Olbermann On DADT Ruling
Rep. Barney Frank joins Olbermann and Servicemembers United's Alex Nicholson, who was the plaintiff in the case.
Labels: Barney Frank, DADT, Keith Olbermann, military
Rep. Barney Frank joins Olbermann and Servicemembers United's Alex Nicholson, who was the plaintiff in the case.
Labels: Barney Frank, DADT, Keith Olbermann, military
"She's pulling an Angle!" Watch this. Hilarious.
Labels: 2010 elections, crazy people, Delaware, GOP, Keith Olbermann, masturbation, Senate, teabaggers
Labels: bestiality, Keith Olbermann, masturbation, New York state, Tea Party, teabaggers
Tonight Keith Olbermann laid out exactly how Ken Mehlman worked with the religious right in 2004 to get gay marriage on the ballot in eleven states. Dan Savage joins Olbermann to point out that Mehlman also said nothing when gay men were being murdered "with impunity" in Iraq after the Bush invasion.
Labels: Dan Savage, GOP, Keith Olbermann, Ken Mehlman, Quislings
And since the GOP filibustered the Disclose Act last week, we may often never know which corporations are behind these kinds of campaigns.
Labels: Keith Olbermann, Minnesota, retail, Target
Michael Musto: "Elton’s actually a pretty good gay and he’s done a lot for the causes, but this is kind of gross. I was waiting for the transformation where he was going to sprinkle fairy dust on Rush and he was either come out of the closet or be gay positive. That hasn’t happened, so Elton’s just a whore." I keep hoping for Elton to say the money is going to his AIDS foundation.
Labels: Elton John, Keith Olbermann, Michael Musto, Rush Limbaugh
Last night Olbermann and Savage talked about all those Hitler loving, soldier-raping, AIDS-carrying gays that the AFA and FRC have been warning you about. And then they get into John McCain's announced plan to filibuster the Senate vote and bring the entire repeal effort crashing down.
Labels: Bryan Fischer, DADT, Dan Savage, John McCain, Keith Olbermann
A new teabagger project is the repeal of the 17th Amendment. Because they think U.S. Senators should be appointed by state legislatures, not elected by popular vote. Power to the people! Oh, wait.
Labels: dumbassery, Keith Olbermann, Tea Party, teabaggers
And a national news show drags Bill McCollum into the story.
Labels: Keith Olbermann, Michael Musto, NARTH, prostitution, scandal
Rep. Alan Grayson is trying get the sanctions imposed on the Florida doctor who says he doesn't want to treat anybody who voted for Obama. The doctor is now a teabagger hero.
Labels: Alan Grayson, Florida, health care reform, Keith Olbermann, teabaggers
Dan Savage blasts back with some Bible verses of his own.
Labels: Dan Savage, Keith Olbermann, Lauren Ashley, marriage equality
Keith Olbermann recaps yesterday's crazies including Ryan Sorba's GOProud meltdown.
Labels: CPAC, Keith Olbermann, Ryan Sorba, Washington DC, wingnuts
In another one of his classic Special Comments, Keith Olbermann confronts the racism inherent in the Tea Party movement and basically begs them to rethink their ways. Required viewing.
Labels: Keith Olbermann, racism, Tea Party, teabaggers