
Rand Paul AP/David Kohl

Tea party candidates vow to make a difference in Senate

Y! News Special Report – Tue Oct 19, 10:00 pm ET

By John Fritze USA TODAY LOUISVILLE — They defined the election. Now, they hope to redefine the Senate. Relying on an anti-Washington message of limited government and less spending, a growing number of tea party candidates are pulling even with … Full Story »

Federal officials haven't ruled out taking legal action if California voters approve a ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana use in the state, President Barack Obama's drug czar said Wednesday. Full Story »

Fall foliage lures visitors to New Hampshire, and this season nearly a dozen top Republicans have visited the state, not for the colorful leaves but to gauge support for possible 2012 presidential bids. Full Story »

The new GOP congressmen first posed in cowboy outfits. That looked silly so they switched to shirt sleeves and ties. "The Gang of Seven," reads the caption on their old, bold poster. "We're changing Congress. Join the fight." Full Story »


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