Another of those rising Republican wanna-be stars has been doing his best to audition for the role. It's like the GOP version of "American Idol," although at least some of those singers have talent.
Rep. Paul Ryan, who has been in Congress since 2001, had his GOP hissy fit at the Budget Committee today, in front of Peter Orszag, who heads the President's Office of Management and Budget. First, according to
The Hill, Ryan attacked Obama because Obama defended his own budget. Huh? Because Obama shouldn't fight for his budget? More like the Republicans are used to being bullies and Obama isn't taking their crap on the budget. He doesn't have to.
Ryan is a typical GOP knucklehead and he's totally oblivious to the current crisis in our economy, which he and his party created. Keep in mind, Ryan arrived in DC with George W. Bush. They did this to America together. Yet, Ryan wants to stick with the Bush way:
Ryan also said that the president's budget proposal would only increase the size of government and will slow down an economic recovery.
"It takes a decidedly ideological turn away from the principles that built this country and built this economy," Ryan said during a House Budget Committee hearing.
(NOTE FROM JOHN: Uh, have you seen this economy?) Does Paul Ryan have any idea 1) that we're in an economic crisis and 2) he helped George Bush get us into this mess? It was the Bush/Ryan ideological policies that destroyed the American economy. Obama was elected to fix it. You really get the sense that House Republicans really don't seem to get the extent of the economic crisis. They can't see beyond their political desire to wanting Obama to fail. That keeps their new leader, Rush, happy.
Ryan had the misfortune of taking on Peter Orszag. This guy is smart. We were on a conference call he did with progressive bloggers the other day. Check out
Orszag's blog when you have a second. He really knows his stuff, which is something Hill Republicans aren't accustomed to after eight years of Bush:
Peter Orszag, the White House budget director, defended the administration's budget plan from Ryan's attacks during the hearing. He said that it seeks to tackle big issues such as the nation's dependence on foreign oil, the growing deficit and the rising cost of healthcare.
"This simply is not a big spending bill," Orszag said.
Orszag quoted country music artist Toby Keith to make his point that the healthcare system needed to be fixed.
"There ain't no right way to do the wrong thing," Orszag said.
We've been doing the wrong thing for too long, not that Paul Ryan and his GOP colleagues understand that.
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