Dancing At The Movies. Without clicking on the more info button on the YouTube page, how many of the almost 40 movies can you identify?
What’s on your mind?
Late Late Night FDL: Dancing At The Movies |
By: Suzanne Tuesday October 26, 2010 10:00 pm |
Dancing At The Movies. Without clicking on the more info button on the YouTube page, how many of the almost 40 movies can you identify?
What’s on your mind?
evening, Suzzzz … firegourds
hey ppd — how’s the south south bay tonight?
Another phone screen today. They want to follow up. Needed this level of activity back in January.
Preparing for Thursday’s on site – 5 hours of intense technical screening.
good, thanks – just watching Frontline’s expose` on BP.
As Sarah Palin would say “all of them.” Hah!
hey wmd — yay and yikes! that’s a lotta technical screening dood? how ya doing tonight?
Well, without even clicking anything, that’s Gregory Hines in ‘Tap’…!
Aloha, Ma Cheri…! ;-)
hey kelly — how’s denver tonight? as i would say to sarah — name em *arms crossed and foot tapping in a non-larry craig way…
aloha tut — how’s paradise tonight?
Muggy, with little trades to alleviate it…!
What? No “West Side Story?”
hey robert — how ya doing tonight? i was kinda surprised it wasn’t there myself…
OK, I only watched the first bits, cause “Footloose” gets on me nerves, so what I did see was:
Saturday Night Fever
Dirty Dancing
Flash Dance
Pulp Fiction
American Pie
Moulin Rouge
OK, that’s it. I din’t see all of them. /katycouric
Doing well. Suffering brain burn some. Need to give it a rest for a few days….
hahahahahaha nice katy dood
Precious few. But I saw White Nights in the theater like four times during its brief run.
robertarend, WSS is there.
Hey Suzanne! How’s by you?
No Fosse. NO FOSSE?? LurkingMod, cover your eyes for a sec…
Dogma was the only one on your list I haven’t seen….
Hey! What about Oliver!
I’m tired. Reviewing material from courses I took in 1982 and 1990, it’s kind of fun actually.
Phone screen today was actually a nice break. I expected about 15-20 minutes, it went 45. hiring manager wants me to get back with him soon, asked me to look at material his group produces and comment on it.
he aitch — how’s nc tonight? omg — i hadn’t realized it had no fosse in it… *covering lurk’s eyes*
Now I’m CHECKING! It’s Grease at 1:25…
sounds encouraging dood… fingers and toes crossed… you need an offer NOW
Fred Astaire, Singing in the Rain at 1:35
Michael Jackson something at 1:37
Rocky Picture Horror Show?
WSS @ 1:50-1:53, maybe a shot before that, I think later also
yay kelly…. so far you have the most films named…
WSS @ 2:00
7 brides for 7 brothers at 1:57
RHPS at 2:01
What the hell is the name of that Disney/Penguin flick at 2:07
[good lard, why am I obsessed with this..]
I wanna see Fame again, dammit I don’t have it.
cause ya love a good challenge *chuckling* happy feet
Viva Las Vegas?
Fame was so awesome. It was 1980 and I was so out on my own, I so related to that song, and I was foolishly auditioning for Juliard. I thought I could make it.
I’ll give the lame schtunk who made the compilation the benefit of the doubt about Fosse since everything post Kelly/Astaire was either choreographed by Bob or was an homage to him.
Damn you! *smooching!*
Strictly Ballroom (early Baz Luhrman)
Singin’ in the Rain
When Peggy Sue Got Married
West Side Story
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
… what a great video pick tonight!
The showstopper stuff from Fame wasn’t in the clipper, but the poor little rich prima donna made the cut.
nope not an elvis film on the list
Wow, I’m tempted to think that was a snippet from Mary Poppins, but I may be mistaken.
*smooching back with a wink*
Fame was on TCM a couple months ago, around the time of the Acadeny Awards. I recorded it.
hey rotl — how ya doing tonight? glad ya liked it
I mean, I drove from Pgh to Toronto just to see All That Jazz when it premiered!
