It’s nice to end the week with a victory lap for LBGTs — goddesses know we need one this week.
A gay student teacher will be reinstated to his teaching position in the Beaverton School District under an agreement reached between Lewis & Clark College and the school district.
Seth Stambaugh, a Lewis & Clark Grad School student teacher, was removed from Sexton Mountain Elementary School following a complaint by a parent, based on a conversation Stambaugh had with a student about his marital status in which he stated it would be illegal for him to marry because he would choose to marry a man.
His lawyer Lake Perriguey said, âMr. Stambaugh is joyous beyond belief. He is celebrating privately with friends and family and will make a public statement to all media in the next few days.â
LGBT adults having to be invisible, especially when speaking with young people entrusted to our care, is one big reason young people don’t have good role models.
Good role models show that It Gets Better.
LGBT students deserve to know that they can become student teachers or teachers or educators or anything they want. And that means having gay teachers who can be straightforward, honest, and candid about who they are: not graphic, not predatory, not creepy. But this was a teaching moment in the fourth grade, and Mr Stambaugh knew that kids need honesty from adults. He provided it, and was punished.
That was wrong.
One small step for a gay man — but, this week at least, it seems like a giant leap for gay manhood. Congrats, Seth Stambaugh.
yay! he should have never been fired for this
tweeted and recommended teddy — thanks for the good news
What a stupid and utterly discriminatory reason to remove a competent educator. Good thing the 22 parents over at Sexton Mt. Elementary School intervened to stop the nonsense. Good for them and good for Mr. Stambaugh in being reinstated!
Good – could use that bit of happy news about now.
Honesty is so powerful…another lovely lesson. Thanks
We should all celebrate with him. Great news.
I agree that Good Role Models Show That Things Get Better.
I also agree with Honesty being powerful.
Sometimes we have to be hit over the head and get face to face with others to be more inclusive. My mother has always tended to be bigoted, until she meets One. After working in retail, after we kids left the house, my mother, who had always been prejudiced against gays, had a gay boss. She ended up just loving him. He’s the nicest man, she’d coo. Oh, and I watched her go through the same experience with (shock) Blacks and Hispanics. When we experience each other with love, face to face, as humans, there’s no excuse for bigotry.
Citizen Teddy Partridge:
My youngest is in the middle of her first semester of grad school in Couples and Family Therapy, one of our closest family friends is a gay art teacher who just retired after teachin’ with my wife for 30 years and both our other children are high school teachers who are workin’ in the heart of the beast shoulder to shoulder with gay teachers who refuse to teach the sociology of the closet to kids who are badly in need of the truth. You can count on all of us afore mentioned to be joinin’ you in celebration of this great news…somethin’ is happenin’ out here, the truth of gay rights is on the march!!
My brother (born in 1935)was gay “from birth”,much to the family’s dismay and with all the then-fashionable corollaries of it’s the mother’s fault,and the repercussions from that.
How refreshing to just be honest,and what’s more,to be able to be honest.
Thanks,Teddy.May all LBGT be free.
Personal stories make it Real. Bring it on, Pups.
I’m waiting for the DoJ to file an appeal….
We really needed some good news, after this long week of hate, idiocy, bumbling “warfighters” and suicides.
Oh, Peggy. Tell Holder where to put it. Hope you’re well this Friday evening.
Yes, I hope the entire district puts the episode well behind them.
I would very much like to know, though, if the inquiring child was the offspring of the parent who had previously complained about Sean’s “attire” — his grandfather’s cardigan, a polo shirt, and corduroys (oh, also a ponytail) — but I suppose we’ll never know that.
The relentless drumbeat was a bit overwhelming, thanks to Fierce Advocate and his Advocatess VaJa. I had to share this one as soon as I saw it, I thought we needed it.
I’ll have Sean’s public statement, too, when he makes one.
My day wasn’t as good. Today on a university campus I saw “preachers” with signs and a megaphone harassing young students about the “evil” of pro-choice. Then I saw that one of them was holding a sign saying that homosexuality brings eternal damnation. The megaphone prompted me to ask if they had a permit to be there. No. The sign prompted me to ask if they were aware that several university students had recently committed suicide after being harassed. They didn’t seem to care. I called the campus police. They said that these “preachers” were technically on a city sidewalk (they weren’t). They did nothing.
Thank you for speaking up. The police should have responded. I believe those preachers are not only misguided, but evil.
Good news is good, these days. Thanks, Teddy.
Thank you for your citizen efforts.
It’s a constant struggle. You did your part today.
Agreed. What they’re doing is evil. A couple of students actually thanked me as I left to call the campus police from the library.
I couldn’t believe that the administration and campus police just washed their hands of it. The sgt just talked circular nonsense. They have an obligation to protect the students of this community from such hateful bullshit.
Anyway, your story today was better!
You’ve done great work today. You might also consider contacting the GayStraightAlliance, or equivalent organization, at the campus to let them know what happened. These organizations sometime have a relationship with campus police and can help ease the hatemongers off campus.
Or protest the hell outta them
ifwhen they show up again.Was this at UT?
There is a LGBT organization on campus. I thought about contacting them, but realized that it was already the early afternoon on a Friday. Coming out in numbers and confronting these haters is exactly the right thing to do, imo. I’ll still contact them so that they’re aware that this group that’s here from time to time isn’t just about ending constitutionally protected reproductive rights, not when one of them has a large sign with a different message that’s just about pure hate.
