October 20, 2010 08:30 PM
Open Thread
Because of this. Honestly, stand up comedians are going to dine out on Mrs. Thomas for a week.
Open thread below...
Because of this. Honestly, stand up comedians are going to dine out on Mrs. Thomas for a week.
Open thread below...
So little time.
What the hell was Mrs.Thomas doing -- drunk dialing??
that's my bet
just found out she's married to "That" Clarence Thomas..!!? So, she needs a public apology from Anita Hill to get straight with them.?
Aside from the fact that we are a screwed up nation, I could never see how anyone could watch and listen to Professor Hill's testimony in the Senate and not understand that there was no earthly reason for her to lie. For what? To ruin her reputation? Her career? Put up with public crap like this for her whole life??
It's Mrs. Clarence Thomas who needs to be doing the Very Public apologizing....and soon!
There have been articles on Slate and other sources lately suggesting that the wife of a Supreme really shouldn't be blurting and blathering about as she has been.
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
One possibility is that Mrs. Thomas' marriage is coming apart and she is so deep in denial about the real causes that she is reaching back almost 20 years to torment Ms Hill a third time.
the theory that she may have been still inebriated in the early morning hours...or perhaps, in conjunction with...your theory about a marriage in trouble just might make some sense of a nonsensical act.
Does Sarah Palin desecrate the American flag?
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the universe.
-- Albert Einstein
that she has no idea that what she did is considered a desecration.
"I really like it when he says: 'Booya'!"
Can it really be called desecration when a real American, true patriot is signing? I'd think that definition is for fake Americans only.
Ditto with NY cops who sodomize victims, ditto with those Bronx gang-bangers who did same to three guys they accused of being gay, so they kidnapped them tortured them then sodomized them...
Its a strange perception of people with a twisted world view, best summed up by that Big Bob scene from the movie 'Harold and Kumar escape from..'
Conservatism is truly a mental illness.
to do WHATEVER - after all IOKIYAR. If it was the other way around(Democrat signing it) - you BETTER BELIEVE that the WHOLE WORLD must be "outraged".
Did she call collect?
Vote Democratic - "We'll Fix Healthcare Later & We Might Let The Bush Tax Cuts Expire"
…our minds tend to run in parallel channels.
"Reminds me of back when Martha Mitchell, wife of Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell, used to get drunk and make strange phone calls to various reporters and such."
The difference is, Martha had inside information about the horrible goings-on and was trying to slip the information out. She ended up being heavily drugged. Didn't she die soon after?
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
and on a related note
'Gaslighting', what Washington and Wall Street does to the American public.
about just exactly what Mrs. Thomas meant by, "did with my husband".
Full quote:
Odd that she chose the word 'with', and not 'to'.
Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves.
~Zig Ziglar
always has.
If Anita Hill gave false legal testimony, then she should fess up and apologize. On the other hand, if Anita Hill told the truth then it was Clarence Thomas who lied under oath. How can we solve this discrepancy in this testimony under oath. A start might be that both take polygraph tests and lets check the results. Of course Anita Hill said she would take a polygraph 17 years ago, but Clarence declined to participate. HMMMM.
of events. He wouldn't. So you go on, hang out with the drunk dialing psycho and her lying sack husband. You won't be missed here. The Thomases owe her big time for bringing it up over and over and over again.
ought to party together and have a joint (vlog).
Baldwin comes out for gay marriage. Stewart needs more diversity. Appeals court temporarily halts DADT ruling. Cali voters flip-flop on legalizing marijuana while Canadians are worried about the state's views on a different kind of green legislation. Stroller recall. Chevron gets Yes Men'ed. Democracy in Iraq's the bomb, yo. I hate SUV drivers. Well, he did hire Harvey, after all...Sure you will, Mitch...
Of course Mitch will, after all his blue counterparts have been so welcoming and willing the reach across the aisle. Goose/Gander rules applied in full force as far as I'm concerned.
Baldwin comes out for gay marriage. Stewart needs to work on his guest line-up. Cali voters flip-flop on legalizing it, while Canadians fear what will happen if they don't go green on the environment. I hate SUV drivers. Appeals court halts DADT ruling. Well he did hire Harvey, so...Sure, you will, Mitch...
triggered the auto delete. I don't know which one it was, or why--but I unblocked it. It may happen from time to time.
Please quit reposting the same thing. If it kicked off the filter once, it will do it again.
... priceless
that CNN covers those stories not "to shine a light on them", but "to MANGLE them beyond recognition into a FALSE EQUIVALENCY PUKE" and then go back to their soap-opera-non-stories.
You noticed the same thing huh? They had a chance to come clean too. They may be too little objectivity, too late. I wonder how history will view CNN in this. Not too well i'm guessing at this point.
to CIN(Corporate Interest Network).