I think I’m getting an offer from company I interviewed at Oct 7. They posted job in group at ore senior level – HR was concerned I wouldn’t be interested at original level and said they’d try to get an up leveled req, seeing that new req seems like a good sign.
I’ve been up front that I’m actively interviewing. HR may be waiting until after Thursday’s interview at other company… which is actually treating me respectfully.
I’ll be so glad when I’m going to work again.
me too — we are gonna party hard the night you tell us you have a job offer :) :) :)
*heh* In cheating, Dogma and Blue Skies, are the only movies I haven’t seen…! No Oliver, btw…! ;-)
Don’t mind me, I gotta lotta Abe Lincolnesque stories about going to great lengths to see a movie.
Thanks ;-)
And best of luck to wmd1961.
Wait, which one is the Irish kid movie?
And exactly WHERE is West Side Story? I am just cruising through this again and un unh. The Bernstein film ain’t in there, so if it’s a remake what minute mark is it at?
*tap tap tap*
Have Blue Skies in my vid library, if fact everyone identified except Dogma.
2:00 iirc
Actually I recuse myself from the ID contest bc someone sent me a link to that clip a week or so ago. Everything before 1990 I recognized, nothing after.
also @ 1:50-1:53
I’m sure I’ll be partying too.
Actually – just take a minute and listen to “Out Here on My Own” in the context of the “It Gets Better” project.
I may just have found a way to actually make one of those damn things.
kewl — wanna keep track of who has the most correct guesses?
It’s listed, Dood…! ;-)
oooooooohmystars kelly…
I wouldn’t call that dreck a ‘Bernstein film’, but it’s a free country.
I’ve seen the real thing in a small theater, real orchestra, no tracking shots to give you boners, just the best fucking musical ever made. According to me and also the guy who wrote A Chorus Line, who said that when he was congratulated for having the longest-ever running musical. He said WSS only had a short 18-month run.
I think I saw a snip of “Momma Mia!” in it. Don’t have that in my vid library….
Umm, who gets to work the polygraph?
you did :)
These move fast, hard to spot them all. Ah! Strictly Ballroom (the pasa doble, at least) I have as “that Australian one.” There’s that one with Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis whose title I forget, too. And yeah, what, no Fosse?
Dirty Dancing, White Nights (a lot of that one, and why not?), Fame (I think), Sat Nite Fev, is that Royal Wedding with Astaire in color?, Pulp Fiction, American Pie, yes, that really was a clip from Dogma, Smooth Criminal vid (my fav Jax), West Side Story is in there I think –Jets on the march– 7 Brides, Grease, Singing in the Rain, Footloose, was that Billy Elliot with the young boy?, Mary Poppins (look fast for that one). That’s not even half, assuming they’re all actually there.
hehehehe no poly no cuffs (yes i’m looking at you when i say that tut)
hey prostrated — how ya doing tonight? nice list
No need to give me one…! I fessed up…! ;-)
the michael jackson film is not a video — but it was used as a video — tis moonwalker iirc
Dangnaqbbit…! 8-P
What? No “Jailhouse Rock”–the best rock dance sequence of all time?!
:( jailhouse
No “Tommy” either?
Agree. Stop Making Sense is my absolute most favorite, especially Once In A Lifetime, but it’s a rock concert.
Thanks, Suzanne. I never get tired of hearing and watching that.
Do I see 7 Brides for 7 Brothers? or maybe Oklahoma! ?
Let’s be fair to the creepy compiler, there’s more better left out than left in.
There’s dancing in True Stories.
twas 7 margot — how’s ohio tonight?
Interesting, i’ve got an edit button, but it expires immediately. Link didn’t post to True Stories.
There were some twisters nearby, but not here. We just got wet. You OK?
the tech folks are aware of the lack of edit since the switch to myfdl this weekend and its on the list to get fixed
No Ellie Powell. If she’d been a NFL quarterback instead of a dancing genius, she’d have at least 20 Super Bowl rings.
wet. got a wee bit of sun towards sunset — forecast is for limited showers tomorrow and then back to rain for the rest of the week
OMG I am sitting here flipping out a bit.
