I've been tracking the extremism, and lies, of the religious right activist group Family Research Council for about 16 years now. You'd think after all that time, it would be difficult to be shocked by their anti-gay antics. Still, they end up surprising me.
Today's surprise? The rather fey president of the heterosexist organization, Tony Perkins, didn't disappoint yesterday when he criticized the Obama administration's new program to help elderly gay people. Perkins' reasoning?
What's the point in having a program to help elderly gays when they all die young anyway? Get it? We're gay, so we all have AIDS and die, I guess. What else could Perkins have possibly meant?
Of course, what Perkins may have been alluding to was the debunked anti-gay science of a known hate group, labeled so by the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC says the hate group, run by Paul Cameron, produces anti-gay "studies" that "echo of Nazi Germany." Mind you, the Southern Poverty Law Center is the premiere American organization tracking the klan and white supremacists. They know of what they speak. But that doesn't stop the FRC from continuing to publish Cameron's filthy "Nazi Germany-esque" research on their Web site, years after we first reported about this. (You'll find
the sources for all of this in the post I linked to above.)
It's too bad our national gay groups, who both Joe and I have begged to use Cameron to go after the main groups of the religious right (who all promote him), refuse to even touch this issue. So, as usual, it's up to the fringe Internet left of the left to do the work of our national organizations - I've been tracking, and writing about, Cameron, and the damage he keeps causing, since the early 90s. It's just incredibly frustrating that the religious right is still openly using the work of a "Nazi Germany-esque" hate group, and the gay groups don't find that a useful way to delegitimize the lead groups of the religious right, and put an end to this ridiculous "science" once and for all.
And mind you, who started the campaign against gay Obama administration official Kevin Jennings? None other than the Family Research Council. It all ties together.
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