Found the email no problem.
Turns out there’s also a way to make a contribution.
I think I told you I lived in Knoxville for a year. My memories are of a very strange place but I was a DFH then. (not now, of course)
Teddy having attended Beaverton High School back in the Early 50’s and knowing the area and the people quite well, the surprising thing is that he was hired in the first place.
When I attended BHS, Our geography, civics and history teacher was a man by the name of Ted Van Buren and he stood up in class and told us how very fortunate that Beaverton had a statute that didn’t allow Black Americans to live in the district. Oregon has not always been a blue state, in fact if you get out in the rural areas, you are not too far from the mentality in rural Texas, Arkansas, Idaho or all the other red neck trailer trash states…
I don’t know the ratio, but for sure the Righties in the area are in the majority of the population. That whole area has more churches than libraries or books stores.
Washington County sux big time, I for one would never live there again…
I will also add this disclaimer in an attempt at honesty. I am a retired US Navy Chief Electronics Technician (I quit BHS to join the Navy. I also immigrated to French Polynesia where I became a citizen. In todays world, there is no way I would ever return to the country of my birth to live…
All I can say is that the bullying that was attempted on Mr. Stambaugh was not unlike walking into a biker bar and yelling “Wussie!” Obviously the bully hadn’t thought it through before they had 22 other parents and a law school (the host of the first-ever ACLU Northwest Civil Liberties Conference located in a town with the first opening gay mayor) up in their face. D’oh.
Something Valerie Jarrett can learn from, particularly:
(â )
Calm normal-headed gays most likely emanate GENERALLY “developmentally,” as
described by Northwestern U. researchers (on my website) whereas their tormenters are in fact generally conflicted gays themselves but emanating
GENETICALLY–see, believed ONLY ON MY WEBSITE, the original NY Times “clipping” as to the gay gene “ONLY PASSING MATERNALLY” / previously “man-hating mother” the presumed psychiatric cause (now supplanted by the N.I.H. work referred to in the cited article.)
We know this is essentially proved by the very fact of the religious right
routinely proving to be a reservoir of hypocritical gays. Virtually all murderers of gays have to date proven being gay.
Because Sharron Angle is obviously demonizing by way of play-book
and not out of a personal need to make straight guys afraid of being wrongly ferreted out as gay,
I like that I can thus use the example of Sharron Angle saying
“Man Up” to Harry Reid (a former boxer–demonizing gays so as
to make foes afraid of being wrongly ferreted out as one
leaves NO ONE free from the lack of liberty) because the science ORDINARILY
(but not to Sharron Angle or any of her offspring)
implies the likeliest gay gene carriers are the woman who enjoys
making straight guys afraid of being wrongly ferreted out as gay
and her daughter. Viciously anti-gay men, though, are of course
suggestive of intensive gay gene inbreeding pressure from a
community that forces gays to marry heterosexually.
Scpgtg gays causes inordinate duplication from
the X chromosome and thus the inordinate production of gays.
As the products of scapegoating for profit the (still mostly) men in
power who’re given to scapegoating are much more commonly gay.
In fact, the DEVELOPMENTAL (only–the normal–)incidence should reflect after so many human generations an OPTIMAL desirable incidence. Originally simply disposable as soldiers (Sparta’s army was a very gay army) they
likely have aided the genetic numerical advantage of the group by way
of time to spare, creativity, thinking outside the box, etc.
This message goes from anti-religious to extremely religious
all at once.
That’s because:
the scapegoating of gays is self-generating of gays;
prior to integrated nations the license to scapegoat was exercised
mainly against Jews, on seeming differences in relation to
a presumed God;
thus the Holocaust is at issue;
it has long been well established Adolf Hitler was a very
feminine man;
finally, the Old Testament actually first
theorizes God reveals him/her/itself through human
Now consider these possibilities:
The Bible is a universal morality lesson originally couched
in terms aimed at first graders.
Some lessons are meant to be revelational even now:
Isaac offered in sacrifice in return for the privilege of revelation.
Consider this morality lesson is not just for we on Earth; we’re
made in God’s image because God and ourselves are
Consider in this regard early Judaism is
partly informed by Hellenism (as today’s archaeologists
are finding increasingly.)
Consider that Christ simply means
believer and the original Christian concept of Christ being
God and a word.
Consider the possibility the word has come other times.
Consider we’re the children on the block and rather than
the originators of these concepts we’re the receivers from
others who can travel between stars precisely because
they understand the universe in these simultaneously
seemingly religious but also intensely scientific terms–
namely, perhaps the universe is informational and objects
are connected informationally, primarily, spatially secondarily.
Religion is logic (logos,) “events,” and stories perhaps aimed at us
as 1st Graders.
Religion may help science send us to the stars to meet our teachers.
And that means having gay teachers who can be straightforward, honest, and candid about who they are:
And that means having gay teachers who can be gayforward, honest, and candid about who they are:
You caught me!
Wow, thank you for your perspective and welcome to FDL.
I am not so sure Sean was ever hired, but was instead “placed” as a student teacher by his graduate program. I don’t know the procedures.