Gang, one way you can seriously help Barack Obama, and us, defeat McCain is to recommend our best blog posts to others.
How do you do that?
Use the links we provide you under the title of each blog post:![](
For example, if you wanted to send the above blog post to friends, simply lick on the little white envelope with the black arrow in it. It's pretty obvious from there what to do.
Just as important, use the links we provide to reddit, FARK, digg, and Stumble.
Basically, these are services in which readers can vote for their favorite articles and blog posts. You sign up for a free account with each service, then every time you read a blog post that you particularly like, click the link to each of those services under that particular blog post headline. If no one has suggested the post yet, then you'll be asked to write a title for the post and maybe provide a brief summary (digg wants summaries, reddit only wants a headline that should be automatically included when you click). And, if someone else has already submitted the post, your click is your way of voting for the post. The more votes, the higher up it rises, and the more people see it. These services are hugely important for getting our stuff seen, and the more our stuff gets seen the more impact it has.
How do you sign up for a free account? Just click the link under any of our posts and it will take you to a page that asks you to sign in, create an account, etc. It's free and easy, and more importantly, it's a very easy way for you to help us and help the overall campaign. So please do it :-)
Oh, one more thing. As you know, we moved to a new comment system a few months ago, after we had what bordered on threats against Obama posted in the comments. Some users found the new service a bit tricky to navigate, but they've improved it a lot, so please try registered again (if you want to join in the comments). It's pretty easy - just click the "comments" button under the the headline of the post you want to comment on, then if you're not signed in already (or haven't created a free account yet), click the link that asks you to "log in" and then just create your account. It's VERY easy - you simply need to fill in an email address, choose a password, and one other thing I forget! But once you submit that, it's done, you're in. Then just make sure you're logged in in the future, and you can comment.
Thanks, JOHN
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