Enough already. I was there, you were there, we were all there. Enough.
We now get word that Bush is planning (via Rummy) some big stupid march and concert on September 11 to, apparently, once again link Iraq to September 11, stand by our troops, whip up nationalist fervor, and of course, help Bush's sinking poll numbers.
Enough of the Republican party abusing the deaths of the thousands who died on September 11. And for Rummy to have the nerve - the nerve - to link this concert to Iraq, Jesus.
Okay, folks, what can we do to fight back, to strike back? I'm serious. This concert is disgusting, it's a cheap trick, and a lie. We need to get it canceled. What can we do? I'm open to suggestions for the campaign, and will talk to the other bloggers.
Maybe we start with the
Washington Post, who's apparently cosponsoring the ridiculous thing. A newspaper is cosponsoring a government propaganda rally. Lovely. How low can the Washington Post go? They got us into this war and now they're going to help keep us there. Way to go Wash Post.
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