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Can Everyone be Like Juan Williams? Get Fired and Receive a $2 Million Contract From FOX Fraudcasting? Who's Addicted Us to Big Oil? Big Oil! Sharron Has All the Angles of Ignorance Covered The Movement Toward Progressive Values Will Continue, But We Need Your Financial Support to Grow Stronger. Click Here Now. The Secret War Between Wikileaks, the Pentagon and the Mainstream Corprorate Press![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- GOP Congresswoman Schmidt Under Fire For Discussing Abortion With 6 Year-Old-Children
- Obama appoints record number of gay officials
- O'Donnell: Prayer meeting contributed to a bump in polls, even though the poll was conducted before the prayer meeting."I know that God called me to this," O'Donnell said.
- Sharron Has All the Angles of Ignorance Covered -- Barbara's Daily Buzz from Atlanta
- Who's Addicted Us to Big Oil? Big Oil! -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash
- Can Everyone be Like Juan Williams? Get Fired and Receive a $2 Million Contract From FOX Fraudcasting? -- Tony Peyser's Verse Case Scenario
- House and Senate Shatter Fundraising Records for Midterm Election and May Exceed $2 Billion
- The Movement Toward Progressive Values Will Continue, But We Need Your Financial Support to Grow Stronger. Click Here Now. The Truth Matters!
- Did the Obama Administration Allow Torture by Proxy in Iraq?
- The Reagan Legacy: Unpaid state bills shift burden to local governments
- Saddam aide Tariq Aziz sentenced to hang
- Employees Say BP's Ombudsman's Office Neglected Their Safety, Retaliation Concerns
- The Pentagon’s increasing presence in the United States, where it’s not supposed to be
- Can Rich Foreigners Buy Citizenship? Yes.
- Juan Cole: End Federal Tax Subsidies to Fox!
- Debt U – 4,800 colleges and universities in the U.S. and many are putting students into massive amounts of debt. The higher education bubble is getting to a point of bursting.
- Tea Party climate change deniers funded by BP and other major polluters
- Former President George W. Bush is "the gift that keeps on giving" to Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said Thursday.
- From protester to senator, FBI tracked Paul Wellstone
- Inflation-protected securities sold at negative yields for the first time ever on Monday as traders anticipate that the Federal Reserve will start a new round of asset purchases.
- Watch the Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, Now Televised
- Campaign cash: How Citizens United will change elections forever
- Two Democrats in top-level races in California – Jerry Brown, the candidate for governor, and Senator Barbara Boxer, who is seeking re-election – have established significant leads over their Republican opponents in a Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California poll released on Sunday.
- Socialism? The Rich Are Winning the US Class War: Facts Show Rich Getting Richer, Everyone Else Poorer
- Newspaper Circulation Falls Broadly but at Slower Pace
- Neither Party Can Change the Fact That We are a Declining Empire and Experiencing Global Challenges to Our Standard of Living and Job Infrastructure
- Report: Toxicologist now dealing with at least three autopsies in Gulf — “People who’s esophaguses are dissolving.. these people have oil in their bodies” (VIDEO)
- WikiLeaks Exposes Rumsfeld's Lies
- Report: NATO leaders will soon reveal the actual date of U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan: not the much ballyhooed July 2011 date but the end of 2014. Leslie H. Gelb on the devastating truth.
- Leaked Report Reveals US War Failure
- States have clean-energy momentum, but it’s under threat
- Der Spiegel, The WikiLeaks Iraq Logs: A Protocol of Barbarity
- 3 GOP candidates spend $243M
- "Just hours before President Obama is scheduled to arrive in Rhode Island, the Democratic nominee for governor in that heavily Democratic state fired off some of the toughest anti-Obama language of the season."
- ‘Tenthers’ Would Abolish Wage and Child Labor Laws, Social Security, Medicare and More
- Fuel War Starts With Iran
- Acknowledging women’s role in the sustainable food movement
- David Cay Johnston: Every 34th wage earner in America in 2008 went all of 2009 without earning a single dollar, new data from the Social Security Administration show. Total wages, median wages, and average wages all declined, but at the very top, salaries grew more than fivefold.
- Latest Reagan Revolution Price Tag: A $313 Billion Wage Cut
- Pressuring Child Soldier to Plead Guilty to Murder Violates International Law and Basic Decency
- Slovenia elected its first black mayor on Sunday, an immigrant from Africa known as the "Obama of Piran," the town where he lives.
- Bill Clinton: ""I have a simple question: Who's the last president to give you a balanced budget?"
