Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paris installs first 'sparkling water' public drinking fountain

Seriously, they've installed a sparkling drinking fountain (in the neighborhood of one of my friends, I told him to go get video).  As for me, I'd simply like to be able to walk home at night in DC without worrying about being mugged.  In Paris, mugging isn't really an issue in most of the city, even at 3am on a deserted street.  So they get bubbly water.  More from the City of Paris' Web site.
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French politician confuses 'inflation' with.... a sexual act

Oh, come on, it's a political story. ;-) Read More......

Successfully taking on the mafia in Sicily

Neat story of how people are finally taking on the mafia, and winning, in Italy. Makes what we face, and do, look almost miniscule in comparison.
For two years, Maniaci aired exposés about a mob-owned distillery in Partinico that was violating Sicily’s antipollution statutes and pouring toxic fumes into the atmosphere. At one point he chained himself to the distillery’s security fence in an effort to get police to shut it down. (It closed in 2005 but reopened last year after a legal battle.) He identified a house used by Bernard Provenzano and local Mafia chieftains to plan killings and other crimes: authorities confiscated it and knocked it down. In 2006 he got the scoop of a lifetime, joining police as they raided a tin shack near Corleone and captured Provenzano. The Mafia has burned Maniaci’s car twice and repeatedly threatened to kill him; in 2008 a pair of hoodlums beat him outside his office. Maniaci went on the air the next day with a bruised face and denounced his attackers. After the beating, he declined an offer of round-the-clock police protection, saying it would make it impossible for him to meet his “secret sources.”
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GOP Senate candidate, and anti-masturbation activist, caught lying about a new lie

Absolutely incredible. Mind you, she's posing as some conservative do-gooder. And she's now a proven serial liar, in addition to a (former?) witch. Greg Sargent over at the even caught her today lying about a new lie. It's a complicated post, so I'm going to take the liberty of just this once quoting it extensively:
This morning, the Democratic National Committee pointed out that O'Donnell is also described in a ZoomInfo entry as having achieved a "certificate" in "Post Modernism in the New Millennium" from the "University of Oxford." The Zoom Info entry was labled, "user verified."

ZoomInfo, which has spent the day looking into this, has sent over a statement detailing what happened with this profile. According to the company, O'Donnell's profile was claimed in 2008 through something called a "double opt-in process."

The company says this process cannot function without "response to a verification e-mail message." ZoomInfo is not releasing that email address, citing privacy. But here's the rub: The company is confirming that they have identified the emailer:
We can say, however, that the email address was not of an anonymous nature -- that is, the address was not from a personal free email service and contained identifying information. ZoomInfo's Terms of Service require users to agree that they will not "impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent" their affiliation with a person or entity.
The company is also confirming that O'Donnell -- or whoever claimed the profile -- would have had ample opportunity to change any wrong info, and that after it was claimed, it could not be changed any other way:
All persons who claim profiles on ZoomInfo have the opportunity to review, update, delete and change information that ZoomInfo has compiled from other sources. In addition, persons who claim their profiles may add information of their choosing, including employment and educational history. All employment history (titles and companies), educational background, etc. is "locked" when the registrant claims the profile. Our automated system does not add any new titles, companies or educational records to claimed profiles, even if we find new Web articles and update a profile with these references.
In other words, ZoomInfo knows who claimed this profile and verified the information. And in response to my questions, it's not disputing the idea that it was claimed by O'Donnell or someone apparently authorized by her to do so. Keep in mind: The company could say this wasn't done by O'Donnell or someone authorized by her without violating the poster's privacy.
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Many big donors pulling support for Dems this election

Many wealthy Democratic patrons, who in the past have played major roles financing outside groups to help elect the party’s candidates, are largely sitting out these crucial midterm elections.

Democratic donors like George Soros, the bête noire of the right, and his fellow billionaire Peter B. Lewis, who each gave more than $20 million to Democratic-oriented groups in the 2004 election, appear to be holding back so far.
The donors’ reluctance stems from a variety of factors, including pessimism about the party’s prospects in November, but also President Obama’s strong condemnations of this kind of independent activity, both during the 2008 campaign and after he was elected.
Democratic consultant Mike Lux explains more about how the anti- strategy has killed Democratic donations. Read More......

Ian Welsh: 'Tax Cuts for the rich create jobs outside the US'

This is a drive-by, and it won't be news to some of you. But it's not a connection that many have made, since it's a series of dots, where the endpoints aren't obviously related.

Ian Welsh says it simply: Tax cuts for the rich create jobs outside the US. And he's right. If you sweeten the purse of the rich, they put money where it will earn. At this point, that's not the U.S. So if you want jobs here, make investment attractive here, or unattractive abroad. Or both.

Yes, that's managed capitalism (but so are bailouts). And yes, that's contra what Bush defined as "freedom" — meaning freedom for capital to move wherever (you didn't think the Bush definition of "freedom" involved real people, did you?).

But so what. You want jobs here, keep money here. Ian Welsh:
If you can build a factory overseas which produces the same goods for less, meaning more profit for you, why would you build it in the US?

Until that question is adequately answered, by which I mean “until it’s worth investing in the US”, most of the discretionary money of the rich will either go into useless speculative activities like the housing and credit bubbles, which don’t create real growth in the US, or they will go overseas.

There are a number of ways this question can be answered.
Then he lists the ways. A good read, highly recommended.

If when you're done reading, the details float away, just remember — every dollar you hand to the rich in this post-Reagan fever to serve them, means fewer Wheaties for Americans.

If we don't stand up for us, who will?


Update: Edited the last sentence for clarity. Read More......

GOP member of Congress says it's too soon to support Boehner for speaker

Seems the Tan One isn't as popular as he thinks. Read More......

24% of second quarter home sales were foreclosures

Another sign that there is still a lot of surplus in the market. Some banks had been holding back foreclosed inventory though there could be years worth out there. Those in Washington who thought this problem could potentially be turned around quickly are being proven wrong.
Nearly one in every four U.S. homes sold in the second quarter was a deeply discounted foreclosed house, putting the market on pace to work through distressed properties in about three years, RealtyTrac said.

Banks stepped up foreclosures through the summer and will take over a record 1.2 million homes this year, up from around 1 million last year and about 100,000 in 2005 before the housing bust, according to a forecast from the real estate data company.

Foreclosed homes accounted for 24 percent of all second-quarter sales, at an average price discount of more than 26 percent compared with homes not in the foreclosure process.
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It's official. Rahm is leaving the White House to run for Mayor

The first campaign event will be at the White House tomorrow. I say, Good riddance:
President Obama will give his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, a send-off Friday as Mr. Emanuel officially announces his departure from the West Wing to run for mayor of Chicago, officials familiar with the decision said.

The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, at his daily briefing on Thursday afternoon said that the president will give two personnel announcements on Friday morning from the East Room of the White House. Mr. Gibbs, admitting that he was being purposely “oblique,” would not confirm whether the announcements would concern Mr. Emanuel.

The two officials, who declined to be named in advance of the official announcement, confirmed that Mr. Obama plans to name Pete Rouse, a senior adviser, to replace Mr. Emanuel. Mr. Rouse has been at the president’s side since Mr. Obama arrived in Washington nearly six years ago as a senator, serving as his chief of staff.
Can some enterprising reporter ask candidate Rahm his position on same-sex marriage? I suspect Rahm will be seeing and hearing a lot from LGBT activists as he campaigns over the next few months.

Also, I do wonder what Rahm Emanuel would say to any senior staffer who quit a key job with under five weeks to go before an election? I can't imagine it would be pretty, unless said staffer was the kind of disaster that Rahm has been. Read More......

