Yes, China’s Currency Policy is a Problem
10 minutes ago
MR. RUSSERT: I think the concern that many people have is that if we were wrong or misjudged that, are we making some other misjudgments now? This is how The Washington Times reported in exchange before the hearings. "[Sen. Carl] Levin asked whether the general thought the insurgency was in its `last throes,' as Mr. Cheney said ... last month. `In terms of the overall strength of the insurgency, I'd say it was the same as it was' six months ago, Gen. [John] Abizaid replied."Bad foreigners, bad.
For the sake of clarity for the American people, what about this insurgency? Is it in its last throes or is it alive and well and vibrant and strong as it was six months ago?
SEC'Y RUMSFELD: Well, there are various ways to measure it. If you measure the number of incidents, it's gone up during the election period and now it's back down. If you look at lethality of those instances, it's up. Now, what does that mean? Does it mean that the insurgency's stronger? Is it in its last throes? The last throes could be violence, as you well know from a dictionary standpoint. I think the way to think of it is that the insurgents are foreigners in some significant number. They are attacking Iraqis and killing them...
A suicide bomber with explosives hidden beneath watermelons in a pickup truck slammed into a police station near a market Sunday in Mosul, the first of three bombings that killed at least 33 people and wounded 19 in the northwestern city.Read More......
Attacks elsewhere killed at least five other people in Iraq, including a roadside bomb that killed a U.S. soldier and wounded two others in central Baghdad.
"Absolutely, I think this war has made us safer. We are fighting the same people in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and our partners are fighting the same people in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan that brought us 9/11, we should never lose sight of that."Ok, that was an outright lie of answer. General Abizaid wasn't asked if we were NOW fighting the SAME people in Iraq who were behind 9/11. We KNOW that NOW we are fighting the same people in Iraq who were behind 9/11 BECAUSE PRESIDENT BUSH AND GENERAL ABIZAID CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES FOR THOSE PEOPLE TO COME INTO IRAQ. That is NOT an answer to the question of whether the war has made America safer. In fact, it's an outright lie because he said "yes" the war has made us safer, and his reasoning was that Al Qaeda is in Iraq. But Bush's and Abizaid's war is the REASON Al Qaeda is now in Iraq.
"First of all, if you look up 'last throes' it can mean a 'violent' last throe."Good God. They are twisting in the wind on this one. Attack! Read More......
Rove speaks on behalf of the president not just on the politics of the moment but also on the administration's policy agenda.Yeah, he speaks for Bush. Everything that comes out of his mouth are basically the words of the President. So Bush thinks Democrats and Liberals want to kill the troops too. (While they won't give the troops the right equipment insuring their deaths. Read this NY Times article.)
The White House reaction to the uproar also bore the indelible stamp of Rove: no apologies and no retractions, and all engines in the GOP spin machine churning in concert. White House press secretary Scott McClellan and Bartlett defended Rove from the briefing room and on several morning television programs, and Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman jumped in with customary aggressiveness. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), in a bit of a role reversal, came to the defense of Rove by repeating some of the most provocative lines to College Republicans and saying, "That's not slander. That's the truth." The National Republican Senatorial Committee sent out an e-mail fundraising appeal proclaiming "Karl Rove Is Right."Wonder what it is like to have an echo chamber. These guys stick together no matter what.
While many Democrats reacted with rage when they first heard about Rove's remarks, they were more mixed in their view of whether he had made the mistake of going too far or had cleverly baited a trap for them by opening up an argument on political turf that long has favored the Republicans. "I don't think anybody knows yet [whether] what he said the other night is a mistake," said Tad Devine, who was a top strategist in Kerry's campaign. "I will say it is calculated and deliberate. Karl for a long time has tried to position the Democrats as liberals, and liberals as weak, who don't want to defend America."Well, I feel a lot better knowing Tad Devine has weighed in. Devine was ubiquitous last fall, spinning for Kerry as one of the top strategists. If he and the other Kerry consultants are trying to figure out a response to Rove, we're sunk. He's probably still sitting around with Shrum still trying to figure out whether they should have fought back against the Swift Boat attacks. Read More......
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