- The Tea Party's Election Spies
- VIDEO- O’Donnell: “We saw a spike in the polls [the] day that some people had a prayer meeting for me”
- The Legacy of Citizens United -- Democracy Delivered to Corporations and the Wealthy: "Anonymously financed groups are starting a coordinated final push to deliver control of Congress to Republicans, shifting money among some 80 races they are monitoring."
- Keeping Fear Alive: The Deficit Hawks Push Their Agenda
- New Report: Racism Still Pollutes Tea Party Ranks. Natch!
- "We all need to climb up on rooftops and shout: Corporations are not people! Money is not speech! Plutocracy is not a government of, by, and for the people!"
- SMS Text "TRUTHOUT" to phone number 85944 to donate $10.00 to Truthout and BuzzFlash. We need your support today! Your text contribution is tax deductible.
- The New Democrats: The Coalition Pharma and Wall Street Love
- In the wake of recent reports of suicides and bullying of LGBT students, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has joined other national leaders who are filming videos for the It Gets Better campaign.
- Whoa! Texas: GOP congressional candidate Stephen Broden says violent overthrow of government is 'on the table'
- Four years after he resigned from Congress, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is about to face trial in Texas on the alleged illegal campaign-finance scheme that helped force him from office.
- Months after the Tea Party Express -- perhaps the most well-recognized branch of the tea party movement -- claimed to have parted ways with controversial former chairman Mark Williams, records show it doled out nearly $5,000 to the conservative radio host and blogger
- An Iraqi police commando unit called the "Wolf Brigade" became so feared American troops used its name as a threat to detainees if they didn't answer questions, according to the Wikileaks files.
- Karzai Acknowledges Taking Cash from Iran. What a Tragic Farce This War Without an End is.
- NYT Editorial: An Indefensible Defense, It can be hard to distinguish between the Bush and Obama administrations on detainee policy. A new Supreme Court case is one of those occasions.
- Paul Krugman: Falling Into the Chasm. "But right now it looks as if the too-cautious attempt to jump across that economic chasm has fallen short — and we’re about to hit rock bottom."
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Warming Arctic Unlikely to Return to How It Was
- Facebook and Twitter Can be Easily Hacked
- The Legacy of Reagan: Public Housing Repairs Can’t Keep Pace With Need
- The One-Person Funded Super PAC: How Wealthy Donors Can Skirt Campaign Finance Restrictions
- Wikileaks and the Shaming of America
- What Is Wrong With Meg Whitman's Kids?
- The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) has urged Washington to investigate alleged "crimes against humanity" in Iraq after Wikileaks published scores of war logs.
- Fascist America: Is This Election The Next Turn?
- Former Senator Carol Moseley Braun Appears to be Gearing up to Run for Mayor of Chicago Against Rahm Emanuel in the Feb. Primary
- David Corn: "Obama's ultimate political error: not keeping the base energized and engaged in the narrative. A president cannot control the economy. But he can control the story he tells."
- Chris Hedges: "The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party, which looks set to make sweeping gains in the midterm elections, is the direct result of a collapse of liberalism."
- Report: Dems Holding Their Own In Early Voting Numbers
- As Rape in Haiti Persists, Advocates Ask: Where is the International Community?
- Glenn Greenwald on How the New York Times Continues to Ignore U.S. Government Complicity in Torture
- The top two officials of a leading chain of community mental health centers were among four people arrested in Miami on Thursday in connection with a scheme involving about $200 million in fraudulent medical claims, U.S. prosecutors said.
- The Secret War Between Wikileaks, the Pentagon and the Mainstream Corprorate Press -- Danny Schechter for BuzzFlash
- Echoes of El Salvador in Tales of US-Approved Death Squads
- Building Sustainable, Mass Transportation Accessible Neighborhoods
- Karzai acknowledges receiving cash from Iran
- Iraq war logs: US turned over captives to Iraqi torture squads
- 112 Green candidates campaign for a far tougher climate policy than Obama’s
- The Sad History of Trusting the GOP on the Economy
- Three GOP candidates spend astounding $243M. Better spent on healthcare?
- "Companies that received federal bailout money, including some that still owe money to the government, are giving to political candidates with vigor. Among companies with PACs, the 23 that received $1 billion or more in federal money through the Troubled Assets Relief Program gave a total of $1.4 million to candidates in September, up from $466,000 the month before. Most of those donations are going to Republican candidates, although the TARP program was approved primarily with Democratic support. President Obama expanded it to cover GM and other automakers."
