Sunday, October 17, 2010

'It Gets Better' -- the Broadway Stars version

Hat tip, Karen Ocamb, who says this song is "inspirational, uplifting – and catchy, too." I really love the way the LGBT community and our allies have taken on this cause -- led by Dan Savage, of course.

Excerpts from Toxic Town Hall that led to Gay Suicide

I've often said that Oklahoma is ground zero for extremist Evangelical, or "Talibangelical" hatred of the LGBT community. This is what it looks like at an Oklahoma public town hall that led to the suicide of gay teenager Zach Harrington. I'm fairly certain the young Zach, naively perhaps, was hoping to hear citizens discuss a simple proclamation recognizing October as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History Month in the city.

John also posted a link with more extensive recorded video from that meeting here.

Compare the hateful remarks and expressions of hatred you will see and hear with, Joel Burns, the brave gay city councilman in Fort Worth. Read More...

'Bam Bam' Barber brings his hate and homophobia to Bowling Green

Bowling Green, Ohio residents will be voting on two right-wing initiatives to repeal two ordinances on basic equality on November 2nd. The ordinances are about the most basic non-discrimination in employment, public accommodation and housing. But, even that is too much for the haters. In case you had any doubt about who is behind this hateful effort, none other than Matt "Bam Bam" Barber was in Bowling Green this week to campaign for the repeal. You can count on Barber to show up almost anywhere where gay issues are under discussion. He's quite an authority. So, of course, he was in Bowling Green to scare voters with his usual mix of homophobia and falsehoods:
Matt Barber, a conservative commentator and author with the Liberty Council in Lynchburg, Virginia, says he fears supporters of the ordinances are inventing reasons to push for a larger agenda.

In fact, he says it is an "attempt to achieve federal government sanctioning of the homosexual and cross-dressing lifestyles as a special minority class."

And some local opponents at the meeting went so far as to say they think children could be harmed if the ordinances pass.

'We think it would be an open door to allow pedophiles [and] other people that shouldn't be in the schools to go in there," said one man.
The campaign to prevent repeal is being led by One Bowling Green. Their message is: Don't be fooled by the lies and deception.

When Bam Bam and his ilk are on the scene, there's nothing but lies and deception.

There are lots of places where candidates who support equality are on the ballot. But, in Bowling Green, basic equality is up for a vote. Help One Bowling Green beat Bam Bam and the haters. Read More...

Colorado GOP Senate candidate Ken Buck on being gay: 'basically you have a choice'

Remember how we kept hearing that teabaggers don't really care about social issues? Not quite.

The latest anti-gay attack comes from Colorado's teabagger Senate candidate, Ken Buck. He was on "Meet the Press" today and espoused his belief that being gay is a choice. Apparently, that's because "you can choose who your partner is." And, somehow, he managed to bring alcoholism into his explanation. Not kidding. The Wonk Room got the video:

Buck's answers to the gay questions warrant the headline in the article about today's debate in the Denver Post:
"Buck's remarks on homosexuality loom after Meet the Press debate"

It's not a choice. And, Buck gets added to the growing list of teabaggers who are unabashed homophobes -- along with Paladino, Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell.

If you live in Colorado, please don't let your friends and family vote for this homophobe. Elect Michael Bennet. This is a close race and Buck's homophobia should hurt him. shows Buck leading 48.2% - 44.1%. Nate Silver's model has the projected results favoring Buck: 49.8 - 47.5. But, it looks like Bennet is moving in the right direction. Read More...

On 'Meet the Press,' Gibbs again makes no sense on DADT

Robert Gibbs was on "Meet the Press" this morning. In my open thread at, I wrote:
Robert Gibbs is the other guest on "Meet." So, we may be treated to more garbled and incoherent answers about the President's views on DADT.
And, as you'll see, that's exactly what we got. The last time Gibbs wasn't completely illogical on DADT was during the transition. Tim posted that video below.

Note that Gibbs will not say if Obama thinks DADT is unconstitutional. We've been trying to get an answer to that question directly for months. Instead, we're told he hasn't spoken to it. Same for DOMA. Please. Obama is a constitutional scholar. Laws that treat LGBT Americans as second-class citizens aren't just discriminatory. Judges have found them unconstitutional. Obama just won't say it. The White House must think it will look really bad if he goes to court to defend unconstitutional laws -- instead of just discriminatory laws. It looks bad, period.

Just watch Gibbs. Keep in mind that he's gotten DADT questions all week. Kerry Eleveld grilled him on Thursday. There's still no coherent response. They still don't have a plan:

Time to Remind Angry Obama

If Obama is angry at anyone then it should be himself. As someone who has been directly impacted by not allowing gays to openly serve in our military, although I was discharged before the don't ask don't tell joke of a policy was implemented, Obama needs to watch Gibb's famous statement every single time he gets angry at us for holding him accountable to his direct promise.

More importantly, don't stop reviewing the video after he answers the question about don't ask don't tell, but continue on to have Gibbs direct you to "continue to push your lawmakers and push this new administration to do what you know is right." Whenever Barrack Obama gets angry at us he needs to watch this video ten times and get back with us. Read More...