Olbermann examines WI GOPer Ron Johnson's role in Catholic child rape scandal

Getting ensnared in the Catholic Church's child rape scandal -- and the subsequent cover-up isn't the best place for a candidate to be. But, that's where Wisconsin GOP Senate candidate Ron Johnson is. And, he put himself there.

Watch this clip from Olbermann. It's devastating.

Johnson, who is spending millions of his own money to buy the Senate seat, is running against Russ Feingold, who actually is a true progressive. Johnson has been ahead in recent polling.

Feingold's website is here. His ActBlue page is here. Read More......

S. 3804, the Internet Blacklist bill

As a follow-on to this post about Obama law enforcement and security officials seeking sweeping changes to Internet-related devices (if you haven't read that yet, you should) — comes this, from Jim in the comments.

It's S. 3804, the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA; I almost want to say cloaca). It's ostensibly designed as a sledge hammer against any site where counterfeit or copyrighted material are "central to the activity of the Internet site." It bypasses take-down orders for specific infractions, and goes right to "your whole site is evil — banned."

Targeted sites could be placed on a required-to-block list via a court order, or on a suggested-to-block list by the Attorney General. You read that right; the exec branch gets to unilaterally "suggest" which sites to block.

Can you see Comcast bucking the AG's suggestions list? Heck, I can see Comcast paying (sorry, bribing; sorry, campaign-donating to) the party-in-power to get its own targets on that list. I can also see the White House political adviser directing (sorry, suggesting; sorry, whispering over cocktails) that the AG might remember there's an election coming. There's always an election coming, right?

They're calling it the Internet Blacklist; they wouldn't be wrong.

The sponsors of COICA are Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah); now there's a pair to conjure with. More information is here and here. The Chamber of Commerce loves this bill's precious butt, as does Viacom. The Electronic Frontier Foundation hates it. 'Nuff said?

Rumor is the vote will come soon, though the bill is still in committee; I can't verify the schedule one way or the other.

Action opportunity — If you want to, you could google "petition stop coica" to see how many petitions you can sign. Or if you prefer to roll your own, you might start with Sheldon Whitehouse or Amy Klobuchar; they're on the sponsors list. The rest of the Dem sponsors are either unknown to me (Herb Kohl-Wis, net worth roughly $200 million; and Ben Cardin-Md) or look like lost causes (for example, Chuck Shumer).


Update: Links added for Whitehouse and Klobuchar. Read More......

Are liberals being set up to the take fall for the (possibly) looming election disaster?

Jane says yes. And it's the only logical reason I can think of to explain why the President and the Vice President, nearly four weeks before a crucial election, are out there denigrating the Democratic base.
President Obama is at it again, this time scolding Democratic voters in the pages of Rolling Stone:
[I]f people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place...The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible.
When people scratch their heads and wonder how a campaign based on hectoring your supporters expects to turn out voters, the answer is, it doesn't. And you don't see anyone who's actually running for office this November engaging in it. They well know that your job is to inspire and energize voters in advance of the election. Obama did too -- when he was running for office himself.

No, this isn't about getting voters to the polls in November. It's about setting up a narrative for who will take the blame for a disastrous election. And once again, the White House doesn't care if they make matters worse in order to deflect responsibility from Obama.
Jane goes on to present a compelling case of how the White House has previously written off elections early in order to escape blame. Is she right? I'm not sure. But for the life of me I have no idea how maligning your own voters inspires more of them vote. Read More......

Republicans block Net Neutrality for this session

The Party of No strikes again.
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) confirmed Wednesday afternoon that his net neutrality bill was effectively scrapped after Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) declined to support the legislation.

In a statement, Waxman urged the Federal Communications Commission to reassert its authority to regulate broadband access providers. Doing so would allow the FCC to create its own net neutrality rules -- an effort that was thrown into doubt when a federal court ruled the agency overstepped its authority by sanctioning Comcast for allegedly violating broadband rules.

Waxman said he and his staff had worked with public interest groups, Internet service providers and Web content companies to try to reach an agreement around a bill that all parties could support. Waxman, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, said he had also kept Republican members on the committee abreast of his work. He said it was essential to gain Republican support for the bill.
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Thursday Morning Open Thread

Good morning.

The President is back in Washington after his whirlwind trip through backyards across America -- and that huge rally in Madison.

Congress has, on the other hand, left town. Both bodies wrapped up last night -- and are heading home to campaign. Democratic leaders, however, are still in town and will be meeting with Obama later today. That group includes: Senators Reid, Durbin, Schumer and Murray, Speaker Pelosi, Reps. Hoyer, Clyburn and Van Hollen. I'm sure that crowd is all real happy with each other.

There's lots of work left for Congress to do. They're going to cram in a lot of work in the lame duck. Anyone really expecting great results from that?

If you haven't read John's post on the suicide of Tyler Clementi, you should. It's a very painful story. There have been a number of suicides of young gay teens lately. One is too many. Something is out of whack -- and it doesn't help when prominent Americans bash gays for political gain.

We're under a tornado watch here in the District. Tropical Storm Nicole, or what's left of the storm, is working its way up the East Coast today. That poses a particular problem for the canine member of my household. Petey hates to go out in the rain. Just hates it. Looks at me like I'm torturing him. It's not fun.

Heading out now. Read More......

EU facing more economic hurdles

Ireland has now constructed a worst case scenario for the cost of bailing out Anglo Irish Bank. The estimate is that it could reach as high as 32% of the Irish GDP. Elsewhere in Europe, Spain has had its credit rating cut by another ratings agency which means the cost of borrowing to pay the debt will be more expensive. Spain faces a challenging transition from a construction-focused work environment to something else. Both cases highlight the problems ahead for Europe. In the US, many of the problems have been pushed out to the state level so we're also not out of the woods yet either. Read More......

Most recent Tour de France winner tests positive during the Tour

The banned substance levels appear to be quite small though his story isn't the most convincing excuse. What makes it all sound even worse is that he's known since late August and only now is he planning to schedule a press conference to discuss his side of the story. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't sound positive for what used to be a great sport. BBC:
Cyclist Alberto Contador, winner of the 2010 Tour de France, has said he has tested positive for a banned substance.

Contador's press officer said he had tested positive for clenbuterol during a rest on the Tour in July.

In a statement, the spokesman added that the Spanish rider was the victim of "food contamination" and would hold a news conference later on Thursday.

Cycling's governing body, UCI, later confirmed that Contador had been provisionally suspended.
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Majority of Americans believe free trade agreements hurt the US

So was it a poor job of selling free trade or is free trade in fact a bad thing for the country? NBC/WSJ Poll:
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that 69 percent of Americans believe free trade agreements with other countries have cost jobs in the United States, while just 18 percent believe they have created jobs. A 53 percent majority—up from 46 percent three years ago and 30 percent in 1999—believes that trade agreements have hurt the nation overall.

Moreover, that rising skepticism extends across the political spectrum—a sign that continued trade expansion may be no easier for Republican leaders to promote if they regain control of Congress than it has been for Democrats.

While 65 percent of union members say free trade has hurt the U.S., so do 61 percent of Tea Party sympathizers. Democratic pollster Peter Hart and his Republican counterpart Bill McInturff, who conduct the NBC/WSJ poll, say the greatest shift against free trade has come among relatively affluent Americans, or those earning more than $75,000 a year.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Author of 'More Guns, Less Crime' has UT speech canceled due to campus shooting

Not surprisingly, the gun-toting patriots that wanted the speech hope that nobody gets the wrong idea about guns. Really, despite the whole violence and death thing, they're great.
In an unfortunate coincidence, several student organizations, including the Libertarian Longhorns, the UT Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, the UT Objectivism Society and the UT Federalist Society planned to host John Lott, author of the book “More Guns, Less Crime,” at the UT Law School.

