Thursday, July 15, 2004

Is that Jack Ryan in your pocket, or are you just a Republican Senate candidate in Illinois?

AP reports that the new woman they're touting to replace Jack-Off Ryan as the Republican Senate candidate from Illinois apparently has a little sexually-oriented scandal of her own. She sexually harassed, using gay-baiting, no less - someone working for her while she was a top aide to President Bush.

On the bright side, she apparently did not tell her employee to go fuck himself - well, that's not exactly right, she kind of did suggest he do it with a big fat kaleidoscope (so not making this up).

Man, who don't you have to harass to become a Republican Senate candidate from Illinois anyway?
A potential Republican candidate for the Senate seat from Illinois -- where the party's nominee withdrew over sex club allegations -- engaged in 'lewd and abusive behavior' while she served as a top official in the White House drug policy office, an internal inquiry found last year.

In front of her staff, Andrea Grubb Barthwell made repeated comments about the sexual orientation of a staff member and used a kaleidoscope to make sexually offensive gestures, according to the findings of a March 19, 2003, 'hostile workplace memorandum' prepared by drug policy office staff. The Associated Press obtained the memorandum....

The report says her staff had "the highest regard for Dr. Barthwell's credentials and knowledge, but ... almost uniformly stated their fear and discomfort with what they consider to be unusual behavior patterns and displays of temper."

The lewd and abusive behavior finding stemmed from a Dec. 19, 2002, staff gathering. Barthwell made comments about a staff member's sexual orientation after the staff member misspoke in an earlier conversation, the memorandum said.

"Dr. Barthwell made reference to this staff member sitting on men's laps. A kaleidoscope pointed upward was placed on a chair by Dr. Barthwell as the staff member was about to sit down," it said.

"Dr. Barthwell suggested that the staff member would want to cut the cake available for the gathering because the knife was 'long and hard' and he might 'enjoy handling it.' When the cake was cut, Dr. Barthwell referred to the pieces as 'most' or 'beefy' and she said to the staff member, 'I know you like it big and meaty.'"

The staff member was not identified.

In the interview, Barthwell said the staff member was engaged in the banter and didn't seem uncomfortable.

"Had he been the least bit uncomfortable at the time, I would have brought it to a stop," she said. "Because he was an active participant, I didn't."

The memorandum, though, said the staff member and at least one other person objected to her comments. It said the staff member felt the comments were "lewd, derogatory and called into question his heterosexuality."
And big surprise, another sell-out gay Republican is quoted at the very end of the article defending this woman.

Anyway, I think we may need a new nickname for this woman, akin to Jack-Off Ryan. Suggestions?
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Is Drudge race-baiting now?

First Drudge was gay-baiting, now he has THIS on his home page: 

Now, when I see those two images juxtaposed (Kerry speaking at the NAACP with his fist in the air, and a "Black Power" button that looks awfully like a Black Panthers button from the 1960s), I get the impression that Drudge is trying to make us white folk think that Kerry is hopping in bed with those crazy 1960s colored people who caused all those nasty riots.  Is it just me, or is Drudge now playing the race card?

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Donald Trump blasts Bush over Iraq

Love this guy:

'Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the country?,' Trump said.

'C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have,' Trump said in excerpts of the interview released in advance to Reuters.

'What was the purpose of the whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and no legs? Not to mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing!,' Trump said.

Trump also proclaims he would be 'tougher' on terrorism.

'Bin Laden would have been caught long ago. Tell me, how is it possible that we can't find a guy who's six-foot-six and supposedly needs a dialysis machine? Can you explain that one to me? We have all our energies focused on one place, where they shouldn't be focused,' he said.
Thanks to Buzzflash for finding this one.
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Draft Jenna & Barbara

Now that Jenna and Barbara have graduated college, I'd like to know if President Bush has encouraged his 22 year old daughters to join the military so they can proudly serve their country in Iraq and help search for the WMD.  At the very least, the President can easily get them civilian US government jobs in Baghdad.  Or does Bush only risk other people's kids? 
(Kudos to my friend Joe for coming up with this idea, and Michael Moore for inspiring it.  And a special note to those folks who actually thought this photo was real - I made it myself!  The Bush twins do NOT campaign in military garb. :-)

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Air Marshal dress codes? What idiots think this stuff up?

