Yes, there's another one on right now on the GOP propaganda organ network. That would be FOX.
Tancredo is modeling his presidential run after a fictional TV character known for breaking the law. Nice.
McCain is talking about how he's opposed to torture. Uh huh. And what you have done about it? He agreed to a law that had no bite, Bush did one of his signing statements saying he didn't even have to obey McCain's law and McCain didn't do squat about it.
Oh God, Hannity is making this all American Idol - text now for your favorite candidate! Newsflash, Hannity - probably not a lot of debate watchers have a clue how to text. I'm not sure if that's a cute idea, or just way too American Idol for something as serious as our presidency.
OH MY, MCCAIN IS STUTTERING. It's about the confederate flag. He's all over the place, and stuttering. The debate is in South Carolina.
Romney just said he's for kicking the illegal immigrants out, sending them home, but at the same time he's for giving them a chance to apply for citizenship. Huh?
Romney keeps mentioning his (Mormon) religion. But hey, don't YOU mention Romney's (Mormon) religion because then you're bringing up a topic that should never be discussed, namely, a candidate using his religion as a reason you should elect him, a candidate who wants to jam his religion down your throats once he's in office.
Romeny is now telling us that it was really hard work being governor of such a blue state as Massachusetts. Yeah, it must have been hard, Mitt. Then why did you move there and run for governor of such a horrible state?
Okay, this is just sad. John McCain just told the same "drunken sailor" joke he told during the last debate.
Romney: "Washington is broken." Your party has been in charge of Washington for the past six years. Perhaps your party is broken.
Wow, they're all beating up on George Bush now. Last debate they refused to even mention him. This time they're blasting him. Joe just said to me: "The theme of the first part of the debate, without really saying it is: George Bush is a complete failure at foreign policy."
Why is FOX News so interested in Romney's religion?
John McCain is spewing talking points. The terrorists will follow us home. He just told us three times in one sentence.
Romney is talking about radical jihadists. At least someone is paying homage to Jerry Falwell.
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