It was planned for 6 this evening. The event is postponed tentatively, said Jeff Shi, a full-time student computer science student and the president of UT Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, “and we are talking to Mr. Lott about alternative plans.”

I don’t want to comment on any political aspects of this,” Shi said. “I hope everything turns out well and the only casualties are the bad guys.”
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In Delaware, Chris Coons supports full LGBT equality -- unlike Christine 'identity disorder' O'Donnell

I posted this at AMERICAblog Gay and wanted to make sure everyone sees it.

Last week, CNN released a poll last week showing Chris Coons has a wide lead over anti-gay/anti-masturbation/witchcraft dabbler/teabagger Christine O'Donnell.

That's good.

Coons got into this race when no on thought he had a chance, since Mike Castle was viewed as the presumptive victor in both the GOP primary and the general election. Now, he's got a very good chance to be the next Senator from Delaware.

We've heard a lot about O'Donnell. Too much. Just four years ago, in 2006, O'Donnell opined that homosexuality was an "identity disorder."

We should also know some things about Chris Coons, the Democratic nominee and potential U.S. Senator.

Last Tuesday, I got the chance to talk to Chris Coons on Tuesday, shortly before the Senate voted to end filibuster of the Defense Authorization bill.

My focus was on Coon's LGBT positions, since that's the issue about which I'm most concerned these days. Also, keep in mind, the winner of this race becomes the Senator upon winning. So, if there's any chance to pass the DADT language in the lame-duck, we'll need every possible vote.

The first thing Coons told me was "If I was in the Senate, I'd vote to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell." That's a good start.

His website:
Chris has always been a supporter of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community here in Delaware. As County Executive, he created an external Diversity Commission that reviews county policies and practices and includes a representative from the LGBT community. Chris has also ensured domestic partnership benefits in New Castle County government and supported LGBT issues debated in the state legislature. If elected to the US Senate, he will continue fighting for LGBT issues such as: marriage equality for all Americans, repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the Defense of Marriage Act, and supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and Uniting American Families Act (UAFA).
Another supporter of marriage equality would be a very good thing.

Coons also told me he would co-sponsor legislation to repeal DOMA. To date, there's no DOMA repeal bill in that body. Paul Hodes also told us he's co-sponsor a Senate bill.

And, support for the other legislation is important since none of it passed this year.

Later today, we're going to find out if Mike Castle, who lost to O'Donnell, will enter this race as a write-in candidate. (UPDATE: Castle isn't running.)

For voters in Delaware and anyone who cares about LGBT equality, Chris Coons is the candidate. Read More......

Rutgers freshman jumps off bridge after roommate secretly films him making out with guy, puts film on Twitter

A horrific story.

18 year old Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University in New Jersey, reportedly jumped off a bridge to his death after his roommate secretly set up spy cameras in his dorm room, filmed him making out with another guy, and then posted the videos on Twitter.

The roommate also invited his Twitter followers to come watch Tyler, live, via hidden camera during a second date. The day after, Tyler announced on Facebook that he was going to kill himself, and shortly thereafter jumped off a bridge to his death. has a timeline:
Sept. 1: Fall semester begins at Rutgers. Dharun Ravi and Tyler Clementi are roommates in Davidson dormitory on Busch Campus.

Sept. 19: Twitter feed from Ravi: “Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with another dude. Yay.”

Sept. 21: Twitter feed from Ravi: “Anyone with iChat, I dare you to video chat me between the hours of 9:30 and 12. Yes, it’s happening again.”

Sept. 22, around 8 p.m.: Friends say Clementi sends a Facebook update: "Going to jump off the GW Bridge. Sorry."

Later that hour, Clementi commits suicide by jumping from the George Washington Bridge.
Not that it should matter, but Tyler was apparently a good kid, and an accomplished violinist:
Clementi was a member of the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra 2010-2011 season as a violinist. At the annual Ridgewood High School ceremony in June 2010, the senior won the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra Scholarship, the Orchestra Parents Association Award, and the National School Orchestra Award. He has been recognized by the Friends of Music that supports music in the Ridgewood public schools for his community activities.

Diane Wade, a violinist with the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra, sat next to Clementi and said he was one of the most gifted student players she had encountered in many years playing with the orchestra.

“He was so incredibly talented – I could not believe how good he was for such a young boy,” Wade said. “Such a nice kid all the way around…As a parent, he was the way you want your kids to be – polite, courteous, serious about the work he was doing and a hard worker.”
This is what it means to be gay in America in 2010. I think a lot of people who aren't gay, and even many who are, like to think that we're all rich and live in big welcoming cities where being gay is about as big a handicap as being left-handed. We say we want our civil rights, but I think a lot of people think we've got things pretty good, and behind closed doors, they probably call us whiners too.

And I'm sure our lives are pretty good, and just as good as straight people's, except for the part about not being able to get married, have children in many states, keep a job - oh yeah, and that nagging desire to kill ourselves because so many of us grew up thinking we were horrible people who would never be loved, or find love.

I think it's this kind of attitude that leads people to lecture us about "keeping the long view in mind" with regards to getting our civil rights.  I wrote in response, just yesterday, "to paraphrase Keynes, in the long view we're all dead."

Gay civil rights isn't a "social issue." It's our lives. A lot of us, myself included, grew up thinking we'd never see the age of 30 because we'd have to kill ourselves once people found out we were gay. A lot of people have no idea how hard it is to grow up being gay. To grow up thinking God made you wrong. Thinking you will never find love. Thinking your own family and friends will disown you once they know who you really are. And hearing the President of the United States - one of the "good" guys - say that you don't deserve the right to marry the person you love.

And when politicians make promises to us, break promises to us, then lecture us to "stop whining" because the other guy would hurt us even worse, it really hits a raw nerve. It suggests that they don't think our struggle is a struggle. They don't think it's as important as the "important" issues the country faces. It tells us that they think we're just another special interest, no different than the corporate lobbyist trying to get another tax break.

Until kids like Tyler Clementi stop killing themselves, we will continue to whine. We'll whine about bad politicians who try to pass legislation hurting us, and "good" politicians who say the right thing, but can't seem to find the time to fit our civil rights into their busy schedules.

We can't wait any longer. And we won't.

PS See Dan Savage's new YouTube channel "It Gets Better." It's an effort to stop gay youth from killing themselves, and something Dan started last week, before this latest suicide even happened.

Finally, someone set up a Facebook page in Tyler's memory.  Please stop by. Read More......

Indiana's GOP Sec. of State candidate accused of 'voter fraud' - could be in charge of elections

Yes, you read that headline right. Charlie White, the GOP candidate for Secretary of State in Indiana, the guy who would be overseeing elections laws, is being accused of voter fraud. And, it looks like there's a very strong case to be made against him.

Bil Browning tipped me off about this story earlier in the week. Bil provides the background here:
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is being touted as a 2012 presidential candidate by national media and conservative political pundits due, in part, to Indiana's controversial Voter ID law, one of the most restrictive voting laws in the entire country. Gov. Daniels argued strenuously that this law was necessary to 'protect the integrity of the vote' and to 'prevent voter fraud', despite there not being one single documented case of in-person voter fraud in the history of the state- until now, perhaps.

Believe it or not, questions are swirling around Charlie White, the Mitch Daniels' endorsed Republican candidate for Secretary of State. That's right, the candidate who, if elected, would be responsible for administering elections in Indiana and overseeing the exact same laws he's being accused of violating!
Last week, the Evansville Courier Press reported the story:
The Republican candidate for Indiana secretary of state is under fire for living on the east side of Fishers, an Indianapolis suburb, while registering to vote and representing a town council district on the west side.

