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Going Beck: O'Reilly adopts conspiracy theory that Soros is "pulling the strings" to have Williams fired

October 21, 2010 8:37 pm ET

From the October 21 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

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Beck's theory: Media Matters and Soros conspired to deny Juan Williams his First Amendment rights

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    • Author by einreb (October 21, 2010 8:39 pm ET)
      See y'all at the Betty Ford Clinic.
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    • Author by Nihilist (October 21, 2010 8:41 pm ET)
      when the whole gang of GOP ops goes nuts at the same time, MMA & NPR have done a good job.... keep it up, i love to see them hyperventilate... and it keeps them off their talking points loop they run all day...........

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    • Author by bintx (October 21, 2010 8:41 pm ET)
      This is pure bull. O'Reilly knows it and so does Juan Williams. These people are disgusting.
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      • Author by leftofwhat (October 21, 2010 8:44 pm ET)
        Looks like Fox may become the George Soros biography channel.It is sad they don't see themselves shooting themselves in the foot
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      • Author by Brian Griffith (October 21, 2010 8:45 pm ET)
        There's actually a pretty fascinating model at work here. You can trace how a crazy idea spreads through the right in a pretty organic way, like a contaminant spreading through a water supply. Beck harps on something, and it gains a little traction with his audience. Then Limbaugh picks it up, and it spreads a bit more.

        O'Reilly is sort of the end of the cycle. Fox sets him up as somewhat of a foil to Beck, so once he adopts a Beck idea, you can tell that it's reached maximum saturation.
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      • Author by dogbreath (October 21, 2010 9:09 pm ET)
        How long before Williams is working at FOX? 3, 2, 1. . .
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        • Author by bintx (October 21, 2010 9:11 pm ET)
          He already is. They signed him up today and gave him a two million dollar contract.
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          • Author by dogbreath (October 21, 2010 9:17 pm ET)
            Read about that immediately after my stupid post. Honestly, the best way to make money in this country nowadays is to be stupid, fired or involved in some sexual scandal.
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            • Author by John Paradox (October 22, 2010 10:04 am ET)
              I can fake the first, and am looking to get involved in the third...
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          • Author by my4cents (October 21, 2010 9:53 pm ET)
            If Juan williams is what he portrays himself as, he should not take up the offer.
            He should reflect on how he allowed himself to turn into a Fox News character. Sure, I can understand what he said about being on a plane, but it was wrong of him to say it on public airwaves, that too on a muslim bashing channel. And he should have known that OReilly was expecting to have his own muslim bashing defended.
            I believe Mr. Williams is a decent guy but being on non partisan and an uber partisan companies at the same time takes its toll.
            He has only himself to decide on what his next step is. He can take the money and turn into another Morris or 'democrat expert' or, come clean.
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            • Author by my4cents (October 21, 2010 10:07 pm ET)
              A little correction. If I got on a plane and saw a bunch of strange religious looking people, I would have the same feeling, regardless of the group's appearance.
              It's not like 911 killers were dressed in burqas.
              Williams' statement was irrational.
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            • Author by my4cents (October 21, 2010 10:22 pm ET)
              A little correction. If I got on a plane and saw a bunch of strange religious looking people, I would have the same feeling, regardless of the group's appearance.
              It's not like 911 killers were dressed in burqas.
              Williams' statement was irrational.
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            • Author by lizard77 (October 22, 2010 8:57 am ET)
              That's funny NPR non-partisan ??? haha. Keeping drinking up
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          • Author by fairliberal (October 21, 2010 10:12 pm ET)
            Actually he has been for quite some time now, he started with Fox in 1997. They didn't sign him up today as you claim, they extended his contract and expanded his role with the station. So far you are wrong on everything I have seen you post tonight. Par for the course.
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            • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:18 pm ET)
              Did my4cents say that FOX signed him up today? No, per usual, your reading comprension sucks.
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            • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:24 pm ET)
              I see your response was to bintx, I apologize for that, but

              will you apologize to her? They did offer him a new contract.
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            • Author by my4cents (October 21, 2010 10:27 pm ET)
              Was he offered a new contract 'today' or no?
              If he was, why? Murdoch standing up for free speech?
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            • Author by bintx (October 22, 2010 9:31 am ET)
              No, I'm not wrong. Fox offered Williams a new contract today with an expanded role and with more money. Prior to today, he was simply a part time "contributor." In other words, they SIGNED HIM UP TODAY.