I've sent them many letters and have stopped watching most of it. I watch sometimes because I'm overseas and there isn't much English-language news. I prefer the BBC, which I do get.
And I do watch Larry King, when it isn't Anna Nicole Part XXV!!, because he has some OK guests (now and then), and I'm blogging here or cooking dinner. Tonight Jon Stewart was on. It was "fluff" but great pimping --free advertising-- for the big rally, so why not?
Has to be taken with a pinch of salt, they ARE subject to UK gov oversight.
If you live in Britain and soak up the BBC's output over time and compare to news reality, you will notice the memes and propaganda they promote.
... they don't have Morning Joe and Chris Matthews.
but then again half of the time CIN force feed him GARBAGE, makes him push propaganda mainly by carefully crafted questions and they write crap on his captions - no wonder he wants out.
Erica Hill was good reason to watch CIN, but just like Fox news people like her can't thrive in that kind of environment.
Banks check out of consumer perks. Dollar @ 15-year low against yen. Iran and Venezuela join the NWO. Soldier charged with killing two of his company. Dan Choi wants to be re-enlisted. The UK wants to be an even more invasive police state.
RECUSE themselves next time the subject of Openness is touched, because of those "SECRET meetings". Better yet they should RECUSE themselves all together.
they should be impeached.
That too.
Just bought John Stewarts' "Earth the Book" . Just started reading it , but so far so good.
Don't miss the "Rally to Restore Sanity" - October 30 [nine days from now!]
Enough with the cutesy "IZ" pics already...
OK, my pet peeve, which has been brewing within for a long time is, "the fact that", inserted everywhere. Anyone that owns a Strunk and White should check out the chapter on hackneyed and useless expressions. More times than not it can be neatly excised from your script, as unnecessary, to make a better read. Just try it if you don't believe me. And I feel a lot better now for saying that, so thanks for listening.
I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but it would make our writing more professional and flowing. You know, classier. I know we have at least one (retired?) English teacher and several owners of that brief manual for good writing.
I support the French striking not to be pushed around by Sarkozy. They send a clear message they're not going to be pushed around and forced into an American-style capitalist society.
They drum up endless wars to drain our treasuries (and give it to bankers and highly overpaid contractors) and then say they have to cut pensions and other social programmes, we all pay for, and which are a fraction of the defence, intelligence, and world policing budgets.
The French public still have left a modicum of self respect and some moral fibre.
I always hated it (when I lived in the UK) when British tabloids used to do the hate towards the French, they are our cousins (literally for the Brits). Britain and France have a long shared history of social interaction, the odd historic war (started by politicians) are nothing that concerns the general public except as history.
Ditto hate towards Germany and Japan as practiced by many today, its fine to hate the German nazis of Hitler's era (and Imperial Japan), but do not hate a modern country or people for past sins of a previous generation.
The English/French thing was also transplanted to Canada hundreds of years ago. It's just silly. They both think they're superior. Who cares it they eat frogs? :-)
SKIMMING from the other programs to pay for their BLOOD THIRSTY WARMONGERING and the CHEAPNESS of their MASTERS(the American KINGS aka billionaires and Corporate RATS) ...
... this must be the reason that we are supposed to vote them back into power.
How many calories from fat?
Diabolus est Deus Inversus
Finally a story worth reading!
I know you can't control them so much, thanks to Google word keys - but I swear if I log on and see Sean Hannity's fat-ass, smirky face again - - I may have to go away for awhile. Just thought I'd vent this morning ;)
Let me show you how the guards used to do it.
... it's not just here, by the same logic you gotta quit youtube too. It's not google, Republicans do it on purpose - reaching everywhere that there is politics.
Black panthers - not OK ... IOKIYAR
When they (BAGGERS) talk about bloated government civil service, do they count the number of contractors employed (contract workers and companies) in the Middle East? I didn't think so. Can't we thank BushCo for Blackwater, etc., and Homeland Security? How many additional salaries is Uncle Sam paying indirectly?
how a SINGLE hedge fund manager(from out of state) can bankroll entire state's campaign - to hell with us the little people.
Fair, what is that word fair - that word DON'T EXIST in this Country ANYMORE.
what rehab do you think she'll be admitted to in the next couple of weeks?
Two weeks ago I created a cartoon on my Far Left Side web site which featured Judge Sotomayor saying very unflattering things about Judge Thomas. You can see the cartoon here:
I follow the news and no one's said boo to a goose in years about the Anita Hill trial. Now, suddenly, Ms. Thomas is all up in arms about the pubic hair incident.
I'm taking the credit for this one.
You're welcome.
Bill Gates: Prop 23 Challenged With Donation Of $700,000 To Protect CA Climate Law
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