I remember the exact day I said to myself “Kelly, forget everything you ever were told, and only believe what you see from this day forward.”
And it was because of that goddamned Fame movie, and the second day after it the Juliard letter came with a big fat “No” in it, and the DQs had said, “you just graduated hunny, so you need to kick it up a notch and move out of our place…” and I wondered what in the hell I was ever going to do.
I traded a rack of White Crosses for some windowpane and rode my bike out to where my grandpa’s horse stables were – right across from ASU actually in Tempe.
I’m not complaining, just noted it was happening.
since its been an hour here are the movies:
Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, White Nights, Perfect, Saturday Night Fever, Blue Skies, Pulp Fiction, High Fidelity, Clerks 2, American Pie, Billy Elliot, Footloose, True Lies, Grease, Honey, Phantom of the Opera, Step up, Step up 2, Moonwalker, West Side Story, Moulin Rouge, Mary Poppins, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Strictly Ballroom, Happy Feet, Singing in the Rain, Fame, Fame2009, Save the Last Dance, Mamma Mia, Mask of Zorro, Coyote Ugly, Wild Hogs, Get Smart, Airplane, A Knights Tale, High School Musical and Austin Powers.
Hmmm, and no “Bugsy Malone”….
not a problem — was just letting everyone know that the techs *have* a list
Incidentally, Dirty Dancing was bs. Early in the flick, Jerry Orbach removes his golf glove with its Velcro strap. Golf gloves didn’t use Velcro at that time. What? Oh, right, I forgot, it’s a movie.
Speaking of noting things… getting close to 100.
thanks wmd
High Fidelity? I loved that movie, like five times! I didn’t recognize a clip from it.
Meaning nothing by this, but I sense a competitive urge (or urgency) to be the more-than Huffpost than Huffpost can be. Disclosure: I haven’t been to Huffpost in months. Huff gets attention all out of proportion to its worth.
Dammit, I can’t find any “more info button on You Tube,” and now I’m going crazy trying to figure out all the movies in the clip.
And I tripped my brains out – just literally el trippo. And in the middle of it I got this clarity – “Why should you believe a goddamned THING? Why? WHat you see is what you get.”
And it was all quite better. Still had the “you need a new place to live problem” and all the rest, and the next day, not the next morning, was Sunday and I was playing piano at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Paradise Valley.
Everybody there looked strange to me, and I thought it was a LSD hangover until one moment; when it came time for Communion and the band was supposed to take it, I didn’t. I just started playing piano – some tune, I don’t know what it was, but it was contemplative and extemporaneous, and just what I wanted to say at that moment.
And then it was all OK. Nobody looked strange to me anymore, and I never felt better. The band and the priest, Fr. Barry, were a bit flipped, but I didn’t care.
And all the life things started to fall into place. I got an additional band gig the NEXT DAY, and had enough money to move out of the fair godmothers place in the next month, and from that June to Christmas I ended up winning a scholarship to ASU, and started music school in ’81.
hey mauimom — its the 3 arrows pointing down next to the line of text that starts: A collection of dance clips from almost 40 movies from dance movies to
how’s your island tonight?
i’m so glad it did fall into place for ya hon
aw FUCK… and wmd warned me even
Suz posted the list @90 or so.
More button isn’t available on embedded youtube. If you leave FDL and go to youtube there’s a little down arrow under the video.
Click on the triple >>> pointing down, MM…! ;-)
you were warned.
*heh* Sooo busted…! ;-)
Billy Elliott.
And Mamma Mia’s in there too.
i h-a-t-e it when i start off the week snagging the lucky # instead of one of you pups getting it
That she was…! Bwhahaha…! ;-)
RC just jumped up on me. I think he’s telling me to go sleep.
Yes! Billy Elliott!
you headed out wmd? if so, g’nite and fingers/toes dood
What do you get when you cross breed a chicken with an elephant?
Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and all the Republicans running away from reporters.
Just finished watching Frontline’s expose` on BP.
I’m convinced that Obama intended to destroy any effective democratic congressional majorities won in 2008 before he was even elected president so that he could use next week’s debacle as his excuse for consolidating Bush’s executive branch overthrow of the Constitution.
