The Sunlight Foundation uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable.
Underlying all of our efforts is a fundamental belief that increased transparency will improve the public's confidence in government
Sunlight Foundation - As of this writing, Super PACs, labor unions and political nonprofits have reported spending a hefty $336.5 million to the Federal Election Commission. Outside spending is coming in so fast ...
Sunlight Foundation - The Wall Street Journal brings an apple to the orange convention, writing that, “The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of ...
Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group - Ten days before the mid-term elections, and left leaning outside groups still lag behind their conservative counterparts, and are being outspent by $43 million. But spending by the two ...
Sunlight Foundation - As we approach Election Day, the number of ads continue to increase, but based on recent data from the Wesleyan Media Project they are no more ...
Sunlight Labs - Our colleagues at Sunlight have just launched a major new ursine initiative. Naturally, we want to help, so David dug into the data he'd recently scraped from the Catalog ...
Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group - The Nevada Senate toss-up between Majority Leader Harry Reid and Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle is one of the races which has seen close to $10 milion spent ...
Sunlight Foundation - A lot of people, including us, are talking about the disgraceful way a huge amount of hidden money is influencing the midterm elections through secret shell organizations. But what ...
Sunlight Foundation - With all the great online resources for progressing the open government movement it’s important to remember the ...
Sunlight Foundation - A roundup of what we’re noticing in the Reporting Group as we dig into government data and disclosures: Only $874,265 to go! Tea Party-supporting Americans for Prosperity, a
Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time - When groups make independent expenditures to support or oppose a candidacy, they are not supposed to coordinate in any way with a candidate. The Federal Election Commission defines this ...
Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group - Last May Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., raised campaign cash at a reception at the offices of the National Association of Realtors and around the same time, the group's ...
Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time - With Congress out of session and under pressure to show his fundraising prowess, Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., is offering “30 minute one on ones starting at 9:30 a.m.” at the ...