When Hillary Clinton's people want to hit you hard, you'll never see it coming... or going. When Obama tries to go after you, you'll know it before he does (i.e., it'll be a bit clumsy and less-than-effective). While I'm divided on Hillary's harsh tactics against Obama in the primaries, that kind of take-no-prisoners politics is exactly what we need, and often lack, in the general election. I'm just not sure I like to see it done against fellow Democrats.
Take the recent spate of subtle, many would say racially-tinged, knocks the Clinton camp has been throwing at Obama. They've talked about Obama "shucking and jiving," about how Martin Luther King was a great man but couldn't have done it without President Johnson, about how the idea of a black man being president is a "fairy tale," and then there's the Clinton folks' penchant for lacing far too many conversations with a veiled reference to Obama's teenage drug use (aka young black male on drugs).
Now, the Clinton people will be the first to tell you that race was NOT what they meant in any of the above instances. And that may be true, though it's a tough stretch. On the shuck and jive thing, it's a phrase used to describe slaves. As for MLK, Hillary basically took the accomplishments of America's most famous black man down a notch because Obama was implicitly comparing himself to King. On the fairy tale thing, I didn't interpret it to be a racial thing, but lots of people did. And finally, the drug thing. It's a great smear in and of itself, since Obama admitted his youthful indiscretion long ago, but there's that added little zing of the public thinking "young black male, drugs." In all of the cases, race is there. Why? Because it hurts Obama in the polls, in my view, every time America remembers that he's a black man rather than a man who, oh yeah, happens to be black.
Much more analysis after the jump...
And there is a difference. Think of it this way. You have friends who are white, black, Asian, gay, and disabled. Do you refer to them - do you THINK of them - as your black friend, your gay friend, your disabled friend? Probably not. Of course you know that each has that particular trait, but it's not how you define them - it's practically an after-thought. The more that Obama's race is an after-thought, the better I suspect he does in the polls (I still think race played a role in New Hampshire). In any case, at the very least, it probably doesn't help Obama with most of the white (and non-black) vote to constantly remind people that he's black.
Oh but it gets better. The way the Clinton campaign has framed these issues, and the debate surrounding them, if Obama engages in a tit-for-tat with Hillary, all he will do is remind people that he's black (by saying "no my campaign is NOT about race" Obama is still talking about race while saying he's not), and he'll be reminding people, or educating them for the first time, that he dallied with drugs as a kid (e.g., "Hillary should stop the personal attacks about my youthful drug use") - it's simply impossible to respond to Clinton's attacks, and denials, without further the discussion about the very topics Obama doesn't want us to talk about.
It's a tactic I used when I launched DearMary.com in early 2004 in order to educate the world about the fact Vice President Cheney has an openly lesbian daughter (while it was known in gay circles for years, the media would generally refuse to mention the fact that Mary was gay). After the site was launched, that all changed. How? Because Mary's defenders in the political world and the media kept saying, publicly and loudly, how awful it was that I was publicly talking about her being a lesbian. I went on TV show after TV show to discuss whether it was okay to launch a Web site talking about the fact that the vice president's daughter was a lesbian. Well, at that point, I'd already won. With every bit of criticism I received, the story was out there even further.
And that's the pickle for Obama. When Hillary criticizes him for injecting race into the campaign (or brings up the drug thing), all Obama can do is take the hit or respond and start talking about race (or drugs), which makes people think about the very issues Obama would rather avoid.
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