Harry Reid, superhero
1 minute ago
Helen Thomas: Served 57 years as a correspondent for UPI and as White House bureau chief.Yeah, I can see how the far-right keeps getting the two of them confused.
James D Guckert: Worked as a car repairman, as a $200/hour and $1200/weekend high-priced whore, then attended a $50 two-day course in right-wing journalism and waltzed in to the White House, then claims he gets inside information on CIA scandals, the war, the Dan Rather scandal, and the Senate minority leader. Is America a great country or what?
"Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman, warned today that federal budget deficits are "unsustainable" and urged Congress to consider both spending cuts and tax increases as possible solutions.Of course, then he insisted his preference was for spending cuts and not tax increases. Sure, irresponsible tax cuts that are weighted heavily towards the radically rich and do nothing to give a jolt to the economy must be sacrosanct, while programs like HeadStart and health care for veterans should be slashed to pieces. How about deciding whether a particular recent, poorly thought out tax break for the super-wealthy was actually a good idea before slaughtering highway programs, education and Social Security? Read More......
In his gloomiest assessment yet about the government's budget outlook, Mr. Greenspan warned that annual shortfalls were "unlikely to improve substantially in the coming years unless major deficit-reducing actions are taken."
Fox News Channel talk-show host Bill O'Reilly used his "talking points" feature on Monday night (Feb. 28) to once again misreport the SpongeBob SquarePants issue, criticizing conservative "culture warriors" for allegedly saying that the popular children's cartoon character is gay.And feel free to contact O'Reilly and thank him for taking on people like Dobson.
"SpongeBob is a sponge. He's not cruising the bars in West Hollywood," O'Reilly said. "Culture warriors on both sides have got to get a grip. There's danger in fanatical policy. But paranoia makes a danger harder to illuminate. You won't be taken seriously if you cry wolf too often."
His comments are a thinly veiled swipe at Focus on the Family® based upon comments that have been widely misquoted in the media questioning the use of SpongeBob and other beloved children's characters in a "tolerance" video produced by a group with a history of advocating for pro-gay causes. Although O'Reilly's staff has been informed in writing that the "SpongeBob" controversy is based solely on media spin, the "No Spin Zone" can't seem to get its facts straight.
Reward: $20,000 for Jeff Gannon Sex EvidenceRead More......
The reward for information on Jeff Gannon's sex life here in Washington, D.C., has increased to $20,000.
We are looking for evidence (photos, phone pictures, locks of hair, DNA on a suit) that Jeff Gannon had any sexual -- or romantic -- relationship with any top-ranking Washington officials.
- Read the original reward post here
- Send tips to: gannoninvestigation@kellyanncollins.com
- See the Jeff Gannon Archive
We started planning last week while President Bush was in Europe, enlisting the help of MediaBistro's editor-in-chief and talking with several White House correspondents about how the process for admittance should (in theory) work. According to everyone with whom we talked, MediaBistro, Fishbowl D.C.'s parent, should meet the criteria for a day pass to cover the White House: It is (a) independent and nonpartisan, (b) regularly published, and (c) primarily supported by subscribers or advertising....Read More......
We had been told that the more time you give the Press Office to get clearance, the easier it is, so we started yesterday laying the groundwork. We called four times seeking admittance. After the first call to the Press Office, we spent the rest of the afternoon dealing with the Media Affairs Office. (By way of explanation, the Press Office handles the regular White House press corps, and Media Affairs handles internet and local press.)
We first spoke with a very perky intern whose name we didn't catch but who helpfully took down our name, publication, Social Security Number and date of birth. She promised a spokesperson would return the call promptly. Three more calls to the Media Affairs office over the course of the day, up until 6:10 p.m. last night, yielded nothing. Each time we explained what publication we represented and that we wanted to cover the morning gaggle. John, Jenny, and Caroline--the three equally helpful and perky interns with whom we spoke--all promised a call back from an unnamed spokesperson. They said they weren't allowed to give out his name. Finally during the last call last night, we begged to speak with anyone who wasn't an intern. Unfortunately for us, Caroline said, "everyone is in a meeting." ....
Today we decided to try the more direct approach and just show up.
We put on a tie and suit, and with a reporter's notebook in hand, we looked very much the part of a real journalist. At 8:33 a.m. this morning, we showed up at the north gate on Pennsylvania Avenue, where the press enter every morning. (We confirmed today with James "Jeff Gannon" Guckert that this was the same gate he used every morning to enter.) After explaining to the uniformed Secret Service agent at the gate that we were there to cover the morning gaggle, we got buzzed up to the guard house. After presenting a driver's license, we waited while the officer checked against the people cleared for the day. Perhaps not surprisingly, Media Affairs hadn't put our name on the list.
The officer had us call the Press Office from a nearby phone and once again give them our personal information: Name, publication, SSN, DOB. The intern answering the phone promised that as soon as the woman who dealt with clearances showed up, they'd get back to us.
Meanwhile, we leaned on the fence outside the guard house and read John Steinbeck's "Travels with Charley: In Search of America." A steady trickle of reporters passed by, and we spent several minutes chatting with an old friend, AP's Nedra Pickler, as she went in for the day. After about twenty minutes, another officer came out of the guard house and explained that he had just talked with the Press Office: Fishbowl D.C. had officially been denied access for the day. No further reason. He presented us with the Media Affairs phone number scribbled on a napkin. We thanked him and departed.
