Enter your username and password.
Who can leave comments on these sites?
Where do I start?
Can I comment anonymously?
How do I get approved to comment?
Do you have any tips for auditioning?
Why isn't my comment showing up?
Where's my new avatar?
Can I be banned from commenting?
What does it mean to be a "starred commenter"?
What does it mean if my comment was promoted?
What does it mean if my comment was moved or warned?
What does it mean if my account is suspended?
What does it mean if my account is banned?
How can I enhance my comments?
Can I comment without registering?
Can I change my username?
Can I delete or edit a comment once I make it?
How do I retrieve a lost password?
What are Gawker Open Forums?
What is Gawker Media's community policy?
Who can leave comments on these sites?
Anyone who has auditioned successfully to become a commenter (see below) or anyone who has received an invitation from us. The comment system is approval-based, and depends on the quality of your contribution.
To become a commenter, you need to audition, which means leaving at least one comment on the site. To do this, type an interesting, substantial or highly amusing comment or reply in on the thread of your choice.
You can also "Start a new discussion" from the link at the bottom of every thread.
Click "Share" and follow the pop-up instructions to create your account.
Note that if you sign up using our comment-via-email feature, your assigned username will contain the first part of your email address (jane.doe@gmail.com will result in the username jane.doe or jane.doe001). Remember to use an address that does not reference your identify if you wish to remain anonymous.
You can also create a unique SN. Enter your desired username, password and email, then click "Register." Your comment will be received but won't appear until (and if) we approve it.
Absolutely. We won't even know who you are.
Here's how to ensure that you register anonymously. When you create your username, choose one that's unrelated to your real identity. We won't be able to link your username/nickname with your offline self. Mix it up.
We do ask for an email address in case you need to reset your password. We cannot reset a missing password without an associated email.
To preserve your anonymity, use a stealth Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or Hotmail account. Or, if you want to remain totally under the radar, and you're good at remembering passwords, leave the email field blank.
Note that if you sign up using our comment-via-email feature, your default username will contain the first part of your email address ((jane.doe@gmail.com will result in the username jane.doe or jane.doe001). Remember to use an address that does not reference your identify if you wish to remain anonymous.
How do I get approved to comment?
We only approve the comments we love—so make sure you're adding something of quality to the post. Stay on-topic and seek to further the conversation. Leave us a juicy story on the #tips page or throw your hat into the ring of our open forums.
If we approve your comment, your username and password will be activated and you'll be able to login and comment freely from then on (or at least until you get banned).
Do you have any tips for auditioning?
Leaving multiple high-quality comments on different threads with your newly created account increases your chances of getting approved.
Show your stuff—make your audition a worthy addition. "Firsts!", "yays" and "nays" will be summarily ignored. See Lifehacker's Guide To Weblog Comments for suggestions on how to begin.
We value intelligent contributions, respect for community etiquette, good grammar, and not feeding the trolls. Proper use of punctuation, capitalization and time taken in typing will earn you extra points. Ignoring any of the above will subtract considerably.
Gawker's The Comments We Love and the Comments We Hate
Gizmodo's (Almost) Everything You Could Want to Know About Commenting
Kotaku's A Guide to Proper Commenting
Jezebel's Rules For Readers
Gawker.TV's Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Commenting on Gawker.TV
Why isn't my comment showing up?
If a comment from a new account isn't displayed on the site, it's still awaiting approval. Keep contributing quality commentary. There's no need to submit the same comment multiple times or report this as a bug.
You can visit your user profile to check on your status. Your user profile is accessible at http://[gawkermediasite].com/people/YOURUSERNAME. A direct link also appears on the upper right corner of the page.
It can take time to process a change in avatar. It'll appear any moment now.
Can I be banned from commenting?
Yes, if your comments are self-promotional, obnoxious, highly offensive, spam, or even worse, boring. There will be no warning, and little mercy.
What does it mean to be a "starred commenter"?
Gawker Media blogs have a tiered commenting system. We want to feature the best and most informative commentary. Stars indicate our strongest contributors. You can click here for more on how this works.
What does it mean if my comment was promoted?
Editors, moderators and stars have the ability to "promote" comments into the first tier. This renders the comment as visible to all readers and is used to highlight quality or particularly topical commentary.
What does it mean if my comment was moved or warned?
