As you'll recall, the United Church of Christ's recent inclusiveness ad got rejected by NBC and CBS for being "too controversial." After all, they argued, how could they air an ad about welcoming gays and other minorities to church when the White House is trying to write gays out of the Constitution. Yes, we wouldn't want a message of tolerance out there while the White House is trying to make us second-class citizens.
Anyway, UCC is asking for your stories to post on their Web site that they're using to fight this issue. Specifically, the UCC wants to know if you've ever felt rejected by a church? Have you ever felt like you just didn't belong in the church or faith in question because you were gay, black, a woman, disabled, transgender, or for any other reason did you just feel in your bones that you weren't welcome?
If so, please read the UCC's post about this issue, soliciting stories, on their
campaign blog. At the bottom of this particular blog entry, you can post your story in the "comments" section. A number of us bloggers are trying to help the UCC out on this issue, so please do visit and comment if this issue resonates for you.
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