Soon. My cat is kneading me.
But you were being helpful. The alternative was to not help someone. Jettison those angry neurons. You’re making my back ache.
hehehehehe hey theoracle — how ya doing tonight?
i’m gonna watch it when it reruns at oh dark hundred tomorrow nite …. hard to host and watch the show at the same time and i wanna be able to concentrate when i do…
Doesn’t every POTUS try to rule as the first among semi-equals? Every Congress has prevented it. It’s fun to watch. Congress thinks it’s the first among equals since it’s mentioned first and its powers are enumerated first.
Thanks. Suz’s list was most helpful. Clearly I posted my plea before reading all the comments.
RC is being more loving lately. Sweet kitty.
good night all.
rc knows you are stressed and is giving ya kitty love :)
That 22 months, from sleeping on the street, eating out of Taco Bell garbage cans and turning tricks, dealing weed and speed to lesbian strippers and high school jocks, to living in Europe on scholarship still baffles me.
I need to write the whole thing out and just be done with it. Sorry to trouble you folks with such. But there’s enough of you freak types here that I’m comfortable with laying it out there. So non-judgmental.
Thanks for that.
g’nite wmd
You survived and thrived, and I’m glad you’re here.
dood, this is exactly the place and its not a trouble at all. spocko drafts a lot of his stuff with input from other commenters here at lln — i’m honored that you are comfortable enough to lay it out here
Just home from work after a 14-hr day. Achy, sore throat, temp 101.
Uh oh.
oh crap et — that sucks dood :( hope it goes away as fast as it came on
Tell your story in a musical composition. More folks would get it that way. More folks who would benefit. Just my opinion.
Dude, do NOT have the flu at election time; do you have mail in ballots there?
As somebody who knows a good story when I read it, I think you should put those 22 months into a memoir. It could be as successful as Joyce Maynard’s 1973 memoir “Looking Back”.
Hi Group. I’ve been reading along while watching Jon Stewart. Much fun on the bus.
If you haven’t seen Coyote Ugly, DO! It’s cute and the dancing is hot.
And, Kelly, you are a treasure. So glad to get to know you at this special place.
Creaking along … ironic to have a dancefest on a night when the weather has me, er, thinking about each and every move.
It does. Joe Miller about to go down in flames. I hope.
i hear that — i scrubbed the kitchen floor and cabinets yesterday and sure as hell was made to pay the price when i got up today.
Ms ET already voted. No m, though. I haven’t had the flu in – I’m not sure – a long time.
hey dearie — how ya doing tonight?
Doing well. I’ve got a couple of jobs in the next two days, and that makes me feel energetic and purposeful. And I’ve really enjoyed this evenings dance card!
i caught parts of the rachel maddow show tonight (was on the phone) and saw her ‘interview’ with joe… flames indeed
Well, flu, crud, whatever, hope it passes quickly because YOU of ALL PEOPLE need to VOTE!
Are the Dems doing anything for McAdams in Alaska?
yay for jobs and glad ya liked it — i thought it was stiched together really well with the dancing punctuating the music.
Quite the idiot is Miller. He told Rachel he believe gay rights legislation is up to states rights; yet he embraced the federal government passing the Perservation of Marriage Act….
Didja see Rachel in AK tonight? Was phenomenal! Had to help.
I bet he doesn’t see the disconnect there.
You know, there aren’t as many people in all of Alaska as in my not very industrial county in California … you’d think a bit of advertising would help the Dem get something going. Rachel Maddow had a good and good-looking crowd up there tonight.
“Incoherence” should be a tea blend for these folks, nu?
Familiar with the Philip Roth ouvre? The Amy Bellette character in Exit Ghost and The Ghost Writer seems an awful lot like Joyce Maynard.
And Sharan Engel went down in flames after Joy Beynard called her a “bitch” who would learn something if she pulled her bully act in New York.
Keeping my throat wrapped for a day or two, even while sleeping, often keeps a cold at bay.
Forgot or neglected to mention — I watched it in 720p HD with headphones. It’s quality stuff all right.