In February, Charlie White moved into a condominium outside the district he represented. But at the time he did not leave his council post.

White updated his voter registration, but instead of listing the new address where he now lives, he used the address of a house in which he and his former wife lived until they divorced in 2007. She now owns that house.

White remarried in May.

He said he resigned Tuesday, as required by state law, after he was notified that he no longer lives in the district he represents.
And, he didn't live at the residence he used to register to vote either. That action sounds intentional on the part of White. I'd imagine most divorced people know that they no longer live with their exes, right?

In today's Indianapolis Star, Matthew Tully asks: "Should this voter be in charge of state elections?" Pretty clear that the answer is no:
If there were an election for dogcatcher, and it turned out that one of the leading candidates let his own dogs run wild in his neighborhood, you might think twice about casting a vote for him.

That essentially sums up the controversy surrounding Charlie White, the Republican candidate for secretary of state. White, who hopes to be the state's next chief elections officer, now acknowledges he continued to serve on the Fishers Town Council for months after moving out of the district he represented. Along the way, he also voted in a primary in a precinct in which he apparently no longer lived.

It's quite embarrassing.

After all, Democrats argue, how could White be taken seriously as the elections chief if he can't even follow the law himself?

"It is our clear position that Mr. White has committed voter fraud," Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Dan Parker said. "He has a lot of explaining to do, and he has serious allegations against him."

Parker is clearly enjoying the chance to rough up a Republican candidate for statewide office. Still, he's right.
Today, Bil reports the story "has continued to grow." He uses the terms "special prosecutor" and "grand jury." Bil also reports that White will undoubtedly stay on the ballot. So, this could -- and should -- help propel a win for the progressive candidate in the race, Democrat Vop Osili. Read More......

O'Donnell's bio is very misleading

From the person who wouldn't lie to the Nazis if they were looking for Anne Frank. It's all so sinful. TPM has the details on both misleading references in her profile.
The discrepancy was first reported by Gary Scott, a radio producer in Los Angeles and longtime political reporter and editor.

Turns out O'Donnell (R-DE) did receive a fellowship from a conservative think tank named the Claremont Institute, also in Claremont, Ca. but not affiliated with Claremont Graduate University. The think tank is listed properly on her campaign site, sort of.
And then there's that pesky little problem with her "Oxford" degree that wasn't. Read More......

Republicans block Gulf Oil Spill Commission from having subpeona power

Let me guess. The Republicans want to apologize again to BP. What's so wrong about asking Big Oil to provide honest testimony? Read More......

Politico asks: Who are Obama's 'whiners'?

Apparently, the whiners are me and you. From Keach Hagey at Politico:
The vice president told Democrats to “stop whining,” the president told them to “buck up,” and if there was any remaining doubt that press secretary Robert Gibbs’s exasperation over the summer with the “professional left” was the official view of the White House, they dispelled it this week.

But who, exactly, makes up this “professional left” that is so bothering President Barack Obama and his advisers? On Tuesday, Gibbs’s deputy, Bill Burton, made it clear that the occasionally critical cable personalities originally associated with this comment have the administration’s blessing.

"If you're on the left, if you're somebody like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow or one of the folks who helps to keep our government honest and pushes and prods to make sure that folks are true to progressive values, then [the president] thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service,” Burton told reporters.

Noticeably absent from Burton’s embrace was anyone from the blogosphere once courted so avidly by the White House. Peter Daou thinks he knows why:

“With each passing day, I’m beginning to realize that the crux of the problem for Obama is a handful of prominent progressive bloggers, among them Glenn Greenwald, John Aravosis, Digby, Marcy Wheeler and Jane Hamsher.”
The article goes on to cite a series of essays by Peter Daou about the power of the liberal blogosphere, and its effects, and relationship, with the Obama administration. You can read Peter's quite interesting essays here and here.

The role of the blogs in Obama's falling popularity is a complicated one.  To some degree I think criticism of Obama by the blogs did eventually hurt the President in the public eye.  The top blogs may not collectively reach that many people in a country of over 300 million, but we reach the right people.  We are read by the White House, Congress, political campaigns, reporters, donors, celebrities, and more generally, politically -connected and -aware people across the country.  Our views disseminate to the right people, and if those people agree with us, the message spreads.

But I also think the blogs simply saw what was coming, that it wasn't good, and provided an early warning that was ignored by the administration.  For twenty months now, Joe and I have been warning of an impending rupture between the Democratic party and the gay community.  And a rupture is now clearly brewing, especially with the Obama administration not having achieved any of its top three promises to our community.  Did we cause that rupture or did we simply predict it?  To some degree both.  We not only alerted the community to what was coming - to the fact that the President was neither interested in our issues, nor in trying to advance them - we also informed the public every time the administration or Congress did something to set back our civil rights movement.  The Obama administration can choose to blame the messenger, but our message has proven true time and time again.

And even when you say "the blogs helped cause the President's problems" what does that mean?  The Obama administration and its apologists would have you believe that the liberal blogs have an almost svengali-like power to trick our readers, and Democratic voters generally, into being disappointed with the President and Congress.  I'm not convinced that our readers are so stupid that they'd believe "lies."  We could only get away with lying once or twice before our stories simply wouldn't pan out, our predictions wouldn't end up happening, and our readers would realize that we had no clue what was really going on in Washington politics.  Except we ended up being right.

On gay rights, Joe and I have an almost perfect track record of predicting everything the Obama administration and Democratic Congress were going to do on DADT, DOMA and ENDA, and ultimately, in predicting just how much trouble our community would be in as a result of the Democrats' disinterest in our issues.

But the gay community isn't alone.  Glenn Greenwald and the ACLU surely haven't been wrong about their early warnings regarding Obama's civil liberties policies.  And were environmentalists wrong to question whether Team Obama would act forcefully and quickly on global warming?  Have Latinos been wrong to worry that Obama wouldn't keep his promise to pass immigration reform last year, and now this year?  Then there's health care reform - yes, the President and the Congress did something, but not nearly what they were capable of doing with the majorities and the public support we gave them.

Perhaps the reason the President's voters-turned-critics have influence, and perhaps the reason the President and the party are increasingly less popular, isn't because we're consistently wrong - but rather because we're right. Read More......

WI GOPer Ron Johnson was on Finance Council of Diocese being sued over child sex abuse

Now this is starting to make sense.

On Monday,
we posted video of Wisconsin's GOP Senate candidate testifying against a bill to aid victims of child sex abuse. I asked
Seriously, who sides with child sex abusers over victims?
Now, the first response for me, and I suspect many others, was: The Catholic Bishops, of course.

And, guess who was sitting on the Finance Council of the Green Bay Diocese, which was being sued by victims of child sex abuse? Wisconsin GOP Senate candidate Ron Johnson.

From Uppity Wisconsin:
Oh, that's rich, Ron! I guess you're forgetting your time on the Green Bay Diocese Finance Council.

But, since you brought it up... let talk more about it: You see, under Canon Law, the Finance Council has ultimate authority, among other things, in the settling of law suits. And what is the main kind of law suit you dealt with as a member of the Finance Council? Sex abuse claims by children assaulted by priests and other clergy of the Green Bay Diocese.

In fact, you even went to the Wisconsin State Senate to strongly lobby against a bill that would have removed the statute of limitiations that prevents child victims of sexual assault from suing their assaulters and the institutions that enabled them. And when you got down to Madison, you not only spoke out against the Child Victims Act, you categorically spoke out against ALL law suits against dioceses and other employers that get sued because they reassign instead of arresting employees they know to be pedophiles.

