This is OUTRAGEOUS. And borders on impeachable to boot.
I'm not sure I missed this, but you remember our good friend Abu Musab Zarqawi. He's the guy suspected of beheading two Americans in Iraq this week. Well, what you may not have known is that all the way back in June of 2002 our lovely president had the chance to kill Zarqawi THREE TIMES and didn't do it. Why not? Because according to NBC, killing Zarqawi, and blowing up his secret weapons labs where he was making ricin and cyanide in northern Iraq, might have undercut the case for going to war and overthrowing Saddam. After all, if you can get the terrorists with a missile strike, there's no reason to invade an entire country.
I am SEETHING with anger after reading this article. The article reporting all of this is from
March of this year, but I suspect it didn't get a lot of attention as Zarqawi had already killed 700 people, but he hadn't started cutting off American heads yet.
Oh, and it gets better. We had intelligence that Zarqawi was planning on using the ricin to conduct terrorist attacks in Europe, and we still didn't attack. And months later, a ricin lab was discovered in the London.
People, Bush could have killed this guy and taken out his WMD. He chose not to, THREE TIMES. We went to Iraq, he told us, to wipe out the WMD, but when Bush had the chance to do it with a lot less bloodshed, he chose not to because HE WANTED SADDAM'S HEAD. And now, instead, Bush has lots of heads on his hands, just not the ones he was planning on.
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