Our moderation system allows even the most controversial conversation to continue. In accordance with our community policy, moderators may move comments to an appropriate tag page. Egregious offenses can earn a warning in-thread.
What does it mean if my account is suspended?
Commenting has been disabled but will be restored after 7 days.
What does it mean if my account is banned?
Commenting has been disabled. Please see our community policy. Appeals will be few and far between, but a cogent email to the proper authorities is your best recourse.
How can I enhance my comments?
Our comment field accepts the html tags <b> </b> bold and <i> </i> italic. You can embed pictures and video by clicking on the upload and web-link buttons in the comment field:
Inserting a full weblink will auto-collapse it for published display. To link text, use the tag <a href="http://gawker.com/">and type your link text here</a>
Can I comment without registering?
Yes, you can submit a comment using an email address instead of a registered account. To do so, type your comment in the comment box anywhere on the site and click "Share." On the next screen, enter your email address and click "Submit."
Check your inbox for an email asking you to verify the submission. If you haven't had a comment approved using your email address before, your comment will still be subject to editorial team approval before appearing.
Note that the first half of your email address will be used in your commenter name (jane.doe@gmail.com will result in the username jane.doe or jane.doe001, for instance), so remember to use an address that does not reference your identify if you wish to remain anonymous.
Yes — but only once, so be certain about the switch.
Click the "Edit Profile" link in your user profile, then click the red "change username" link. You will then be able to input a different name and your base username will be altered when you select "Save profile."
This is a one-shot deal, and we will not be able to alter your username again after you have changed it. Be sure you're playing for keeps with your new account name.
You cannot change your username to that of a preexisting user.
You may change your basic "screen name" — the name that displays on your comments — at any time and as often as you like through your user profile. Click the "Edit Profile" link, fill out the "Screen name" field, then hit the "Save profile" button.
Can I delete or edit a comment once I make it?
We allow users to edit comments for up to fifteen minutes immediately after posting using the Pencil icon. But after that, your comment becomes part of the public conversation. Our policy is that we will not remove a user's comments unless we deem them to be in violation of our Terms of Use. So if you want to say something that you will later regret personally, it is advisable that you use a username that does not identify you. We cannot remove your comments simply because you have a change of heart about making them. Additionally, it is our policy not to delete comment accounts.
However, Gawker Media reserves the right to remove comments entirely at its discretion, including for alleged violations of terms of service or legal rights.
Gawker is not responsible for the content of user comments. If a third party complains that your comment violates our TOS or their rights, we will invite them to respond in the comments themselves. If they pursue the complaint, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you by the means you have provided us, to alert you to the situation. We will protect your contact information as described in our privacy policy, but may be compelled to turn it over pursuant to legal process.
For the rest of the terms regarding comments, please refer to the Terms of Use.
How do I retrieve a lost password?
You can only generate a password reset if you entered an email address upon sign-up. If so, click the "login" link at the top of the page, then "Forgot Password?" Enter the associated email and hit "reset." You'll be automatically sent a message with a new password.
What are Gawker Media Open Forums?
Gawker Media Open Forums are unique pages built up by you, the readers. Approved commenters can invent a #hashtag and host their own threads.
Each site also has an unfiltered forum that serves as a defacto readers' lounge:
Deadspin - #duan
Gawker - #crosstalk
Gizmodo - #whitenoise
io9 - #observationdeck
Jalopnik - #offtopic
Jezebel - #groupthink
Kotaku - #speakup
Lifehacker - #openthread
Commenters can make their own spaces outside of moderated posts for discussions, investigations, live-blogs, and spirited debate. This is where you can stray off-topic and hold court with friends and foes.
Just make a comment and include a unique #hashtag in the text to generate your own forum.
Don't forget that any content you post in #tag pages or tell us in #tips will be public. #tag pages and tips that we particularly like may receive front-page promotion.
What is Gawker Media's community policy?
These are our sites, and we reserve the right to moderate the discussion. The basic rules are standard: An attack on authors or other commenters is unlikely to make you popular. Think before you disparage social or ethnic groups. Don't spam. Don't post pornography or copyrighted imagery. Stay on topic.
That said, the community policy of Gawker Media is forgiving. If your criticism is articulate, it will likely get through. We dole it out; we can take it. What do we mean by articulate? Support your point with argument, facts and citations. Good grammar and spelling also help.
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