National Journal's Blogometer does a nice daily summation of the best of the blogs. I've excerpted some of the more interesting comments about Hillary in the liberal blogosphere over the past 24 hours. (The first quote, by Josh, wasn't in the Blogometer, so I added it.)
Josh Marshall:
"She is embarking on a gambit that is uncertain in its result and simply breathtaking in its cynicism.... What she's doing is not securing her the nomination. Rather, she's gunning up a lot of her supporters to believe that the nomination was stolen from her -- a belief many won't soon abandon. And that on the basis of rationales and arguments there's every reason to think she doesn't even believe in."
Carpetbagger Report:
"I've defended Clinton, more than once, when people said she was putting her own interests above those of the party and the nation. But after seeing her tactics yesterday, I'm done defending Hillary Clinton. I'm 35, and have been following politics for quite a while, and I've never been so disappointed with a politician I've admired and respected. Yesterday's tactics weren't just wrong, they were offensive.
"I think this delegitimization of Obama's victory is the act she will be most remembered for. And if Obama does not win the election in November, Clinton will join Ralph Nader in the left-wing Hall of Shame."
"[T]his episode is very revealing about Clinton's character. [...] If she's consciously lying, it's a shockingly cynical move. I don't think she's lying. I think she's so convinced of her own morality and historical importance that she can whip herself into a moralistic fervor to support nearly any position that might benefit her, however crass and sleazy.... She is proving herself temperamentally unfit for the presidency."
Balloon Juice:
"What a contemptible wretch"
Matt Yglesias
"[H]er campaign has lost and is continuing to engage in bizarre and reckless behavior."
"One of the wonders of this primary season has been the ability of the Clinton campaign -- including Hillary herself -- and their supporters to engage in some of the most patently ridiculous and bald faced lies, knowing that everyone else knows they are engaging in patently ridiculous and bald faced lies."
"Clinton's using these ridiculous Calvinball metrics to undermine the legitimacy of the Democratic nominee.... to send flacks to rile up other Democrats against Obama under these circumstances is a disgrace."
"It's weird, really, having in some sense started my political life defending the Clintons and now being rather fed up with them. I'm not important, but I'm not alone."
Huff Post:
"Every time she claims she has a popular majority, she's shattering whatever ceasefire exists and making it that much more likely that her supporters stay home come November. If she really wants a united party, she needs to stop, and the media and the superdelegates need to hold her accountable."
More Huff Post:
"Now that Clinton's hopes of winning the nomination are more distant than ever, this talk seems less about helping her campaign and more about hardening the attitudes of her supporters against Obama.... Already, Clinton can blame her campaign for tarnishing her family's legacy of connection to America's black voters. Will she also risk taking blame for sinking the general election by losing badly?"
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