If they're going to go to the trouble and expense of having "undercover" air marshalls, why bother giving them strict guidelines about what to wear? This has to be one of the stupidist rules programs around. Apparently the airlines didn't like the earlier dress (jeans, sneakers, sandals, etc) and they complained. What the hell do they think most people wear when traveling? Why make their jobs even more difficult with these restrictions?

"That dress code, imposed by the Department of Homeland Security, makes federal air marshals uneasy — and not just because casual clothes are more comfortable in cramped airline seats. The marshals fear that their appearance makes it easier for terrorists to identify them, according to a professional group representing more than 1,300 air marshals.

"If a 12-year-old can pick them out, a trained terrorist has no problem picking them out," said John D. Amat, a spokesman for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

Federal air marshals must have neatly trimmed hair, and men must be clean-shaven, the documents say. Some of the service's 21 field offices have mandated that male officers wear suits, ties and dress shoes while on duty, even in summer heat. Women are required to wear blouses and skirts or dress slacks. Jeans, athletic shoes and non-collared shirts are prohibited."

Ms. [Andrea] Houck, pointing to other passengers waiting in the terminal's food court, said: "Look around you. Most people are traveling in T-shirts, sweatshirts and khakis.

"If I was a terrorist and I spotted someone dressed like an air marshal in a suit, I wouldn't get on that flight. I would get on another one."
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Ernest goes to Gay-Bashing

It's always nice to see small-government, black helicopter-fearing Republicans jump on the bandwagon of megalomaniacal tyranny whenever it suits their fancy. In this case, anti-gay House Republican Ernest Istook (yes, Ernest) is pushing a proposal to take gay marriage out of the jurisdiction of EVERY COURT IN THE COUNTRY other than the Supreme Court. So you can't sue for marriage because the courts aren't allowed to hear the case.

Putting aside the blatantly unconstitutional nature of the proposal, you can't just pass laws saying certainly classes of people can't petition the courts for redress, it's really amazing how much these far-right wackos fear the rule of law in this country. As Rick Dog-Sex Santorum said last night on "The News Hour," someday the US Supreme Court will rule in favor of gay marriage. Yes, God forbid the Supreme Court were permitted to rule in a way that Senator Santorum didn't like.

Tulsa World (July 15 - it's not free online, sorry - like anyone would pay, anyway...):
As the Senate's anti-gay marriage proposal was going down in flames Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook was pushing an alternative measure that would not require an amendment to the Constitution....

Istook said his proposal would be broader than the Defense of Marriage Act, which Congress passed and President Clinton signed into law in 1996. That law, he said, applied the definition of marriage only for the purposes of federal law.

Istook's proposed measure would pre-empt all state laws and state court rulings, including the one in Massachusetts that opened the door to same-sex marriages in that state.

Istook said his measure would limit jurisdiction on challenges to his measure to the U.S. Supreme Court -- an "additional protection . . . to assure that litigants cannot rush to our most liberal courts to get a judge to invalidate this nationwide prohibition on same-sex marriages."
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George Bush, APOLOGIZE! - CNBC: Fire Dennis Miller!

Tell CNBC to FIRE DENNIS MILLER for being hateful and intolerant. Let's show these fascists that we can give as good as we get:
CNBC Press person handling Dennis Miller:
Alison Rudnick
Public Relations Manager - CNBC Public Relations
Phone: (201) 735-4722
Fax: (201) 735-3509

CNBC corporate HQ main #
Phone: 201-735-2622
Fax: 201-735-3200

CNBC Viewer Services: 877-251-5685
Dennis Miller Show:
According to today's Washington Post, President Bush thinks it's appropriate to use celebrities at political events to make hateful, inappropriate, and gay-bashing comments about his political opponents. If President Bush and his cronies can get Whoopi fired from Slim-Fast for joking about the president at a political event, then why does Bush get away with having Dennis Miller make homophobic jokes about John Kerry?

It's time President Bush stopped the gay-bashing. We demand an apology from the Gay-Basher in Chief:
Speaking of celebrity endorsements: Dennis Miller, a big backer of Bush, was in Green Bay, Wis., yesterday to warm up the crowd before the prez spoke. Miller made a glancing reference to Whoopi but promised, "In deference to George W. Bush, I will try not to fall to depths that some would in this case."

