This year the Democrats Abroad did a really great job of organizing the vote for American expats. Overwhelmingly, Americans abroad supported Obama in the campaign with roughly 66% of the vote. After the Bush years, Americans abroad see first hand the impact of a president who thumbs his nose at the world and ravages an economy. The global good will of the Clinton years was all suddenly gone. I have met people in Northern and Southern Africa, Asia (including Vietnam, our former "enemy"), Europe and Central America who would start telling me about how much they loved Bill Clinton and how much times have changed under Bush. The ideal of America as a leader and a model had evolved into America the hated and America the war monger. Yes, it's clear there will always be haters, but the number of haters is beyond anything I experienced in the past.
Perhaps this is why Hillary was not as popular with Americans overseas. While people loved Bill, it is a different time and after years of negativity, people abroad were looking for something different. Americans abroad wanted someone that was a clear break from the slash and burn politics of recent years. Hillary seemed too associated with the old way of doing things. They wanted someone who could be a uniter in practice, not just in words. Obama seemed to capture this spirit for many of expats and obviously for many Americans at home as well.
So how about people here in France? Obama is quite the topic of discussion both in the media and at cafes with the French. In general people love discussing Obama and what this could mean for the future of America. However, I am still looking for a single French person that gives Obama a chance in the election against McCain. Everyone, right, left, center, men, women, you name it, they all think McCain is going to win. Is this because of 2000 and then 2004? Is this because they believe that America is a racist country? Is this because the French are racists and can't imagine such a thing in 2008? Is this because the French are negative and jealous? Hard to say, maybe a bit of all of the above, but it is somewhat surprising that there is such a strong belief here that the US will not vote Obama. I don't even want to think about how a third Bush term would received overseas but I have a pretty good idea.
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