And here's the kicker: You testified before the Wiconsin State Senate while your Green Bay Diocese Finance Council was trying to get a law suit dismissed. Not on grounds that the diocese was guilty-- they transferred predator priest John Feeney 14 times in 14 years-- but because... wait for it... the statute of limitations had expired. And here's the best part: the guy that was responsible for reassigning the predator preist, Rober Morneau, is still the auxillory bishop at the Green Bay diocese and one of his functions is to head-up the Finance Council, which Johnson was a member.

So, all in all, I would say you have all kinds of experience settling law suits-- not to mention all the ones you settled at Pacur... which I'm sure you'll be releasing since you brought this issue up.
The Catholic Church enabled and abetted child rapists. And, people like Ron Johnson are trying to let them get away with it.

UPDATE @ 1:15 PM: Just learned that SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is holding a press conference today in De Pere, Wisconsin "Calling on US Senate Candidate Ron Johnson to Challenge Green Bay Bishops on Priest Pedophilia Cover-Up." From the press release, here's why:
Victims and family members of childhood sexual abuse by clergy will be emailing a letter to Republican US Senate candidate Ron Johnson on Wednesday urging Johnson to use his close public affiliation with the diocese of Green Bay to challenge bishop David Ricken to withdraw a recently filed court motion by the diocese to stop the release of the names and case histories of all known priests who have sexually assaulted children in the diocese.

“Johnson is in a unique position to use his history and relationship with the Green Bay diocese and his candidacy for the US Senate to protect children and insist that the Bishop of Green Bay David Ricken immediately stop fighting a court motion which would finally let parents and the public know: who are the priests that have raped and sexually assaulted children in the diocese, where are they, and who is watching them right now,” says John Pilmaier, the Wisconsin Co-Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
Another update @ 2:19 PM: Johnson now says he wants the Diocese to come clean -- or something along those lines. Hmmm. What does he know. And, when did he know it? Read More......

One Last Beautiful Day in Kabul

(My good friend, and citizen journalist, Mark Rendeiro has been working in Afghanistan this past month, and providing a series of exclusive reports about his visit to AMERICAblog.)

After a month of frequent hello's and short conversations, my Afghan friend AJ offerred to accompany me to any place I wanted to see in Kabul before it was time for me to leave the country. The offer alone was flattering, knowing how often foreigners pass through this country doing short-term jobs and then moving on, I was honored AJ would spend time with me to see things he had probably seen a million times. I told him I had read about the Bagh-e-Babur Gardens and that I would really like to see them. Without giving me the least bit of a "that's boring" reaction, AJ started planning the when and how.

A few days later we were in a taxi and speeding off to the Babur Gardens, built in 1528AD by the Moghul emporer Babur. The whole cab ride AJ flipped through some wrinkled pages with Dari writing on them, I soon realized he had printed out background information for our journey. As any journey across Kabul requires, we were met with plentiful traffic which gave us more time to discuss education in Afghanistan and the United States, as well as asking the cab driver about his age and his upcoming marriage. Crossing over the almost dry Kabul River, the gardens came into view, perched on the mountainside behind large walls that very successfully hide the splendor within.

After a brief discussion about how terrible it is that foreigners must pay money for accessing public gardens, we made our way past the guards, past the walls, and into the green. Suddenly the world turns peaceful, the air turns clean, and the stone faces on the street give way to smiles. As we walk up the tree lined path, I notice beautiful roses and an array of flowers to our right. Beneath the trees to our left there are people, men, women, friends, couples, sprawled out and relaxing just a few hours before lunch. Some are speaking quietly to each other, others in large groups seem to be telling stories and having a good laugh, still others aren't talking at all, just enjoying the tranquility.

A ten to fifteen minute walk up the path and we've reached a group of buildings. "This one is a ceremonial hall, that back there is a mosque, and up there is the tomb of Babur," AJ explained to me enthusiastically, as we walked from one to the other. Upon arrival at the tomb we're greeted by an old man with an ID badge on his arm, he welcomes us after waving goodbye to the previous visitors. What follows is a 4 minute, well memorized account of who is buried here, when they were buried, and what is written on the tombstone. I would love to share with you what he said, but it all happened so quickly, all I know is that it sounded fantastic. "Please sign the book", he motions towards a series of books where tourists leave little messages. I decide out of all the languages and identities that might already be in the book, it could use a Portuguese text, so I go to work on a nice message from Mark from Lisbon.

For several more hours AJ guided me past a palace, by the greenhouse, and towards a few works of art hidden between the trees and walkways. Throughout this time we discuss the complexities of life in Afghanistan, from work to school, love to family, religion to tribes, it is one big final lesson in things I have been learning about all month. These discussions are interrupted frequently as I stop to snap a picture or record a video, each time AJ would wait patiently for me, before carrying on where we left off.

Towards the end of our visit we spotted an open childrens' game involving sliding plastic circles over a wooden board, a quick explanation and we found ourselves wrapped up in several games for some time. The snack stand guy near us walked over from his responsibilities to watch us play. He tried his best in Dari to coach me to victory, but in the end the foreigner could not master this unfamiliar game and AJ took the match.

As we said goodbye to the man, I shook his hand and snapped one more picture of the board. Again AJ waited for me to take all the pictures I felt I needed to take, then he turned to me and said, "Thank you for coming here and taking these pictures. Thank you for sharing such moments with your friends so that they know that in Afghanistan it is not just war and bad things."

His words echoed in my head as we enjoyed one last fresh apple juice and walked back through the front gate and into a taxi. I scanned the sad looking Kabul River for traces of water, and thought about all the beautiful things and people I have encountered, and how they have forever changed what I think of this magical country. Read More......

More on 'small businesses' and the Bush tax cuts

Continuing to post the connections that emerged during my recent adventure on trains, planes and strangely-named buses, here's a follow-on discussion between Keith Olbermann and Chris Hayes from the excellent "small businesses means billionaires" show.

Note, however, that this discussion veers wider than the earlier one:
    It brings in Karl Rove's Billionaire Boys Club & Election Purchase Boutique (introduced here by Chris in Paris).

    It includes a discussion of the real motives of our snarling can't-live-without-em Blue Dogs (Movement Conservatives in People's Party clothing).

    It adds a soupçon of Citizens United, the gift that keeps on taking.

    Then wraps the package in a metaphor that technically can't be applied.
Here's the discussion:

An interesting mash-up — a very small number of ever-hungry billionaires buying congressional tax benefits over the corpses of the middle class; a well-bribed Congress eager to drain those corpses to feed that hunger; specialty pass-through shops to funnel those bribes to waiting congressional hands; and a court case (Citizens United, a Mr. Roberts specialty) poised to turn a fire hose of cash into a river.

It's all very neat. Chris doesn't want to call it a putsch, but he may as well have. The phrase "slow-motion coup" also comes to mind.

Side note: If you care, here's a taste of the Amazon blurb for Winner-Take-All Politics, the book Chris Hayes mentioned:
A groundbreaking work that identifies the real culprit behind one of the great economic crimes of our time— the growing inequality of incomes between the vast majority of Americans and the richest of the rich. ... Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson demonstrate convincingly that the usual suspects—foreign trade and financial globalization, technological changes in the workplace, increased education at the top—are largely innocent of the charges against them. Instead, they indict an unlikely suspect ... American politics.
Sounds like a well researched read. Available now in poor houses and homeless-shelter bookstores everywhere.

GP Read More......