Then he went on to imply a homosexual attraction between Kerry and Edwards.

"Those two cannot keep their hands off each other, can they?" Miller said. "I think I have a new idea for a new campaign slogan -- use the bumper sticker 'Hey, Get A Room.' "

The Post's Dana Milbank also reports that Miller riffed on other noted Dems. "Asking Bill Clinton to write an honest book is like asking Britney Spears to sing a capella," he said.

And he called strategist James Carville "a muppet who accidentally was washed on hot" and a "Satanic Chihuahua under a strobe light" who has "more nervous ticks than a Belfast parking valet."

All in good fun, of course. Bush thanked Miller "for joining us" but made no mention of his warm-up act.
Now what makes all of this particularly interesting is that I got an mass-email a few days ago from Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman blasting Kerry for "hateful, negative politics." Mehlman was upset about a NYC fundraiser in which celebrities bashed President Bush and, oh my gosh, questioned Bush's honesty (Just like Miller questioned Clinton's honesty above).

Now, were I hateful and negative, I might talk about how Mehlamn is 37 years old, single, refuses to answer questions about his sexual orientation and says he's "too busy" for a life outside of politics. But I'm not hateful and negative, so I'll keep to outing Mehlman as a big fat lying hypocrite who's stumping for a gay-basher. Read More......

Coalition of the Pitiful

"The United States insisted on Thursday its coalition in Iraq remained strong despite the Philippines' decision to withdraw its 51 troops and pointed to Mongolia and El Salvador as evidence of its strength."
Someday we'll be telling our grandchildren about how the great army of Mongolia saved the world from tyranny. I'm all verklemt. Read More......

Judge dismisses case against Bush protesters

Hey, I thought that the Secret Service was stopping this segregated protest nonsense. Apparently not but at least the judge in West Virginia has some common sense and remembers that political protest in America is legal. Communist China clampdowns are so passé. Or are they? Read More......

Check Out Dean Campaign Manager Joe Trippi's New Book

Please take a moment to check out Howard Dean's former campaign manager Joe Trippi's new book about the rise and fall of the Dean campaign, and about how the Internet is transforming our democracy. You can check out the book here. We like to help our sponsors, so click away and check it out please :-)

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Buzzflash outs DRUDGE, Part II

On July 13, we explained why we are re-running two June, 2000 editorials about Matt Drudge being a gay who supports people (Republicans) who bash gays. It's a syndrome that affects many Republicans, including elected gay Republican Congressmen and Senators who support Bush's anti-gay rhetoric and agenda. There are also people high in the Bush campaign apparatus, administration, and in the right wing think tanks and conservative values organizations who are gay.

One might wonder what makes them tick? Could you be gay and support an anti-gay President or political party? Could you be African-American and send money to the KKK? Could you be Jewish and support neo-Nazis?

We don't pretend to know what goes on in Drudge's mind. Maybe he's just the ultimate post-gay liberation gay: a gay in public denial who has the right to be a complete slimeball just like Karl Rove.

Drudge, like all of us, must be held accountable for his actions. His sexual orientation becomes an issue when it makes him a hypocrite. And Republican hypocrisy is our number one interest at BuzzFlash, because it is the defining characteristic of many people in Republican leadership and media shill positions.
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Senator Santorum, I already told you, STOP writing me, it was just a one-night stand, get over it

From: "Shawn and Jodi"
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 04:56:11 -0500