Questions Posed To James D. Guckert by ePluribus Media volunteersRead More......
1. Is James D. Guckert your real name or is it, like “Jeff Gannon,” another pseudonym? Have you used other pseudonyms in any of your other business ventures?
2. Were you paid for any of your work for Talon News or GOPUSA? If so, who paid you?
3. How did you begin your association with Bobby Eberle or GOPUSA? Did anyone contact you, or did you volunteer?
4. Have you ever been associated with GOPUSA in any capacity other than as a reporter?
5. In what capacity did you entertain Tony Blair during his visit on July 17, 2003?
6. How did you learn about GOPUSA.com?
7. At one point, you claimed you saw Talon News, liked it and began submitting articles to them. However, Talon News didn't exist until after you were put in the White House by GOPUSA. Do you wish to clarify this contradiction?
8. You claim in your bio that you served in the military. Which branch? Where and when did you serve? Have you worked for the government in any other capacity?
9. Have you ever been a member of a GOP activist group? If so, which one(s)?
10. Were you politically active as a college student or young adult?
11. When did you attend the Leadership Institute's Seminar for Broadcast Journalists?
12. The minutes of the Standing Committee of Correspondents, which accredits journalists to the Senate Press Gallery, makes reference to the fact that you are or were the Executive Director of the "Free Speech Foundation." Registration information for the Free Speech Foundation's web site reveals that the domain is owned by one "J. Daniels," though that information was later changed to list the owner as "I. Christian." Given that your close involvement with the Foundation was something you had no reason to hide from the Standing Committee, why did you use a pseudonym to register the domain name, since "Jeff Gannon," the name by which you were best-known and which would have generated the most positive publicity for the Foundation among your readers and listeners, was itself a pseudonym, thus protecting whatever privacy you used to enjoy?
13. Given the limited number of publications you had been affiliated with (and both publications boast a decidedly conservative slant), coupled with your fairly unknown status among the press corps, how did you arrange the interview with former Ambassador Wilson?
14. As a novice reporter, how did you learn the procedure for obtaining a day pass to the White House?
15. When did you first apply for a hard pass with the White House Press Corps? Did you apply for it or was it arranged through Bobby Eberle/GOPUSA.com?
16. When did you first apply for a daily pass with the White House Press Corps? Did you apply for it or was it arranged through Bobby Eberle/GOPUSA.com?
17. Did any members of the press question you on how it was that you were showing up regularly, but on a day pass rather than on a permanent pass?
18. You posted on an online discussion group that you have been subpoenaed to testify in the Valerie Plame case. In the same online discussion, you posted that you had seen the memo regarding Valerie Plame. Recently, however, you have suggested that you found out about this matter through the WSJ and that you were interviewed but not subpoenaed regarding the Plame case. Why have your recent responses not been consistent with your past statements? What is the truth?
19. Did anyone in the administration ever give you advanced information on any subject? Did they show you with a copy of the CIA Plame document?
20. Have you ever met Karl Rove? When? Where? How many times?
21. How did you come to find out about the Mary Mapes scoop with respect to the CBS/TANG documents?
22. What other parts of the White House have you seen or been in, other than the White House press briefing room? Who was your host on these occasions and what were the purposes of these visits?
23. Have you ever been to the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas and, if so, on what occasion and for what purpose?
24. You've used fabricated quotes, reprinted press releases and extensively cribbed from writers for other news publications such as the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan, Arcspace.com, and Newsquest, all beneath your own byline. Did your training in journalism include any coursework on ethics?
25. Legitimate journalists subscribe to a code of ethics, what do you think about those who violate or ignore that code?
26. Do you think working journalists should take money from anyone other than the professional news organization or publication that employs them for pieces they write? Did you?
27. Which falsehoods have been spread about you that you would like to dispell right now? For example, will you go on record saying that you were not running an escort service? We feel that this is relevant because of your past articles accusing others of behavior that you now consider "private, personal" information.
28. Since you've begun your own blog, do you think of yourself as a "blogger" or a "journalist"? Do you think of yourself as a "professional?" Since most people accept that a professional is someone who earns his living functioning in a known career field, how are you earning your living as a professional? Could you characterize how much monetary income constitutes “a living” in your opinion?
Two top U.S. Republican lawmakers on Tuesday said they want to apply broadcast decency standards to cable television and satellite television and radio to protect children from explicit content.Well, Ted, it is censorship. Remember, they are now talking about regulating the services for which you pay, not the so-called free airwaves of broadcast t.v. "Masturbation and sex toys" freak out Ted Stevens. Get a life.
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens said he would push legislation this year to accomplish that goal and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton said he would back it if it does not violate free speech rights.
"Cable is a much greater violator in the indecency area," Stevens, from Alaska, told the National Association of Broadcasters, which represents hundreds of local television and radio affiliates. "I think we have the same power to deal with cable as over-the-air" broadcasters.
"There has to be some standard of decency," he said, but noted that "no one wants censorship."
Stevens cited the discussion of masturbation and sex toys during prime time television as one example of content that bothered him. He told reporters he would extend the restrictions to premium channels like HBO as well.
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