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Octo-Doctor Admits He Was Wrong

Filed under: Icky Icky Poo > Legal Matters > Octo-Mom


Well, it's about time!!

Fertility specialist, Dr. Michael Kamrava, admits that he made a mistake when he implanted Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman with a dozen embryos.

Even though it was against his better judgement, he told his attorney in a hearing last week that could lead his license being revoked, that he shouldn't have given in to Nadya's insistence to implant her with so many embryos.

When asked whether or not he felt what he did was wrong, Dr. Kamrava wiped away tears and replied:

"I'm sorry for what happened. When I look back at it, I wish I had never done it and it will never happen again. At the time that I did it, I thought I did the right thing. When I look back at it, even with all those circumstances, I was wrong."

During the time he was treating Nadya, he recommended that he just implant four embryos instead of twelve. However, he said that Nadya "just wouldn't accept doing anything else with those embryos. She did not want them frozen, she did not want them transferred to another patient in the future."

So despite feeling "apprehensive," he gave in to her demands and implanted all twelve, even though he knew of the consequences.

When he heard the news that octuplets had been born, he assumed they were Nadya's. He responded, "It's a very risky pregnancy. She's lucky she made it through, both for the babies and her."

The doctor says that since the birth of the octuplets, he's taken an ethics course, changed the staff in his office and lab, and is now adhering to the national guidelines that restrict the number of embryos he can implant in a patient. If patients do not agree with those guidelines, he says then, "I just don't take them."

Dr. Kamrava's testimony will continue on Monday. Nadya is not expected to testify.

What do U think? Has he done enough damage control to keep his license or should he have it taken away?

[Images via AP Images / WENN.]

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30 comments to “Octo-Doctor Admits He Was Wrong”  (RSS feed

  1. 1

    It's against my better judgment to think the his only punishment should be an ethics course and change of staff/lab. I've been punished more than that having to hear about Octo-Mom and her antics. Sad situation all around and HE made it possible. REVOKE HIS LICENSE AT LEAST FOR TWO YEARS!

  2. 2

    I think he should keep his license.

  3. 3

    He should have his licence taken away AND he should pay for the babies' living expenses - not for Nadya's sake, but for the CHILDREN'S sake. She may have been crazy, but she couldn't have made those poor children without him.

  4. 4

    This man is the medical equivalent of a mad scientist. Of course he's whining. Everyone who is guilty cries when they get busted. Everyone is suddenly sorry. His hands should be cut off.

  5. 5

    I don't know, it's tough to say. I hate to see him lose his license to practice over this, but it was foolish and negligent. Nadya's life is effectively over. She'll never have a chance to do anything with her life except raise kids.

    I think she should sue in civil court and get enough money to raise the younguns.

  6. @v@ says – reply to this


    How about doing something sensible, like letting him KEEP his license but pay for those eight kids upkeep to the age of majority instead? How's that for a win/win. If it comes out of his own pocket, he'll be unlikely to do it again, those kids will have what they need, he'll still be able to support himself, AND pay mucho tax dollars to uncle Sam in recessionary times. Nah. That would make too much sense.

  7. 7

    Anyone in this country who would parent those babies would be required to support them, why shouldn't he? Obviously it was of little concern to him that she had no means of support when he implanted her with a circus. Well make him pay for them. I think that would change his tune rather quickly.

  8. 8

    I believe that he should have to pay child support on the kids. He knew better!

  9. 9

    He says he feel remorse. I'll believe it when he pays for the octo-crew and relieves the state of California all those Welfare payments. Actually, that would be the perfect sentence for him.

  10. kierr says – reply to this


    why didnt she just adopt in the first place

  11. 11

    Child support sounds like a perfect punishment. I find it a little hard to believe he couldn't stand up to her, I'd like to know how she paid for it all in the first place.

  12. 12

    Keep his license and support the kids. They didnt ask to be born so he needs to feel more of the pain AND have a monthly reminder of his poor judgement

  13. 13

    He should be financially responsible for providing for every one of those kids that should never have been implanted…no doctor that has half a brain would EVER implant a woman who is single, with 6 kids and no job with ANY embryos!!! Total insanity!!! He should pay for anything she can't cover- it is HIS responsibility.