              Not wrong, fairliberal. Wow, you really do have a very limited ability to discern content, don't you?
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    • Author by David2010 (October 21, 2010 8:43 pm ET)
      You're a tool, Juan.

      Maybe you should try being a journalist, a professional journalist, instead of a shill for what is essentially a propaganda operation.

      Who's kidding whom here, anyway?
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    • Author by samurai99 (October 21, 2010 8:45 pm ET)
      Go ahead fox, keep obsessing over Williams.

      That will just leave you less time to campaign for Republicans before the midterms.

      Dance, puppets, dance!

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      • Author by Quicksilver M.S (October 21, 2010 8:50 pm ET)

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        • Author by samurai99 (October 21, 2010 9:07 pm ET)
          Thank you, Quicksilver, you're to kind.

          By the way, I think I figured out why Fox is going so crazy over this. I think they want to prove their not racist by defending him.
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    • Author by Nihilist (October 21, 2010 8:55 pm ET)
      1 1
      when the whole gang of GOP ops goes nuts at the same time, MMA & NPR have done a good job.... keep it up, i love to see them hyperventilate... and it keeps them off their talking points loop they run all day...........

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      • Author by boulderhippy (October 21, 2010 10:20 pm ET)
        1 5
        You call firing a man for no reason except to shut him up, a good thing. How heartless are you. Keep up the lie. Remember you could be next. Watch your back, It is getting easier for the libs to throw their own under the bus.
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        • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:26 pm ET)
          2 1
          He was fired for bringing a negative image to his employer. Juan Williams wasn't silenced in any way. BTW, you throw that lib label around very liberally. Juan Williams might be to the left on some issues, but on many he is on the right.
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          • Author by boulderhippy (October 21, 2010 10:38 pm ET)
            1 4
            Juan Williams might be to the left on some issues, but on many he is on the right.

            That is the reason he got fired. He has his own mind and the extreme left cannot have that.

            He was fired for getting on the wrong side of Soros.
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            • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:42 pm ET)
              2 1
              He got fired because he said something his employer didn't like. Too bad you wingnuts spent so much energy in union busting because he might have had a valid grievance. He was fired for getting on the wrong side of his employer.
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              • Author by boulderhippy (October 21, 2010 10:55 pm ET)
                1 5
                Excuses, excuses. You can look for any reason to fire someone and feign outrage about what he said. He was fired because the thought police couldn't keep him in check. He became dangerous to them.
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                • Author by seahawks123 (October 21, 2010 11:18 pm ET)
                  He was fired because he was not supposed to take controversial stands. He knew this. The free market worked.
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        • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:27 pm ET)
          He was fired for bringing a negative image to his employer. Juan Williams wasn't silenced in any way. BTW, you throw that lib label around very liberally. Juan Williams might be to the left on some issues, but on many he is on the right.
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        • Author by raddave43 (October 21, 2010 10:42 pm ET)
          He was fired for bringing a negative image to his employer. Juan Williams wasn't silenced in any way. BTW, you throw that lib label around very liberally. Juan Williams might be to the left on some issues, but on many he is on the right.
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        • Author by bintx (October 22, 2010 9:33 am ET)
          He got fired because he violated NPR employment guidelines. Guidelines which he had violated before and which he had been warned about. This has nothing to do with politics, BH. It has nothing to do with the First Amendment. It has to do with an employee violating his employer's RULES. He got fired for it.
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    • Author by blk-in-alabam (October 21, 2010 8:58 pm ET)
      1 1
      If you want to talk conspiracy.......Juan Williams got fired to give him some foc cred.Bill O'Reilly set it up by going on about Juan WIlliame working for NPR,after both had been instructed to do so...Fox news offered Juan Williams a $2 million contract,and his own show ...To take whose place on fox news.........Beck...Beck...Beck...Beck....Beck.....Beck.....
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    • Author by thaneb (October 21, 2010 9:06 pm ET)
      If I were a conspiracy theorist I would put together several events of late (Williams on notice; Fox yearning for credibility; O'Reilly eliciting the response; Predictable noise about Williams' predictable termination; $3M contract for Williams) to posit instead that NPR was set up by Fox. But I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
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    • Author by thaneb (October 21, 2010 9:19 pm ET)
      If I were a conspiracy theorist I would put together several events of late (Williams on notice; Fox yearning for credibility; O'Reilly eliciting the response; Predictable noise about Williams' predictable termination; $3M contract for Williams) to posit instead that NPR was set up by Fox. But I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
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    • Author by Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? (October 21, 2010 9:32 pm ET)
      So what IF Soros did pull the strings? The tacit premise is that that would be a bad thing. If it would be bad, then why would it be bad? We're social animals and conspire by nature. Are they saying they are above it all? Elitist hypocrisy.
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    • Author by spacegod (October 21, 2010 9:39 pm ET)
      Ugh. Spineless Juan finally gets mad when it gets personal.
      But my main beef today is this: hey MMTV--why must you always cut the video off PRECISELY at the best part? This is the latest in hundreds of trauma dramas that are unceremoniously chopped off at the exact moment a seemingly portentous point is about to be made. I know it's not Fair Use issues; your clips are too brief.
      Maybe TOO brief.
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    • Author by Treulos (October 21, 2010 10:25 pm ET)
      I take back every positive comment I've ever made about Juan Williams. I used to think he had at least 2 bits of sense about him. He's just a bitter and angry whack job.

