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More Charges of Misconduct in Immigration Detention Centers

The Nation adds a new perspective to my story from earlier this week about Pedro Guzman, a man fighting against deportation charges in Stewart Detention Center near Atlanta. Jacqueline Stevens visited the Stewart Detention Center and tells of numerous abuses of justice in the immigration courts there, including by William Cassidy, the judge dealing with Guzman’s case. Cassidy and other judges ordered deportation for 83 percent of the detainees held in Stewart Detention Center during 2008, a higher rate than the 72 percent of detainees who were ordered deported nationwide.

Stevens, a Northwestern University political science professor, writes that she documented numerous examples of misconduct by Cassidy over an 18-month period, but claims the Executive Office of Immigration Review ignored her reports. What’s so bad about Cassidy? Quite a few things, according to the long history of complaints that have been made against the judge:

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Paterson Panel Considers Pardons for Legal Immigrants Facing Deportation

New York Gov. David Paterson’s (D) office is sifting through thousands of applications by detainees awaiting deportation who hope to be pardoned by the governor, hurrying to make pardon recommendations before Paterson’s term ends on Dec. 31, The New York Times reports. The pardon initiative only applies to legal permanent residents who face deportation because they have committed a misdemeanor or felony. Still, as the federal government doubles down on immigration enforcement, the pardon panel, appointed by Paterson, points out what the governor sees as a problem with the current system: its lack of discretion.

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Nebraska Senators Blast Clinton’s Pipeline Remarks

A number of lawmakers are up in arms this week over vague comments by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the controversial TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline, which is slated to run from Alberta, Canada, to Texas.

Clinton, speaking in San Fransisco earlier this week, suggested that the State Department, which is currently reviewing the massive pipeline project, would eventually approve it. But her comments were a bit unclear. The questioner asked about the Alberta Clipper pipeline, which has already been approved. But Clinton appeared to talk about the Keystone XL pipeline, which is still pending.

“So as I say, we’ve not yet signed off on it,” she said. “But we are inclined to do so.”

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NOM Continues to Lead the Battle Against State Campaign Finance Laws

Special interest groups of all stripes are taking advantage of the loosened limits on outside spending in this election cycle, but one group in particular still isn’t satisfied with the campaign finance landscape in the states, and it’s continuing to step up its challenges against them.

The National Organization for Marriage, the 501(c)(4) group which famously led efforts to pass propositions banning gay marriage in Maine and California, has been steadily challenging state laws governing campaign spending that it says are unconstitutional, especially in the wake of recent court decisions like Citizens United. Many state laws require all groups spending over $1,000 in state elections to register as political committees and disclose their donors, but NOM says its spending is primarily issues-based and therefore it shouldn’t be compelled to do so:

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Who’s the Biggest Outside Political Spender of Them All?

Critics of the media will allege that The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have both betrayed their slants today, publishing stories about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, respectively, each claiming its target to be this election cycle’s top outside spender.

The Times’ piece digs into corporate tax filings and finds that while the Chamber claims 300,000 members, nearly half of its $140 million in contributions in 2008 came from just 45 donors — and  many of those large donations coincided with lobbying or political campaigns that appeared to benefit those donors. Its accompanying graphic, which calls the Chamber “The Top Non-Party Spender,” says the Chamber has thus far spent over $21 million on this election cycle — more than any group save three of the traditional political party committees.

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Markey Raises Concerns About China Blocking Rare Earth Mineral Shimpments to U.S.

Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, sent a letter to key Obama administration officials today asking for more information about reports that China is blocking shipments of rare earth minerals to the United States.

The letter is addressed to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk.

Markey asks whether the administration has determined whether China is in fact blocking rare earth mineral exports to the United States (China has denied the reports) and what implications a a shortage of the minerals would have on national security and clean energy technology. Rare earth minerals are used in key military communications and smart bomb technology as well as in wind turbines and hybrid vehicles.

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Calculating the Impact of the Oil Spill on Wildlife

On a conference call today on the Obama administration’s efforts to determine the extent of natural resources damages from the oil spill, an Interior Department official gave reporters a sense of the impact of the spill on wildlife.

