Ride Me

Jesse James Shuts Down West Coast Choppers

Jesse James' Southern California bike operation has officially hit the skids -- TMZ has confirmed the celebrity gearhead is shutting down the West Coast Choppers bike shop in Long Beach.

West Coast Choppers

Sources close to Jesse tell us ... James is living full-time in Texas and wants to focus on his shop out there.

WCC has been a staple in Long Beach since the early '90s. So far, no word on what Jesse plans to do with Cisco Burger - his burger joint located right next to the bike shop.

Tags: Jesse JamesRide MeSandra BullockCelebrity Justice

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Keep Austin Weird!


Probably was losing money.


Glad that piece of **** is leaving California.

Good riddance to you, Nazi-lover.



He's too proud to say nobody is buying his **** anymore.
Do you think any smart businessman with a brand name like WCC used to be would just up and sell it for the hell of it?

I'm sure he could have found a way to work around it if it was making money.

Nobody was buying **** from WCC anymore so he is going to "focus" on his hotrod shop in Texas.


no one wants to buy his tacky **** anymore anyway, why doesn't he leave Sandra alone though, seriously following her around with his garbage kat following him around, and the other walking dirty magazine, complete with graffiti..disgusting but so is he.Ha! What, texas choppers..no one wants him there stupid ass.


Doesn't that Tattooed D-Bag of his live in Californis Stay in Cali. Texas doesn't want a-holes like you in our state


Good hopefully now he can get away from the iron cross and go with the much more tasteful West Texas Choopers swastika design.


Cheaters do not prosper!


And Kat Von D dumped his homely butt too, lol. Karma, baby!


ugh Jesse


It makes sense financially and anyone who wants one of his bikes will buy it in Texas just as much as they'd buy it in Long Beach, he has a 1 year wait list for a bike and they cost around 200k each. He's not going to starve by any means. California is very expensive to operate in, with huge taxes for businesses and he's going to make far more profit in Texas. It's just sad so many people probably won't move and will be unemployed, he's got nearly 100 employees in various companies.


When someone dumps on a wife who has been a very pleasant public personality like Sandra Bullock, and throw her out over a tatooed carnival freik show. deserves to have his business fail.


Hey You can't blame anyone whos smart enough to recogize that Texas is a thousand times better than california!
I saw that years ago and left cali in my dust! and happy to do it too!


He will be back living with Cow Face by Valentines day.


And Kat Von D dumped his homely butt too, lol. Karma, baby!

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