The media just plays these teabag candidates for rating. Not a single one of them will win election, including Miller. Mulkulski will win by write-in.
When I feel a soar throat coming, I swig down a swallow of mouthwash. Kills everything on the way down. Never fails to stop it in its tracks.
And Kelly @145 (my reply button isn’t working for some reason), I remember the day that you asked the mods to correct so you could use your real/full name. I was thrilled! You are somebody!
Or won’t. It’s “Murkowski.” Heh.
some browsers won’t let the reply button work until the page has fully loaded from your last refresh
Fact is, if the spelling is wrong but intent clear, the vote has to be granted her. At least that’s the way it works in most states.
Oh, pshaw.
It’s all a part of coming out. It’s a process. One day I said to myself “I will never be afraid again” and that has been wrong more times than right, but ultimately the right way to go.
I will never be silent, and I will never again be anonymous.
Now choosing more shit going forward is a different story, but uhn uh – ain’t ever going backwards.
It’s more than than. Obama’s counting on the tea party taking out the republican party, making their crackhead primary winners unelectable so that he can push his pseudocentrist sellout of the U.S. middle class.
It’s like Meg Whitman’s $200 million loser campaign for California governator, except Obama’s loss in 2012 will be paid for by the bottom 90% of the country.
That totally bites, ET…! I hope ya get better right quick…! *g*
I don’t disagree with that for a second.
Which means that if a Murkowski “Mrkwski, Moorcowski, Merkowski” vote counts as “intended” it will be DAYS and DAYS if not months before we know who AKs Senator has been elected. See Franken, Al.
Obama is in that historical period of most great presidencies: the 2 year mark, when the gloves come off and the real man rids himself of those who have dragged his presidency down and, finally, takes charge of his own legacy.
You’re going to see a different Obama after the general. I think you’re going to like him.
Frontline just started here in the Isles…! ;-)
Another lovely evening. Thanks, Suzanne!
twas my pleasure dearie — glad ya enjoyed it
I’m in the media business. I make money from commercials.
I’d like lots of commercials in the run up to election.
I go to a very rich person and say, ‘You TOTALLY should run.”
‘Really? You think I could win?”
TV stations and some radio have been surviving on political ads for years, they will never turn down all that juicy money. T
hey spocko — how ya doing tonight?
What’s the plan?
Kelly, It sounds like an amazing experience. I was talking to Mrs. S the other day about my online friends and I mentioned you and your hilarious story about going through the airport metal detector. HA!
And I also told her about about how you and blech are carrying for the folks. It’s so great to hear stories about people lives and that talk about who they are and what shapes them and drives them.
I was thinking a lot today about bigotry. And violence. The Juan Williams and the MoveOn woman being stomped were in my mind. How do we, as a society send messages to people who are bigots and violent bigots? What are all the methods that we send cues and messages. And when someone is caught being a bigot what are all the ways that organizations or groups either support that bigotry or not.
4 of the most compromised have are already gone, Emanuel the latest. After the general, Geither goes. Obama will, then, cut the Justice Department loose, if for no other reasons than to teach the banksters for throwing so much money at the wrong party. Many in the mortgage backed securities racket will be procecuted under RICO. Most will go to jail.
China is about to get beat up Chicago style.
Pretty good Mrs. S and I drove up to Healdsburg to experience some “fallness” We listened to a couple of great interviews on Fresh Air with Terry Gross and Jon Stewart and Keith Richards. Then we had dinner at a pub brewery.
When I go to a really really rich town like that I often get kind of sick to my stomach. The money spent on trinkets and imported stuff always makes me wonder what the people do for a living that they can buy these $140 candles and the 200 dollar bottles of wine.
I also look for the Justice Department to be investigating, indicting and prosecuting Congress critters of both parties for their collusion with the banksters in exchange for campaign cash and jobs. Look for Dodd to be the first.
last week and this are prime weeks for fall color up here… if the wind this weekend didn’t blow the leaves away
By the way if I was hear earlier I would have names all most all those movies with the exception of the Step Up and newer ones. But now I think I’ll go watch a few. I love dance movies.
