Brian Ross: Big Brothers Are Watching You
2 hours ago
The microwave, it seems, is one of the biggest casualties of the recession: Less than half of the adults surveyed said they consider the microwave a necessity, a 21-percent drop from the 2006 survey.This may be a bit deceiving though. Don't you think that people are making due with what they have instead of rushing out to upgrade their appliances? Also, with the housing collapse, these numbers are all going to take a beating since there's less need for new. These items tend to last long enough that they don't need to be replaced every couple of years as we may have seen during the easy credit years.
Among other appliances consumers have begun to drop from their necessity list are clothes dryers (-17%), air conditioners (-16%), dishwashers (-14%) and TVs (-12%).
In other words, they see those items as more of a luxury than a necessity.
"He was worried about the order he had given to wipe out three teenagers on the high seas," Limbaugh said. "Black Muslim teenagers."Limbaugh seems to hate America and the American way. The old America that Limbaugh leads still thinks it's OK to spout racist hate speech and that's why they are on the outside looking in. Read More......
"You gotta get with us or against us here, Rush," Murphy said. "The president did the right thing...It's a war.... It's about good versus evil. And what you said is evil. It's hate speech. I won't tolerate it."
The Federal Reserve, releasing details of how it conducted "stress tests" on the nation's 19-largest financial institutions, said "most banks" are currently well capitalized but need to hold a "substantial" amount above regulatory requirements in case the recession worsens.Whatever. Geithner never gets better and with each flop, dodge and continuation of Paulson policy, he gets more annoying. Challenging times require a lot more leadership than we are getting today. Read More......
“Most banks currently have capital levels well in excess of the amounts needed to be well capitalized," the Fed said in its eagerly awaited report.
The report said the tests are a “forward-looking exercise designed to estimate losses, revenues and reserve needs” under two different macroeconomic scenarios, including an adverse one.
At the prodding of the White House, Democratic Congressional leaders have agreed to pursue a plan that would protect major health care legislation from Republican opposition by shielding it from last-minute Senate filibusters.Several points:
The aggressive approach reflects the big political claim that President Obama is staking on health care, and with it his willingness to face Republican wrath in order to guarantee that the Democrats, with their substantial majority in the Senate, could not be thwarted by minority tactics.
While some Democratic senators were reluctant to embrace the arrangement, Mr. Obama made clear at a White House session on Thursday afternoon that he favored it, people with knowledge of the session said.
Mr. Obama has given way in some battles with Congress, but the new stance suggests he may be much less willing to compromise when it comes to health care, his top legislative priority, even if it means a bitter partisan fight.
The no-filibuster arrangement is fiercely opposed by Republican leaders, who say health care is too important to be exempted from the Senate rules that usually mean major bills must win support from 60 senators.
At the White House meeting this week, Mr. Obama told senators from both parties that he did not want a health care overhaul to fail if it came up a vote shy of the 60 needed to break filibusters, the people with knowledge of the session said. Republicans have used the procedure themselves in the past, but Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, told Mr. Obama in the meeting that that approach was likely to heighten partisan tensions in Congress.
Daniel Knight Hayden, 52, was arrested by FBI agents who identified him as the Twitter user CitizenQuasar. In a series of tweets beginning April 11, CitizenQuasar vowed to start a "war" against the government on the steps of the Oklahoma City Capitol building, the site of that city's version of the national "Tea Party" protests promoted by the conservative-leaning Fox News.Wow, you mean a potential domestic terrorist was associated with gun issues. Funny, but that's exactly what the Homeland Security report said - the one the Republicans and the religious right wanted us to ignore. Read More......
"START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!," read a tweet at 8:01 PM that day. "After I am killed on the Capitol Steps, like a REAL man, the rest of you will REMEMBER ME!!!," he added five minutes later. Then: "Send the cops around. I will cut their heads off the heads and throw the[m] on the State Capitol steps."
Hayden's MySpace page is a breathtaking gallery of right wing memes about the "New World Order," gun control as Nazi fascism, and Barack Obama's covert use of television hypnosis, among many others.
President Barack Obama on Friday renewed his call for the government to stop backing private loans to college students and replace them with direct government loans to young people, a challenge to a decades-old program with strong congressional support.Longer term, something is going to have to change with the costing of the system as well. The US university system is pricing itself out of the global system. Even for American families, how is it possible to afford the university system? There have been a number of articles in recent months about Americans traveling abroad to the UK or Canada for college due to the much lower prices for top schools. If the quality was comparable but pricing was considerably lower, would you encourage your own kids to investigate a non-US university for undergraduate studies? Read More......
Obama's plan to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan program could save $48 billion for taxpayers over the next decade, but critics warn it could turn the Education Department into a national bank. Lenders and some college officials oppose the proposal, which Obama backed as a U.S. senator and pushed during the presidential campaign.
Zuma has been outspoken in his criticism of Mugabe's autocratic rule. He supports of the power-sharing agreement between Mugabe's Zanu-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change, led by Morgan Tsvangirai but he has criticised his predecessor Thabo Mbeki's "quiet diplomacy" towards Zimbabwe.Another change - potentially, at least - is the tribal change in power. Mbeki is a Xhosa as is Nelson Mandela. Zuma is a Zulu from the hear of KwaZulu-Natal. The two tribes share no love for each other for historical reasons including during the anti-apartheid struggle. Even today, KwaZulu-Natal is very separated politically from the other regions of the country. How much this will impact Zuma's term is a question to be answered but internally, this is a major shift in power. Read More......
Tendai Biti, finance minister in the unity government and secretary-general of the MDC, is looking forward to a Zuma presidency. "I don't think it will be quiet diplomacy," he said. "That was buried on 22 September 2008, the day Mbeki was removed. I expect a more forthright, honest and hands-on diplomacy.
"Jacob Zuma is not Thabo Mbeki and that means a lot. I know the man and meet him regularly and know the way he thinks."
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