Scientists continue to search for BP oil in Gulf, delayed by lack of funds

It should be a considerable concern in Washington that funds for research have been delayed so long. Collecting data now is important for the long term research into this environmental disaster. Then again, maybe too many in Washington would prefer inaction due to the potential implications related to Big Oil.

We've heard a lot of stories so far about how the oil has magically disappeared, perhaps thanks to oil eating bacteria but until there is much more serious and coordinated research, it's all a guess. We really need to get the funding problem sorted now.
On his return voyage he is encountering a void. "If that oil and gas had been consumed by bacteria you would expect to see more oxygen depletion than what we have seen," he said.

"Was it just a fluke that we found it, or is there an oil carpet on the ground?"

So where is the oil? It's been two months since any new crude from BP's well entered the Gulf. Independent estimates suggest 4.4m barrels of oil spewed out into the Gulf of Mexico, but there is no scientific agreement on its fate. "You could say it's a mystery," said Amon.

Did the oil sink to the bottom? A University of Georgia research expedition earlier this month discovered a thick coating of oil on the sea floor, 16 nautical miles from the BP well-head.

Is it floating in the depths? One team of researchers reported finding a deep sea plume of oil and natural gas the size of Manhattan, that was slow to degrade. A second study of the plume found the oil and gas were quickly being gobbled up by microbes.
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Wednesday Morning Open Thread

Good morning.

The President is waking up in Des Moines, Iowa today. He's doing another one of his backyard events to talk about the economy and take questions. Yesterday, over a crowd of over 26,000 greeted Obama in Madison.

From Iowa, Obama is flying to Richmond, VA, for another small event with "a local Richmond family at the Southampton Recreation Association." Then, he's going to talk to more families from the area. These small "family" events seem to be the new thing for Team Obama.

While the President is on the trail, members of Congress are trying to wrap up their work -- so they can all get out on the trail. There are reports that the Senate will finish today -- if it can pass the continuing resolution (known as the "CR"), which will fund the government until early December. The new fiscal year starts October 1st. Unclear if Senator DeMint, who runs the Senate these days, will let it happen. Once the CR passes the Senate, it will be sent to the House. The House is taking a vote on substance today: legislation that will pressure China over its currency.

Remember at the beginning of this Congress when we had such hopes because we had a Democratic President and huge majorities in the House and Senate? They were going to fulfill their campaign promises and we'd all be living in a better America. Yeah, not so much. If your bills haven't passed by now, they won't. And, don't expect anything in the next Congress. We'll hear a lot of rumblings about the lame duck, but, seriously, don't rely on that. On the LGBT agenda, we're going to fall short on most of the promises made. ENDA isn't happening. And, DADT repeal is supposedly on that lame duck agenda.

But, don't gripe, groan or whine. Read More......

Blair warned about torture in early 2002

That would be the same Tony Blair who is a Middle East peace envoy. The Guardian:
Tony Blair was warned a matter of weeks after American forces began rounding up terror suspects that British nationals held by the US in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay were being tortured, secret documents disclosed in the high court reveal.

He expressed concern about their treatment after initially being sceptical, he admits in a hand-written note on a Foreign Office (FO) document dated 18 January 2002. It appears among heavily redacted MI5 and FO documents released in court hearings in which British nationals are suing the government, MI5 and MI6.
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Kim Jong-un promoted to senior party leadership position in Northh Korea

Yesterday a general and today a Vice Chairman position. It's interesting how both Cuba and North Korea - supposed communist outposts - can't shake nepotism. Of course, we don't have much room to talk in the US with our own royal families who keep growing. BBC:
The youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has been appointed to two key party posts, in a move widely seen as part of a gradual transfer of power.

Kim Jong-un was named vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party and was appointed to its central committee, state media said.

Kim Jong-il, thought to be in poor health, was re-elected as leader at the party's first congress for 30 years.
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Al Franken seeks legislation to reduce debt collection abuse

It's always good to see someone in Washington who shows more interest in regular voters rather than the deepest pockets. We sure could use people in Congress like Franken. StarTribune:
Franken would make it an unfair practice under federal law for private firms to use arrest warrants in debt collections, according to a summary of his proposed bill. Consumers would have the right to sue collectors over the practice. Franken said the bill won't limit judges' authority to issue arrest warrants against debtors who can pay, but don't show up in court when a creditor sues.

"That should come from the court, not the debt collector," said Franken, who asserted that the collections industry relies too much on public resources, such as sheriffs' offices, to collect private debts.

His legislation also would require collectors to furnish consumers with more information about what they owe, including a breakdown of fees and interest, and notify people of what rights they have.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Record gap in US between rich and poor

And the Republicans want to fight over giving the richest Americans a tax cuts? Even worse, Democrats are afraid of this fight? The trickle down Reaganomics has been costly for most Americans, creating a Banana Republic-like economic environment. It's unfortunate that too few Democrats are making an issue of this problem. For all of the GOP talk about income distribution, it has been the Republicans (with the help of Democrats) who have mastered the issue.
The top-earning 20 percent of Americans — those making more than $100,000 each year — received 49.4 percent of all income generated in the U.S., compared with the 3.4 percent earned by those below the poverty line, according to newly released census figures. That ratio of 14.5-to-1 was an increase from 13.6 in 2008 and nearly double a low of 7.69 in 1968.

A different measure, the international Gini index, found U.S. income inequality at its highest level since the Census Bureau began tracking household income in 1967. The U.S. also has the greatest disparity among Western industrialized nations.

At the top, the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans, who earn more than $180,000, added slightly to their annual incomes last year, census data show. Families at the $50,000 median level slipped lower.
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What 'small business' really means

While I've been traveling, much has happened; and much of it connects. So let's start here, with the concept of "small business" beautifully explored by Keith Olbermann in a brilliant Countdown segment late last week. First the video, then a few comments:

This looks like original reporting, or at least original research. Big kudos to Olbermann and his staff.

The video is rich; I want to make just a few points:
  1. I've touched lightly on the concept of "replacement phrases" but not really explained myself. A replacement phrase is what you do to convert something said by Movement Conservatives (the "say anything to win" crowd) from something that makes no sense, to something that perfectly expresses what they mean.

    For example, if you take any statement containing the word "jobs" and substitute "profits", the statement is wonderfully transparent. Test it and see; "job creation" means "profit creation" every time, for instance (h/t Noam Chomsky for that one).

    So let's add to our library. New replacement phrase: When a Movement Conservative says "small businesses", substitute "billionaires".

    In the recent Pledge to Wipe Out America, for example, we have the statement "small business must have certainty that the rules won't change every few months". A quick substitution and you know exactly what they want. Don't go changing the rules on billionaires, especially those pesky tax rules we're just now discussing.

  2. 3% of "small businesses" control 50% of small business gross profit. That's worth memorizing. For me this is the most stunning statistic of them all, and John Boehner, the Tan Who Would Be Speaker (hereinafter, "the Tan") offered it up on MTP without beginning to think he was giving away multi-decade language fraud. For that, thank you sir.

    And I'm not just referring to Republicans in that multi-decade deception. Clinton did quite a lot for "small businesses" as well. I'll bet they were ever so grateful.