Of the 8,000 oiled birds found by the government in the aftermath of the spill, just 2,000 were alive, and 1,300 of those have been released back into the wild. Of the 1,100 sea turtles found covered in oil, 535 were found alive, and 360 have been released back into the wild.

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Voting Booths

Bucking Anti-Immigrant Trend, Some Communities Push for Non-Citizen Voting

Advocates Argue Legal Taxpaying Residents Should Have the Vote

In Portland, Maine, San Francisco and New York, measures under consideration would allow non-citizen immigrants to vote in local elections.

Top stories

Prospective GOP Congressmen Outline Creative, If Limited, Plans to Cut Spending

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Interviews with Republican House candidates likely to win their elections next month reveal a wide array of ideas, but few specifics or substantial cuts.

Redefining Birthright Citizenship, One State at a Time

May Day March and Protest, 2010

“If that bill passes, we will be sued immediately. That’s the purpose of the bill,” said Texas state Rep. Leo Berman. “The ACLU, La Raza, the Justice Department — someone will sue us for the bill.”

‘Under Review’ and in Limbo

Oil Spill Causes Boat Ramp Closures

For more than seven weeks, Jeannie Mathis has been waiting for a check from the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. And for seven weeks, her claim has been “under review.”

A Year After Review, Immigrant Detainees Still Treated Like Prisoners

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Pedro Guzman complains of inedible food and taunting guards at the Georgia facility where he’s being detained. His case is not unique.

With Voting Rights Groups Reeling, New Registrations Decline

Florida News - October 28, 2008

In Florida, 26.7 percent fewer new voters have registered this year than in 2006, along with 21.4 percent fewer in Maryland and 16.9 percent fewer in Tennessee.

Too Big to Fail Rears Its Head Again


The scandal threatens to bring the housing market to a standstill and wipe out banks’ bottom lines, possibly necessitating another bailout.

In Clean Energy Race With China, Both Countries Come Out Ahead

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Politicians tend to portray the clean energy movement as a zero-sum game, but advances in China can boost the American economy.

Administration Lifts Deepwater Drilling Moratorium


The Obama administration announced today that it is lifting the moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico that was imposed in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.

The Secret World of ALEC’s Hacks

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The powerful conservative nonprofit brought together state legislators and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to craft model legislation that has gained considerable momentum.

Ohio, Hit Hard by Foreclosure, Now at Epicenter of Fraud Crisis

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Attorney General Richard Cordray has filed a suit against GMAC Mortgage. “There is evidence that this company has illegally ousted people from their private property,” he told TWI.

In Last Big Jobs Report Before Midterms, Unemployment Rate Holds at 9.6 Percent


Though the private sector added 64,000 workers in August, 77,000 census jobs and 76,000 local government jobs were lost.

Undeterred by Government Reversal, Communities Keep Up Fight to Opt Out of Immigration Program

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Several cities that planned to opt out of Secure Communities, an initiative that leads to illegal immigrant deportations, were surprised when federal officials announced the program was mandatory. But local officials aren’t about to give up.

A Right-Wing Candidate Dons the Mask of Moderation


Judging purely by his policy positions, Toomey is well to the right of the average Pennsylvania voter — but throughout his career, he’s thrived on a personality that’s reasonable, upright, and, at times, downright boring.

Reports Show White House Mishandled Oil Spill Response


Four reports released today by the national oil spill commission detail mistakes made by the White House in the chaotic aftermath of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

No Stranger to Thankless Tasks, Oil Spill Compensation Chief Admits Mistakes and Confronts New Hurdles

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In an interview with TWI, Feinberg admits that some of the confusion and anger surrounding the payments to victims of the spill is “my fault” but pledges changes to streamline the process.

Financial Reform in Peril

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Lawmakers, bankers and experts say some problems that brought down the financial system have yet to be solved.

Red to Blue: Sowers Tries to Oust Republican in Rural Missouri District

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“I’m not trying to run this campaign, frankly, as an old guy. I’m running it as I am, which is as a 34-year-old, tobacco-using Green Beret straight out of the military who’s not the most finely polished stone out there, but who is sincere in his desire to fight for his home,” Tommy Sowers says.