      What a f***ing sellout.
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    • Author by MediaMattersLiberalLies (October 21, 2010 11:11 pm ET)
      If Williams had said that every time he attended a Tea Party rally he felt afraid, you people cheering the vilification of a person who merely told the truth about his irrational, unresonable fears, would be calling him a hero. Hypocrites.

      Let's see -- I'm not on board with the majority of users here or towing the liberal party line. I wonder how long my account will last before I'm silenced by those who are tolerant of everything but a difference of opinion?

      Keep in mind, folks, that I am being polite and merely expressing a different point of view. Let's see how long before my account is squashed like an unwelcome insect.

      Yeah, liberal. A word that generally means open to new ideas. Except in America in 2010, when it means get on the bus or be run over by it.

      Nice, really nice.
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    • Author by LIBERTY OR DEATH (October 21, 2010 11:21 pm ET)
      1 2
      What kind of people fire someone without taking time to learn their side of the story Williams placed himself in jeopardy when he jumped off the Obama can do no wrong bandwagon.
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      • Author by Johaely (October 21, 2010 11:57 pm ET)
        No, he placed himself in Jeopardy when he said that bigoted statement.
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      • Author by soze169880 (October 22, 2010 1:17 am ET)
        The comment Williams was fired for had nothing to do with Obama. Try to keep up.
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      • Author by bintx (October 22, 2010 9:35 am ET)
        Actually, no. He put himself in jeopardy when he ignored previous warnings from his employer regarding controversial statements made on air at his second job. He had been warned by his employer, he ignored the warnings, and he got fired.

        What's the matter? Don't you support an employer's right to fire an employee who is violating the conditions of their employment? How very faux conservative of you. Sounds to me like you're not a conservative, you're just a Fox groupie.
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    • Author by LIBERTY OR DEATH (October 21, 2010 11:21 pm ET)
      1 2
      What kind of people fire someone without taking time to learn their side of the story Williams placed himself in jeopardy when he jumped off the Obama can do no wrong bandwagon.
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      • Author by eweston8542983 (October 21, 2010 11:57 pm ET)
        Another article on site today says he did have his opportunity. He stood by his words.
        You are a believable person because?
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    • Author by lizard77 (October 22, 2010 8:49 am ET)
      It's a conspiracy theory when a liberal advocacy group like NPR gets caught redhanded ??? oh ya Ignore the man in the booth next to the stage.
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    • Author by lizard77 (October 22, 2010 8:49 am ET)
      It's a conspiracy theory when a liberal advocacy group like NPR gets caught redhanded ??? oh ya Ignore the man in the booth next to the stage.
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    • Author by EmacsRazor (October 22, 2010 9:52 am ET)
      How's that 2 million dollar FOX contract working out for ya, Juan??
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