  3. The technical definition of "small business" makes this usage perfectly clear. It's worth memorizing as well. If you file taxes as part of an S corp, a partnership (LLC or law firm, for example), or a sole proprietorship, you're a "small business" — period. This means you get Form K-1 or 1099, and/or file income on Schedule C and Schedule E. That's it. In this definition, "small" has no relation to size (for a change), simply to type.
So let's apply Boehner's Rule to this world. The 3% that enjoy 50% of SB gross income are huge entities. They range from the Koch brothers to Bechtel ($31 billion in revenue), down to the KKR range (a paultry $445 million). A big chunk of the pie for a very small world. The rest of us, the other 97%, divvie up the remaining 50% (yep, I'm included here). This part of the pie is small, given the number of sharers. A struggling writer in Hollywood making $5000/year (a recent average of all WGAW writers) files a Schedule C. The woman who runs the restaurant near me files a Schedule C; I hope she survives the recession. Both Stephen King and Sarah D'Almeida (author of Death of a Musketeer, which few have read) file Schedule C or E for royalties. So yes, "small business" really does mean small business — when normal people say it. But when Movement Conservatives say it — and you're going to hear it a lot between now and when Congress caves* in December — just keep the replacement phrase in mind. "Small business" means billionaires who bought tax breaks from both parties for their partnership and S corp earnings. They paid for a service, and they want it delivered, or at least not stopped.


*Yes, I think it's now certain that Congress will cave in December. I'll have more on that soon, but just ask yourself — if the rich-man fanboys (conservaDems & Repubs) are a risk to lay down even under hard pre-election populist scrutiny, how fast will they debase themselves when all the pressure is off?

I say if both houses don't vote now, it's a done deal. The only game left will be ID-ing the ones who pretend to stand straight in December when there's no risk the slimy deal will fail — but would fold in a minute if the deal were at risk. That list will be worth having, for later. Read More......

Is JPMorgan really going to sue US government for WaMu money?

Enough is never enough for Wall Street. Once again they are showing the world why they should never, ever be helped without strings. They're also helping make the case for letting them all go under when the next crisis strikes. JPMorgan was of course not forced into this deal. There were a number of other banks from both the US and abroad who were interested in purchasing WaMu and having immediate access to new clients.
JPMorgan Chase has notified federal regulators that it may seek to recoup the money it used to buy the assets of fallen Washington Mutual, or even more.

The Wall Street bank told the Federal Deposit Insurance in letters that it may seek the money, a person familiar with the situation confirmed Monday.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because lawsuits are pending between JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC in the WaMu bankruptcy.
Read More...... deconstructs the DADT lobbying effort. And it ain't pretty.

From, via AMERICAblog Gay:
Many activists involved in the issue say a large part of the blame goes to the Human Rights Campaign, the most well-funded and politically connected gay rights group in the country. They say it did not act quickly enough, did not spend enough money on the issue and failed to pressure Democratic leaders to take action before the elections.

"If you're solely riding on being a voice at the table and remaining at the table, eventually you're going to have to show us results," said Servicemembers Legal Defense Network spokesman Trevor Thomas, a former employee of the Human Rights Campaign. "I don't know how you're going to do that when we lose the House to the Republican leadership."

For its part, the leadership of the Human Rights Campaign maintains that it worked hard to repeal Don’t Ask Don't Tell and believes the policy could still be overturned by Congress in the coming months.
Joe has a lot more about this on AMERICAblog Gay. Read More......

AP: Markos and Aravosis on the White House strategy of scolding the base

For the past week or so, President Obama, now joined by Vice President Biden, have been trying to build electoral enthusiasm among the Democratic base by scolding said base for not being overly enthusiastic about the upcoming elections. The message is that Team Obama has done a lot, and those who aren't happy are gripers, groaners, whiners, etc.

The White House is not known for its crack communications operation. Far from it. So, inevitably someone had to ask if this latest messaging strategy, of motivating the base by antagonizing it, is working or is even helpful? AP took a look:
Several Democratic strategists privately fear that the strategy to motivate Democrats with sternness could backfire partly because it runs counter to Obama's carefully cultivated hopeful, uplifting image. There's also some concern that it could further alienate liberals and other Democratic critics who don't think Obama has done enough to pursue issues important to them.

"It's not helpful," said John Aravosis, the editor of the progressive "The base is depressed and they're depressing it even more, and it's not clear why."

Said DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas: "They wouldn't be in this predicament if they delivered on their campaign promises, rather than waste the last two years putting bipartisanship above action."
Also, there was one other paragraph that warranted additional attention:
Democratic-leaning groups have largely been missing from the TV airwaves this fall as GOP-aligned organizations pummel Democratic House and Senate candidates with attack ads. Seeing allies outspent 6-1, White House aides recently decided to use that disparity to compel their base to vote.
The White House is part of the reason we're being outspent. Read this post where Mike Lux reminded us that the Obama brain trust shut down most of the outside groups in 2008, and redirected donors away from traditional advocacy groups, because Team Obama knew better than everyone else.  Now those outside groups don't have the money to help defend the Democratic majority in Congress.

The thing that really sucks is that there are many truly excellent Democratic members of Congress and progressive candidates on the ballot this year who should win. They're bearing the brunt of the Obama administration's failure to even try to deliver on its campaign promises. The good ones shouldn't suffer because of that. Read More......

Northwest Passage increasingly an option for sea cargo ships

The good news for shipping companies is not good news for the planet.
Between 1906 and 2006 only 69 ships made the journey but in 2009 alone 24 vessels made the journey, according to Canadian maritime law expert Michael Byers, Germany's Der Spiegel newspaper reported.

Icelandic President Olafur Ragnar Grímsson recently claimed that the route was becoming a "trans-Arctic Panama Canal," the paper said.

Der Spiegel reported that new ships are being designed to cope with icebergs on the journey.

The MV Nordic Barents is due to arrive in the Chinese port of Lianyungang after a 3,500-mile journey through the Arctic Ocean from the Norwegian port of Kirkenes, the newspaper said. A Russian icebreaker sent to protect the ship, which was carrying iron ore concentrate, was not needed with broken ice floes only passing nearby twice.
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Democrats to stuff 20 bills into post-election lame-duck session

The Defense bill, which includes DADT legislation, is one of the 20. I don't know anyone who's hopeful about anything good passing during the lame duck session. I suspect the Dems are announcing this list now to motivate, pre-election, the various Democratic constituencies affected by each piece of legislation. Hopefully, they're serious about pushing this list post-election. Read More......

President calls 'FOX' destructive to America

Fox News pushes "a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world," Obama said.
But remember the last time the White House stood up to FOX. A month later the President was giving FOX an exclusive interview to make up for all the bad blood. It's great that he's standing up to FOX. But he needs to sustain the criticism. Read More......

Former NBA player, millionaire, Ivy League educated, GOP candidate for governor complains about waitresses making too much money

Priceless. So a guy who went to an elitist college, whose grandfather was a US ambassador, who made millions in the NBA wants to pick on a waitress who is trying to make a few bucks. What a complete pompous ass. Read More......

Biden: Liberals need to 'buck up'

Vice President Joe Biden on Lawrence O'Donnell's show last night:
LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: Today you said that the base, your base in the Democratic party...


LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: ...should quote "stop whining." I'm gonna give you an opportunity you used to have in the Senate, Mr. Vice President, would you like to revise and extend your remarks on that one?

BIDEN: Yes. What I think, what I mean... there's some on the Democratic base, not the core of it, that are angry because we didn't get every single thing they want. We got a health care bill that is becoming, every day it'll become more apparent how much it does for people and businesses in terms of costs and availability. But because there was no public option some of them are so angry they say "we're not gonna participate." They should stop that. These guys, if they win, the other team, they're gonna repeal health care, and I want them to tell me why what we did wasn't an incredibly significant move that's progressive and helping people. The same way with a lot of other issues. It's time to focus.
Biden goes on to argue that liberals need to "buck up." He adds, "there's a new majority in the Senate, 60 votes." And thus, per Biden, Obama couldn't get a lot of what he wanted.

Two problems with that line of argument. First, George Bush did just fine with a 55 vote, and even a 50 vote, majority in the Senate. Why couldn't Obama/Biden do just as well with 60?