Get a life you piece of shit. This debate is nothing like race discrimination or sexism!!! You've got too much time on your hands. So, do us all a favor; get a real job, shut your holes, and keep your personal lives to yourselves. Yes, marriage is a right to all Americans, but not to same sex couples that got their marbles screwed up somewhere in their upbringing. Only to attempt to allow your perversion as an acceptable alternative to children that many of your supporters will attempt to adopt. If you passed Health Class 101, you should have learned that sticking your dick in another man's asshole won't get him pregnant, and as for women, neither will a dildo. I can't recall another country off hand that allows gay marriage. And as much a fuck-up that the President has been with the Iraq War, your bullshit dramatics on this gay movement for marriage rights is really helping this country look even weaker and powerless. African Americans and Women's rights movements in the 60's had basis as a natural human race. But your movement is a serious joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This all is coming from a person that doesn't attend church often, so is not necessarily Christian backed such as a preacher would explain to you. I'm more direct and with more everyday common sense. Anotherwards, all you "flamers" should buy a large island, culminate there with your pansy-ass lives, and let our country return to an image of strength. And yes, with a new commander-in-chief, so as not to screw-up Iraq anymore like he has already. If there were a scale on which situation was most damaging to the U.S. identitiy - the Iraq War or Gay Marriage, it's obvious that both are pretty damn equal.

Ideas for getting over your fascinations of fucking up "human procreation"...

1. Join a convent.
2. Get a lobotomy.
3. Keep your hands and words away from children.(Consider yourselves Gay Michael Jacksons - as an example to the mental upbringing of children.)
4. Stop listening to Rossi O'Donnell. (She's was an overpaid actress-not a Goddess and certainly not a role-model.)
5. Take Health Class 101, again. (you need a screw and a nut to put things together-and obviously you've lost too many of both to function as a productive advancement for society.)
6. Pay your taxes just like everyone else. You're not special and your tax payments don't make you special or give you any additional rights above the NORMAL heterosexual person.
7. Join the porno entertainment field. They're always looking for cheap meaningless trash to entertain people that have no lives like yourselves. And instead of a 401K plan, you may get AIDS as your retirement plan. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?!
8. And, last but not least, make sure you swallow all you're given you pathetic excuses for proculture human beings. Real concrete Americans with any pride whatsoever don't like "Indian givers".

Remember... All races deserve to be treated equally, and women deserve to make as much as men for sure.

However; Gay marriage is a disease, a virus. Get off your egos, and realize that your personal preferences mean shit to me as a normal American. As the smallest minority in the history of activists goes, you have no stable ground to stand on and you are a disgrace to culture. So, once again, crawl back in your holes, shut up, and live your lives the way you want to, but don't subject the rest of the human race to your crybaby bullshit. Speak up for something that really matters, like our men and woman getting shot up in a senseless war in a country that we don't belong in!

P.S. And if your parents think that this lifestyle is OKay or they've finally accepted you because they love you and have accepted this way of life for you even though you were created or adopted by them, have them upgrade their mental insurance too. There's no respect for a brainwashed elder. Read More......

Quote of the day by Garry Trudeau

"Bush has created more harm to this country’s standing and security than any president in history,” Trudeau said. “What a shame the world has to suffer the consequences of Dubya not getting enough approval from Dad.”
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If you didn't think outing was fair, read this

Today's Washington Post has an article about our outing campaign. Did you have any qualms about our outing campaign? Well check out these quotes from:

1. The head of the Senate gay and lesbian staff association, who is gay and works for a Senator who supports the Gay Bashing Amendment:
"That is a personal decision," says Armstrong, 32, sitting in the office with Fox News playing in the background. A native of Fort Sumner, N.M., now living in the District and co-chairing the nonpartisan Senate Staff Caucus, he declines to comment on whether he supports the marriage amendment. His boss voted for it. "I have to keep in mind that the senator has nothing personal against me or the gay community. He is having to do what he is elected to do -- represent his constituents. And New Mexicans, if you look at the polls, are overwhelmingly supportive of the amendment."
2. And this from a press secretary for a House Republican who supports the amendment:
The press secretary Rogers has threatened to out, one of more than a dozen staffers he has approached, has been open about his homosexuality for years -- to his family, his friends and his co-workers. For even longer, he has been out as a Republican to the same people, which might be an even more daunting position, especially now. He supports, or more accurately doesn't oppose, the marriage amendment, because if calling homosexual unions " 'marriage' is going to upset the fabric of civil society, to me, it ain't that important."

Friends don't understand this, he says. They don't see how the 38-year-old press secretary, who declined to be named at the request of his boss, feels no inner conflict between his job and his sexuality. This gay man is not torn about the marriage amendment. Like others whom Rogers has targeted, he is the opposite of torn.
Still feel like these guys are innocent bystanders who don't deserve our wrath? Read More......