The Latest
SOURCE: Center for American Progress
Too Many to Ignore
Angela M. Kelley and Gebe Martinez show how Latinos are poised to play a major role in the upcoming midterm elections.
- Is the Conservative Agenda Serving Latinos?: The Answer Is a Big "No"
- Interactive: Big Polluters' Big Ad Spending: Special Interest Groups Unleash Clean Energy Attacks
- What Health Reform Repeal Means for Hispanics: Communities of Color Would Suffer Disproportionately
- Don’t Leave Latino Kids Behind: CAP Action Event Takes on Child Poverty Among Hispanics
- A Challenge to Our Nation: Improving the Economic Well-Being of Latino Kids
- Dirty Money: Oil Companies and Special Interests Spend Millions to Oppose Climate Legislation
The Progess Report
Beneath Juan Williams' Reality
Last week, Fox News kingpin Bill O'Reilly set off a firestorm on ABC's The View when he declared that Muslims killed us on 9/11.
From Our Blogs
- Top US Import Partners
- The International
- Climate researcher: “It is my assessment that we have had the strongest melting since they started measuring the temperature in Greenland in 1873.” - Glaciologist: "Sea level projections will need to be revised upward."
- Colorado Climate Scientists Tell Ken Buck: Global Warming Is Not A ‘Hoax’
- Vast stretches of oil still contaminate the Gulf
- The New Elite
- Toomey: ‘It’s Not Clear’ That Extending Bush’s Tax Cuts Would Increase The Deficit
- Iran’s Strategy of Making Do
- Frmr. Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman: ‘We Haven’t Lost’ To Nations With Open Gay Servicemembers
- Sullivan: Obama Raised Bar On DADT Discharges After Realizing He Couldn’t End Policy In Senate
- The GOP flip flops on cap and trade - Cap and trade was conceived by Reagan, delivered by Bush Sr. and praised by Bush Jr. The GOP is now demagoguing it to death.
- The Back Catalog
- Vast Stretches Of Oil Still Contaminate The Gulf
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American Worker Project
A project providing research to promote American workers and their rights at work. -
Half in Ten
A campaign committed to cutting poverty in half in the United States over the next 10 years. -
Campus Progress Action
A project to help young people make their voices heard on issues that matter.