Second, the reason there's a new majority in the Senate, 60 votes, is because Democrats let it happen. I remember a few months ago when one of the Republican Senators, Jim Bunning, was filibustering unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of American workers. Obama did a remarkable thing. Joe reported on it, here's what happened:
A few minutes ago on CNN, Ed Henry reported that he'd been tipped off by the White House that Obama was going to take "a jab" at Senator Bunning today when he got off Air Force One today in Georgia. Bunning certainly deserves the jab.

Didn't happen.

According to Henry, the White House informed him that the Bunning line was removed from the President's speech because Obama felt it would be too partisan. And, in any case, the brain trust at the White House doesn't want to involve the President in every minute detail of what the Senate does.

Bunning's filibuster has blocked benefits for hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans. It's stopped construction projects. It's not a minor thing. Time after time, Republican filibusters have put the brakes on Obama's agenda. And, why not? There are no consequences. The President sure doesn't hold them accountable. What Bunning is doing is probably one of the most egregious filibusters to date. But, he's getting a pass from Obama.

It might be a good idea for the President to engage himself in the Senate's proceedings when the consequences are so enormous. People might like to know that their President is fighting for them instead of avoiding a fight.
The President refused to challenge someone standing in the way of his agenda. Sound familiar?

The reason the Republicans have been able to filibuster nearly every single piece of legislation, the reason we have a new majority in the Senate, is because Democrats - with Barack Obama at the top of the list - have enabled the Republicans every step of the way.

Rather than lecturing Democrats about how unreasonable they are to be upset with the President for constantly negotiating with himself, Biden would do better having a talk with his boss, and asking him why George Bush was so effective at passing his agenda, at kow-towing Democrats, and at thwarting opposition filibusters, when Bush had far fewer numbers than Obama has now in the US Senate.

60 is the new 50 because Democrats permit it be so. Read More......

Obama FBI targeting anti-war activists

Some Saul Alinski protégé. If I were Alinski, I'd ask for the Double-Secret Ranger (no girls allowed) badge back. From Raw Story (h/t SCLiberal):
The FBI said it searched eight homes in Minneapolis and Chicago as part of a terrorism investigation on Friday, and two subjects said the agency is targeting leaders of the anti-war movement.

FBI spokesman Steve Warfield told The Associated Press agents served six warrants in Minneapolis and two in Chicago. "These were search warrants only," Warfield said. "We're not anticipating any arrests at this time. They're seeking evidence relating to activities concerning the material support of terrorism."

The home of Minneapolis anti-war activists Mick Kelly and Jess Sundin were among those searched, they told the AP. "The FBI is harassing anti-war organizers and leaders, folks who opposed U.S. intervention in the Middle East and Latin America," Kelly said before agents confiscated his cell phone. Sundin called the suggestion they were connected with terrorism "pretty hilarious and ridiculous."
Welcome to your base, sir. Bust 'em if you got 'em.

We're all just "seeking evidence." Got me? Midterm elections — check.

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Most Americans still feel country is in a recession

It's hard to feel optimistic in this climate, so the results of the new poll are hardly surprising. CNN:
Seventy-four percent of Americans believe the economy is still in a recession, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll. Only 25 percent think the downturn is over.

One-third of Americans say the recession is serious, while another 29 percent characterize it as moderate.

One small cause for optimism: the percentage of Americans who say the country is in a recession has dropped 13 points since August.
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Tuesday Morning Open Thread

Good morning.

The President starts his day in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He's doing another backyard event to talk about the economy. Then, he's flying to Madison, Wisconsin. He's doing a DNC fundraiser, then a rally at the University of Wisconsin. This is part of the plan to generate excitement about young people. From there, he's heading to Des Moines.

Looks like we can expect an announcement from Rahm Emanuel that he's leaving the White Hosue to start his campaign for Mayor of Chicago this week. Just go already. And, Chicagoans, don't let it happen. Your city deserves better. Just look at the number Rahm did on Obama's presidency.

There's still some activity on Capitol Hill. The Republicans will probably block an outsourcing bill today in the Senate. Yep. That's how bold the GOPers are these days. Last week, they stopped a defense bill while we're fighting two wars. Today, they'll block a jobs bill while we're still reeling from the economic crisis created by the GOPers. It's stunning. If only we had a President who would use the bully pulpit to fight them (but asking for that might constitute griping or groaning or whining.)

We'll see what else unfolds...Five weeks til Election Day. Read More......

Bank of England Deputy tells Brits to spend, not save

So is he suggesting people ought to sacrifice their own personal well being and future in the name of the country? Is that responsible? As Gaius mentioned yesterday, this is the situation that we're in today with no easy or pain free way out. Doesn't it sound odd that the dirty masses are being asked to sacrifice though the bankers who are all neatly pressed were not asked to do the same? Funny how that works. The Guardian:
Britons should go out and spend to help invigorate the UK's economic recovery, the deputy governor of the Bank of England has urged. In unusually unguarded comments for a banker, Charlie Bean yesterday discouraged people from building up cash savings which generate little income due to historically low interest rates.

Bean, who sits on the Bank's monetary policy committee that set the base interest rate, admitted it was being held down in the hope families would use their cash and thereby help reflate the economy.

Low interest rates could persist for several years, he said. They have been at 0.5% for a year and a half. The next monthly rate-setting decision is due next week.
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Kim Jong-il appoints son as general

So what if he has no experience. There's a dynasty to maintain for goodness sakes. BBC:
The announcement about Kim Jong-il's third and youngest son is his first mention by name in state media and his nomination as a four-star general comes despite a lack of military experience.

The television announcer was quoted as saying that Kim Jong-il had been reappointed as general secretary of the Workers' Party as an "expression of absolute support and trust".

She said a "crucial" development was under way but gave no further details.

Little is known of Swiss-educated Kim Jong-un, who is thought to be aged 27.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Financial Crisis Commission confirms data showing ratings agencies ignored proof of unsafe loans

In other words, it was every bit as bad as many of us thought. Isn't it interesting that people aren't going to jail? Good work when you can get it. NY Times:
According to testimony last week, from January 2006 to June 2007, Clayton reviewed 911,000 loans for 23 investment or commercial banks, including Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, UBS, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns and Morgan Stanley.

The statistics provided by these samples, according to Mr. Johnson and Vicki Beal, a senior vice president at Clayton who also testified before the inquiry commission, indicated that only 54 percent of the loans met the lenders’ underwriting standards, regardless of how stringent or weak they were.

Some 28 percent of the loans sampled over the period were outright failures — that is, they were unable to meet numerous underwriting standards and did not have positive factors that compensated for their failings. And yet, 39 percent of these troubled loans still went into mortgage pools sold to investors during the period, Clayton’s figures showed.
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US unable to document Abu Ghraib abuse payments

Maybe BPs oil spill payment team was on the job. What's the problem here?
Fending off demands that he resign over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Congress in 2004 that he had found a legal way to compensate Iraqi detainees who suffered "grievous and brutal abuse and cruelty at the hands of a few members of the United States armed forces."

"It's the right thing to do," Rumsfeld said. "And it is my intention to see that we do."

Six years later, the U.S. Army is unable to document a single payment for prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.
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Telegraph: Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots

I will never understand the British press.
The beings have repeated their efforts in the US and have been active since 1948, the men said, and accused the respective governments of trying to keep the information secret.

The unlikely claims were compiled by six former US airmen and another member of the military who interviewed or researched the evidence of 120 ex-military personnel.

The information they have collected suggests that aliens could have landed on Earth as recently as seven years ago.
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