Did any of you see Mad Hot Ballroom?
O, and Clarence Thomas will be announcing a sudden retirement and be replaced by a real left of moderate.
No one’s going to be prosecuted, convicted and serve. No one will be forced to pay restitution because of the federal government’s complicity in these financial war crimes — all perfectly legal under law. Lobbyist cash has euthanized the rule of law for regular people. And if a lower court decides against a high profile defendant, the SCOTUS will pull another Citizens United out of its ….
You’ll have to be satisfied with Madoff’s 150 year sentence.
What you said about expensive trinkets rings a bell with me.
There was a very expensive shop in my home town, and it catered almost exclusively to rich tourists (at least I didn’t know anyone who bought stuff there). My dad looked at it and said “No wonder people riot in Watts.”
didja see the wapoo piece by Kathleen Parker asking if Clarence Thomas survive another lynching?
crap.. forgot the link to the parker piece
Putting the same mortgage into different profoloios of mortgage-back securities and selling them is the first real breach of banking law. It is a massive felony fraud that cannot be waved away, especially when 50 states attorney generals are digging deep into the racket.
Obama and Holder can’t fail to prosecute and jail these crooks even if they don’t want to.
Even the Chamber of Commerce will be prosecuted for using foreign money to fund campaign ads.
Obama knows the whole house is coming down. No risk in putting the architects of the crash in jail.
’bout time for me to head out folks — my typo to word ratio is getting scary.
thanks for letting me hang out with ya tonight
g’nite all
By when?
Your view of this matches mine. I throw up my hands in defeat and then remember that “they” don’t always win.
I saw Maureen Dowd’s piece that skewered Thomas and the porcine members of that Judiciary Committee when Biden was Snortman. Please let me like her again!
Hey robertarend — why do you think Barry’s gonna do a one-eighty? Is it your plot structure/dramaturgy DNA, or what? I’ll be happy with the what, or the DNA structure.
On Rodeo Drive or Worth Avenue (Palm Beach), you could probably do a good business selling $20 and $100 bills that are certified never to have been touched by ‘lesser people’.
When you consider the betting odds — The big money is on concentrating greater and greater wealth and power in the hands of fewer and fewer people.
Maybe some Scooter will get sacrificed by a traitorous coward Cheney, but that will be the end of it.
And Spocko, if you didn’t catch tonight’s Frontline on BP, it’s right up your alley.
The indictments and perp walks will come very close after Christmas. The economy needs Christmas, so arrests before would be detrimental to retail sales.
Immediately after Christmas, and, while Congress is in recess, Obama will nationalize the banks to prevent the collapse of the financial industry.
Much is going to take place suddenly and rapidly to shore up the economy and prevent anarchy. It’s late. Details take time to outline.
Look for Geither to go after the general as the first of the things I see coming.
In the meantime, Goodnight. I sleep so much better now.
thanks, robertarend — We can mull over the DOJ’s actions and results when the best government money can buy reconvenes in January 2011.
night all – be well
Night Suz,
Just woke up, loud thunk, I think a branch must have hit the roof. Big winds still, almost 24 hours now. Brewing some tea and will try to snooze in a bit. My high speed net was a bust, no reliable signal strength. Least not enough to drop the land line.
Quickly perused the comments but I don’t recall much dancing in the last movie I saw. ‘Old Yeller.’
ET, get well, eat more garlic, raw. So much love your updates from AK.
Robert @ 160, Like him, nice thought but not holding my breath. Hope you and everyone good health. Laters, have to get up in a couple hours.
I got the following 20 of the 40. I didn’t know what Jay and Silent Bob were from, just knew it was Jay and Silent Bob, oh well.
Dirty Dancing,
White Nights,
Saturday Night Fever,
Pulp Fiction,
High Fidelity,
Billy Elliot,
West Side Story,
Rocky Horror Picture Show,
Strictly Ballroom,
Happy Feet,
Singing in the Rain,
Mamma Mia,
and Austin Powers.
More aerobics than dancing on view in that clip.
nicely done libwing