Classic Bush. Never, ever lets facts get in the way. Today, Bush attacked Democrats over a bill he hasn't even seen:
“Although the Administration has not seen the legislation, according to press reports it would include $18 billion in additional domestic and emergency spending above the president’s budget,” Nussle said. “When added to emergency domestic spending Congress already included in the Defense Appropriations bill, this so-called compromise would result in more excess spending than even the Democrats’ original budget included.”
Haven't seen it, but that doesn't stop the Bush team. Hill Dems. blasted back:
In a joint statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) blasted the White House statement.
“Although he admits he has not even seen the bipartisan legislation that would fund critical priorities such as border security, homeland security, and putting more police officers on the street, the president has recklessly threatened to veto it,” the Democratic leaders said. “For a President already lacking in credibility, it is dangerous to issue veto threats based on press reports alone.”
This is all fun and games for Bush. After all, he invaded Iraq and started an endless war without any facts.
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