Bird Flu movie on ABC
In their scenario, America's competent (fictional) leaders were incapable of doing anything to stop an impending 300 million dead worldwide (give or take 1.5 million dead in the US alone) and the entire dissolution of the American economy and society as we know it.
In the real world, add Bush to the mix, and we're basically dead. Read More......
In the real world, add Bush to the mix, and we're basically dead. Read More......
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