Algae bloom or oil spill redux?Coast Guard investigating after reports of new plumes of oil in Gulf.
Cities banning teens from trick or treatingAdults frightened of '6-foot-tall kids' behind drive to set age limit.
CA pot initiative up in smoke?Trend towards 'no' vote on legalization, but polls may be skewed.
Biden to campaign for GraysonIconoclastic Florida lawmaker Alan Grayson trails in polls.
Michael Moore's letter to Juan Williams Obama rallies 37,500 at USC Judge orders Miller's records opened Obama approval rating jumps Rep. wants Justice Roberts impeached Lawsuit seeks return of drilling moratorium Outside election spending hits $200m Did Justice Thomas commit perjury?
Cholera reaches Haitian capital US swimmer dies during Dubai race Iran captured US hikers in Iraq: docs Map of every death in Iraq war Maliki: Wiki-leak politically timed 'American Qaeda' urges attacks in US Bombers attack UN Afghan compound Shocking: One day in the Iraq war
Texas sends $269 million bill to Amazon Dogs, not tech, best at bomb detection McDonald's to raise prices Facebook cuts ex's from photo slides Google 'sorry' it stole emails, passwords 'Most advanced' nuke sub runs aground Amazon to allow 14-day Kindle lending sued for lack of profit
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