  14. 14

    They should revoke his licence. This man can't think for shits. Nadya might be crazy but she isn't a fucking DOCTOR. He should have been responsible, noone should have 8kids no matter what -let alone if you have more at home and you are a single parent. WHAT THE FUCK !!

  15. 15

    Oh for God's sake of course he should have his license taken away. He implanted 12 in a woman who was not married and had no means of taking care of even one more. She already had so many kids at home. She didn't work at the time and do we know if he even asked ? There is more to his story then he is letting out for sure. I think he wanted the popularity and the whole damn mess backfired on him. And shame on the state of California for letting her keep any of them. They should have been adopted out to loving families who could take care of them.

  16. 16

    Why change his staff when he's the one who made the bad decision? If anything, the staff should stay and he should go.

  17. 17

    Take his licence and deport him from this country.
    He's just doing a mea culpa because he's in real trouble.

  18. 18

    He needs to show he's sorry, and help financially support those babies!!!

  19. 19

    I would like to initiate a pledge for all the celebrities and those in the entertainment industry who are registered to cast a ballot to make the time to vote on 11/2/2010. Also get your friends and fans motivated to vote on 11/2/2010.
    Reasons why to VOTE DEMOCRATIC by reading the following accomplishments:
    1. The healthcare reform initiative was passed so anyone can afford insurance 2. Financial Reform laws were passed to regulate Wall Street’s activities to invest ethically and be accountable 3. Unemployment Benefits were extended to those out of work 4. Initiative was passed to keep teachers, firemen, & local/city government employees from being laid off 5. U.S. businesses are being encouraged to create jobs down the ladder but high pay, huge bonuses & expense accounts hamper this growth 6. Grants, Pell Grants & other academic loans were reinstated, whereas republicans suspended these benefits previously 7. 1st Amendment “Freedom of Speech was threatened by the Bush Administration 10. Credit Card Bill of Rights were passed to protect consumers (You) 11. New tax breaks were given to Small businesses to encourage growth & SBA loans expanded to start new companies 12. Taxes were lowered in 2009 for middle class to get tax breaks 13 Two Female Supreme Justices were appointed by Obama 14. On 9/28/10 republicans blocked passage of the Off-Shore bill (S. 3816) which would have denied tax breaks to any company sending our jobs overseas. Need the Dems to vote it in.

  20. 20

    9/28/10 Republicans blocked Offshore bill (S.3816) a bill that would have prevented tax breaks to companies who sent our jobs overseas. Vote the Democrats back in to pass this bill to save our jobs.

  21. 21

    Both swarthy middle-easterners, 2 peas in a pod. Go figure.

  22. vomit says – reply to this


    If what he says is true. She got what she asked for. DEAL WITH IT!!!!

  23. 23

    Permanently take his license away. He put 8 children in the hands of a nut job and he knew that she was a wacko. He should also be charged with child endangerment.

  24. 24

    Re: kierr – Good point.

  25. 25

    No excuses, this was beyond gross negligence. At the very least he should be made to pay for the children's upkeep. That makes perfect sense.

  26. 26

    Re: Human Sushi Platter – Exactly! What a creep. What ever happened to tar and feathering and then dragging someone out of town on a rail. The creeps are coming out of the woodwork because there are tons of women out there on their own and these creeps know there is no man around to break their necks!

  27. 27

    It's not this guy that needs to be revoked from his duties it's her!!! She's alazy good for nothing uneducated animal… In fact the best thing she could do for those kids is take out a very expensive life insurance policy then get hit by a bus! Harsh words I know but really eight kids in one shot and you can't even support 1? Loser to the NTH degree!!!

  28. 28

    Not only should he lose his license, he should have to pay for and move in with all those wonderful children he helped create. Just until they are 18, then if he wants to make more babies he can but the same rules should apply all over again. ass wipe.

  29. 29

    She wanted the damn babies. It's his job to tell her the risks. If she accepts them, it's on her to take care of those damn things.

  30. 30

    Re: KBCanada17 – She couldn't get a life insurance policy. Unless she paid $500.00 a month. What should happen is that doctor should be sued by her but she is too stupid to do that. It probably wouldn't work anyway. One route she could take is be declared mentally coo coo and get disability checks and all kinds of goodies for her children.