Firedoglake offers premium advertising through CommonSense Media.

Reach half a million unique thought-leaders, early adopters and taste making influentials!

Firedoglake and its associated publications attract a large, affluent, educated audience of opinion makers and engaged community leaders. It also attracts a select audience of legislative decision makers and policy makers in Washington, D. C.

For more information on how to partner with Firedoglake to achieve your strategic marketing objectives, call our Advertising Manager Jeff Cosgrove at 202-421-0746 or send an email to jeff AT csmads DOT com.

Ad Sizes

We currently accept the following standard sizes:

728×90 Leaderboard
300×250 Premium
468×60 Banner
160×600 Skyscraper

Rich Media Requirements:

For flash files you are not hosting, we can only accept creative in the following way. Please be sure to follow these directions carefully! You will not need to specify your clickthrough url in your flash file; we will handle that. Feel free to cut and paste any of the sample code below into the button section of your flash file to ensure your ad directs people to your target destination:

  • The button action portion of the flash file must read as follows: on (release) { getURL (clickTAG, “_blank”);}
  • For Flash versions of 7 or greater, the clicktag portion of the file must have the TAG in all caps as follows: clickTAG
  • For Flash files below version 7, the variation is not an issue and any of the following are acceptable: ClickTag, clickTAg, clickTAG, etc.
  • Please specify for us what edition of Flash you used to create the file.
  • Please be sure to send us as well a gif form of your ad (in the proper dimensions) so that we can have something load for people who, for whatever reason, can’t view flash files. This ensures maximum reach for your campaign.
  • Please keep file sizes under 50kb.