- San Diego Diocese releases priests' records in sex abuse cases
- Wells Fargo Case Belies Claim It Always Verifies Mortgage Paperwork
- GOP plan dramatically reduces Social Security benefits, actuary finds
- Was Ginny Thomas Drunk Dialing Anita Hill? Enquiring Minds Want to Know -- Tony Peyser's Verse Case Scenario
- Existing home sales rise 10 percent in September
- Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Invasion of the Democracy Crushers
- Independents May Swing 2010 Election, And They are Trending Republican
- "Democrats Go All-In for Female Candidates"
- Illinois: A Chicago family did everything they were supposed to do to get a loan modification. They were turned down because the bank decided they had saved too much.
- Hey Why Not? Free Enterprise! A real estate developer from Chicago is to appear in a Denver courtroom today, accused of hiring a hit man to kill a business associate.
- Washington Post Election Prognostication: A Tale of Two Houses
- Nicolas Davies: Deaths Revealed by Wikileaks Are Tip of an Iceberg
- Republicans Passionate Defenders of The Constitution—As They Imagine It
- Frederick Clarkson: What is the Role of the Religious Left?
- “Tell them,” Tooryalai said, “ to come to Afghanistan and make friends.”
- Aljazeera: Leaks reveal Blackwater excesses
- Government Doesn't Suck' March Planned by Younger Federal Workers
- Recession's reverberations keep pummeling the young
- How to avoid conflict minerals?
- Tea Party climate change deniers funded by BP and other major polluters
- "The House is duty-bound to Bring Articles of Impeachment against Clarence Thomas"
- Most doctors are behind the learning curve on genetic tests
- German firms blocking Facebook over security: report
- Chicago Parents Occupy Elementary School Building to Prevent Demolition. This Should be a Model for Our Activism. No More Expecting Politicians to Vote Progressively. We Must Become the Change That We Seek.
- Cholera Toll Tops 250 in Haiti
- Cholera Cases Emerge in Haiti's Capita
- App Makers Take Interest in Android
- For college students, it's so not '08
- The Revolt Shaking France
- Condoleezza Rice's family memoir, reviewed by Patricia Sullivan
- Pat Toomey: It's Not Clear That Extending Bush Tax Cuts Would Add Trillions to Deficit
- G-20 powers agree to Geithner currency and trade plan
- Here’s some information that might be a rude awakening for everybody who believes they can count on unemployment benefits if they lose their job. Last year alone, a record 20 million plus Americans collected unemployment benefits at some point, and maybe they took those benefits as a given. But we’ve learned that if you lose your job there’s no guarantee that you’ll be entitled to collect a check.
- In Colorado, Voters Voice Uncertainty and Anger
- Baca sought criminal probe outside jurisdiction on behalf of political donor
- Peter Bossman becomes Eastern Europe's first black mayor
- 2010 Rove Dismisses 2004 Rove’s Deep Concerns About Secret Money In Elections
- Distance Runners Are a Paradox for Insurers
- Could angry LGBT community turn their backs on Democrats?
- Harry Reid mans up for Lilly Ledbetter
- Companies that received bailout money giving generously to candidates
- Claims of Abuse at San Diego Church
- Democrats' Senate Odds Improve as Key Races Tighten
- Iraq: Hundreds of Civilians Gunned Down at Checkpoints
- Organic Gardens Feeding People from Argentina to Haiti
- Three GOP candidates spend astounding $243M. Better spent on healthcare?
- Eight False Things the Public "Knows" Prior to Election Day
- Revolution, Survival and Poor People's Human Rights: An Interview With Cheri Honkala
- California Passes Landmark Anti-Human Trafficking Law
- The Politicians Who Cried "Crisis"
- Britain's Budget Cuts - Will the Bell Toll for Us?
- The Long Walk Home: One Barefoot Activist's Mission to Stop the Veteran Suicide Epidemic
- Looks Like We Do Body Counts, After All
- Joe Miller's Extreme Anti-Gay Adviser
- So Where's the Apology to Anita Hill?
- Iran Is Said to Give Top Karzai Aide Cash by the Bagful
- Rich-poor difference is ominous reality
- Leaked Reports Detail Iran’s Aid for Iraqi Militias
- G.O.P. Is Poised to Seize the House, if Not the Senate
- U.S. Seeks Wider CIA Role
- In an unruly, unpredictable and chaotic election year, no group has asserted its presence and demanded to be heard more forcefully than the tea party.
