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US Skins Responds To Haters With Promotional Campaign!

Filed under: TV News


Ha! Guess we weren't alone in our opinion!

Check out (above) this relatively clever promotional campaign for the US remake of the UK series Skins - featuring comments from the original's fans about how cheap a knock-off this version will be!

It's clever of them to take backlash and use it as a means to attract viewers, but we don't think it will make the show any more watchable!

What do U think?? Will U watch the new Skins??

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Skins Promotional CampaignSkins Promotional CampaignSkins Promotional CampaignSkins Promotional CampaignSkins Promotional Campaign

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40 comments to “US Skins Responds To Haters With Promotional Campaign!”  (RSS feed

  1. 1

    lol I am gonna watch it…

  2. 2

    Oh please…like most Americans even know about this stupid show…..

  3. 3

    i have zero interest in a remake of a british show anyway….zzzzzz

  4. 4

    Looks horrible, like Mario's physique.

  5. 5

    Yeah, my thought is I could have lived a lifetime without seeing some dork kid with a hard on.

  6. 6

    OMG SMEXI i am 16 so lol

  7. 7

    what a waste of money…I don't care about the whole us/uk rival thingy with this show…the show just looks plain stupid no matter what country it is in

  8. 8

    Definitely watching

  9. 9

    I'm American and hae seen the UK version of Skins. Of course you wouldn't know what you're missing out on because you haven't seen the original version. Let me just say that you're definitely getting a cheap knockoff. I'll just continue watching the UK version….

  10. 10

    I cant believe mtv is remaking this show…leave the clever witty tv to the brits even if they are going word for word from the original Skins..

  11. 11

    I'm soooo excited! Def going to watch

  12. 12

    The American version is going to SUCK. I'm American but I'm a huge fan of the British skins. And what's with the girl who plays Cassie? She's awful. Ughh.

  13. Tmack says – reply to this


    It will be controversial here in the US which will bring in viewers. I know it will never be as good as the UK one, but I'm actually kind of stoked it's coming here.

  14. 14

    the us version looks just awful. the actors are no where near as interesting as the british cast.

  15. 15

    They need to just show the original Skins - it was so good!! Why Americanize it? It looks like it's going to be EXACTLY the same anyway

  16. 16

    American here, and AMERICAN media need to stop REmaking knock-offs of UK shows. The reason those shows do so well in the UK is because their edgy by the time the show arrives in the States and gets a remake its lost its edge in translation. I mean for fucksake, they are speaking in English. Understanding UK english isnt that difficult at all if you concentrate.

  17. 17

    Im American, and this version looks horrible! The UK version is really good, and without a doubt the US version will be worse. I don't plan on watching it

  18. 18

    I hate that mtv is remaking Skins. I'm American and I would take the UK version anyday.

  19. 19

    First, America ruins our language, then they ruin our Skins?

  20. 20

    Don't think this will make it on the regular networks….cable like Showtme or HBO….maybe.

  21. 21

    The network must have consulted Sanjay at Froghammer for this brilliant, yet unoriginal advertising campaign. But, it is good to know someone is still watching Slings and Arrows!

  22. 22

    Im sooo not interested in watching it, loved the UK version, but Im just not feeling this one. FAIL

  23. 23

    never seen the UK version so i have nothing to compare it too, so i'll watch

  24. 24

    Re: Harliqueen – OMG I totally agree with you, Skins sucks, and this one will suck as much as the UK one

  25. 25

    give me a fucking break.. most Americans have never even heard of this shitty lame british show! please stop sending british trash over here to the US to be remade.

  26. 26

    wow what a tiny boner!!

  27. 27


    "Understanding UK english isnt that difficult at all if you concentrate."

    Looooooooool! That is so ridiculous! You have to CONERNTRATE to understand proper English? Fucking retards, the lot of you.

  28. 28

    that pic is digusting

  29. 29

    Re: gimpus maximus! – LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
    The same could be said about you.
    God, people are so ignorant these days.

  30. 30

    the only sad thing is there gonna have to tone it down way more. guess in the uk you can say fuck and cock on regular tv why cant the US be like this!?

  31. 31

    i thought only asians made cheap imitations.

  32. 32

    Re: FletcherSorry but most of the people I know have seen skins and love it. Just because some Americans do not watch shows from other countries does not mean all Americans don't, I think your comment that MOST don't is ridiculous and ignorant.
    Re: gimpus maximus! – wow, you are looking quite stupid here because that comment was an obvious joke, hahaha

    This will basically be a Degrassi rip-off once it's toned down. The only show that I agreed with a remake was the office, no one in the UK watched their version anyways and the cast has amazing talent. The American cast of skins is awful and talentless, especially the girl playing Cassie's character. Oh and it's MTV, so it's sure to be shit, stick to the Jersey Shore MTV.

  33. 33

    This show is going to be so stupid. The UK version was amazing, but they have to go and ruin it by making an American version. By the way, the show is exactly the same with the SAME exact lines, and the only difference is that the characters are American. I think that it is stupid and unnecessary

  34. 34

    so basically the same but watered down with awful acting? just die now!

  35. 35

    I think this is stupid. I'm sorry leave it alone. I'm not from the Uk. But everything about that show was amazing. The actors the story lines. This is going to bomb. I think it may get good ratings the first show but after that, I think it's gonna die. WATCH the original. WAyy better.

  36. 36

    Everyone will watch it, its gonna be huge. The show everyone will love to bitch about, and I'm one of the ones who thought the trailer was bloody awful.

  37. 37

    I am American and a huge fan of the British one…MTV you could have just spent that money on broadcasting the original version on your station!!! This will be horrible and they know it. At least with the American The Office they made it their own. I do not think this campaign will make people change their minds I just think many people will agree!!

  38. 38

    Americans will kill this show…Why cant americans come up with clever funny shows by themselves! They tried doing it with The IT Crowd….and it was shit. They tried with Coupling and guess what? IT WAS SHIT! American television SUCKS!

  39. 39

    The problems are these:
    1) The original Skins wasn't broadcast properly in the USA, it was censored.
    2) Its being made by MTV so it hasn't got the right channel to bring out the heart of the show
    3) The first few episodes are SHOT BY SHOT remake of the original
    4) They've changed some of the names of the characters but not the others.
    5) They've replaced Maxxie
    6) There isn't a town like Bristol in the USA
    7) Now you're threatening to remake the Inbetweeners? Go fuck yourselves

    It's also quite insulting to hear people going on about how they can't understand the accents.

  40. 40

    And at least the Office US has come into its own and tried to be different. Obviously it had to, because it's running longer, but it's genuinely a good sow at this point. The pilot? Shit. It was a word for word remake too, and it shows.