- Senate Forecast Update: G.O.P. Still Seeking No. 51
- NYT Editorial: "American multinationals are once more pushing for a tax holiday in exchange for repatriating foreign profits. Congress should not be fooled again."
- Defunding NPR? It's not that easy
- Republican Early Voters Outnumber Democrats
- The Strange Case of Aafia Siddiqui
- Obama Administration Handed Over Detainees Despite Reports of Torture
- "War Does This to Your Mind"
- Maureen Dowd: "We don’t know why Ginni Thomas, who was once in the thrall of a cultish self-help group called Lifespring, made that odd call to Hill at 7:30 on a Saturday morning. But we do know that the Thomases show supremely bad judgment."
- Frank Rich: "What Happened to Change We Can Believe in?" No matter how much the White House talks about “tough” new financial regulatory reforms, the Obama administration seems not to have a prosecutorial gene.
- On Stump, Obama Takes Sharper Tone
- Radical Right: A Lifetime of "You're on Your Own"
- NPR Shouldn't Have Hired Juan Williams in the First Place
- Michael Savage: Another Lunatic in the Asylum Broadcasting Psychotic Messages Over the Ward Intercom -- BuzzFlash Editor's Blog for Truthout, By Mark Karlin
- Washington Post: Tea party's wide publicity belies its limited scope
- Exodus Over Women Bishops in UK
- Washington Post: "The Secret Life of Guns," or How Profiteering Gun Sales are Related to Crime and Violence in America's Shooting Gallery
- Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Lives Like a Hunted Man
- Nicholas Kristoff: "So let’s not fool ourselves by thinking that we’re doing favors for Afghan women by investing American blood and treasure in an unsustainable war here. The road to emancipate Afghan women will be arduous, but it runs through schools and economic development — and, yes, a peace deal with the Taliban, if that’s possible."
- Huge New Stretches of Oil Found in Gulf of Mexico
- Taliban attacks U.N. compound in western Afghanistan
- Bob Herbert: The Way We Treat Our Troops
- Oops! The Republican "Stop the Vote" Effort for Latinos in Nevada is Backfiring Badly
- Rep. Upton critiques Pelosi and Waxman for silence on NPR firing controversy
- Do Afghan Peace Talks Have Traction?
- President Obama's America Now Mainly Blue
- Trail Mix: DNC Outraises RNC $11.1 Million to $4.2 Million in the First 13 Days of October
- House: The Daily 10
- Rep. Peter DeFazio Investigating Impeachment For Chief Justice John Roberts
- Admiral Joe Sestak's big truth
- Tribune CEO Resigns Amid Tumultuous Accusations of Crude Behavior, Leaving Bankrupt Company Behind
- Raul Grijalva’s Office Hit By Terrorist Attack In Arizona
- Media Matters: Wishing for Obama's assassination won't get you fired from Fox News
- They Fled Away "Like Gangsters": Murder and Greed in Baghdad
- Wikileaks Hacked By “Very Skilled” Attackers Prior To Iraq Doc Release
- Civil War? Tea Party Founder Calls Sarah Palin And Newt Gingrich A Joke
- Virginia's Koch Royalty
- Report: 1.2 Million Workers Facing Potential Loss of Unemployment Benefits
- Secret memo displays corporate and media tentacles of the Kochtopus
- Wikileaks File Shows US Turning Blind Eye to Torture
- Big Oil Goes to College
- A Citizens United Conspiracy – Were Supreme Court Justices Involved?
- Americans Dumbfounded As French Protest Increase In Retirement Age To...62
- The Elephant in the Foreclosure Fraud Room: Second Liens
- New France Strikes to Follow Senate Passage of Pension Law
- Then They Came for Me -- Bob Koehler for BuzzFlash
- Larger Than Usual Block of Jewish Voters Appear Dissatisfied, But Not Likely to Desert Democrats -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash
- Dr. J.'s BF Commentary No. 156: The GOP's Perfect Storm -- Steven Jonas for BuzzFlash
- The "Backlash" of the New Right Wing -- The September BuzzFlash/Truthout Review by Thom Hartmann -- Thom Hartmann's Exclusive September "Independent Thinker" Review for BuzzFlash/Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Experimenting With Witchcraft And Christine O'Donnell
- These are Ironic Times
- NPR's Pledge Drive To Feature The 'Juan Williams Tote Bag'
- I Am Not Aqua Buddha
- Christine O’Donnell Favors Separation of Speech and Thought