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And it will be quickly forgotten

By: Attaturk Friday October 29, 2010 1:30 am

Deep Water Horizon Fire by SkyTruth at

How many disasters can Halliburton be involved in before they actually start to lose business? I know, I’m a hopeless romantic that way:

Halliburton officials knew weeks before the fatal explosion of the BP well in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead with the job…

…Halliburton had conducted three laboratory tests that indicated that the cement mixture did not meet industry standards.

The result of at least one of those tests was given on March 8 to BP, which failed to act upon it

Republicans seem to keep getting gigs too. It’s almost as if they had something in common.

Late Nite FDL: Hurt, Hurt, and Hurt

By: Phoenix Woman Thursday October 28, 2010 8:00 pm

Good evening, everybody! This is Phoenix and I’m your Late Nite hostess for tonight. The subject of the post is: Hurt.

First off, here’s a video of Trent Reznor’s performing the song he wrote called “Hurt”:

Nine Inch Nails – “Hurt”

Next off, here’s Johnny Cash’s version of that same song:

Johnny Cash – Hurt from kakofoni on Vimeo.  . . .

FDL’s Hot House: (10/28 Update) 104 Congressional Races to Watch

By: Jon Walker Thursday October 28, 2010 7:10 pm

The number of contests up in the air continues to grow: As a result of new polling, I’m adding two close races to the list, FL-25 and KY-03.

Several other races have also been updated to reflect new information. Overall, the updates are a mixed bag, but, on net, I would say today’s news is slightly positive for Democrats.

Kamala Harris: Why AGs Matter on Foreclosure Fraud

By: David Dayen Thursday October 28, 2010 6:15 pm

I had the opportunity to speak with Kamala Harris, the San Francisco District Attorney and the nominee for Attorney General in California. She is in a toss-up race with LA District Attorney Steve Cooley, the Republican. Recently, an outside attack group funded by multinational corporations swooped in with a million dollars in ads against Harris in the closing days (a much smaller ad buy has come in on her behalf). Clearly, big business has put a target on her back. “If you look at the facts, there’s a belief that Cooley will be a firewall for tobacco, oil and insurance companies,” Harris said. “And the truth hurts.”

On the day I spoke with her, Harris released a detailed Homeowner Relief and Protection Plan, which would include new anti-predatory lending laws carried into the legislature, including a mandate for foreclosure prevention counseling at the outset for prospective homebuyers. In addition, Harris would create a “strike force” to expand the investigation of fraudulent foreclosures, and appoint a “Foreclosure Oversight Czar” that would force quarterly audits on mortgage lenders to ensure compliance with state consumer protection laws.

Foreclosure Crisis: Which Homes Are Best Candidates for Principal Reductions?

By: emptywheel Thursday October 28, 2010 5:25 pm

Both Felix Salmon and DDay are arguing that if the banks lower principal on some unspecified set of loans, it’ll fix the “mortgage mess.” Now, I agree that loan modifications are one of the things we ought to strive for to solve a number of our problems. But I’ve got questions about what they’re proposing.

Damon Silvers Blasts Treasury, Tries to Get Them to Wake Up on Mortgage Fraud

By: David Dayen Thursday October 28, 2010 4:35 pm

I want to focus in on Damon Silvers. He’s the director of policy and Special Counsel for the AFL-CIO, and a member of the panel. And his performance yesterday was remarkable. “We are faced with a choice here,” Silvers closed. “We can either have a rational resolution to the foreclosure crisis or we can preserve the capital structure of the banks. We can’t do both.”

“Profound Equities with Yemen in Terms of Counter-Terrorism” Justify Child Soldiers?

By: emptywheel Thursday October 28, 2010 3:45 pm

At this very moment, we’re going to great lengths in Gitmo to villainize Omar Khadr, at least partly to dismiss all the criticism about trying a child soldier (for a crime that is not a crime). It’s as if those involved are trying to convince themselves that their war on terror trumps international norms of decency.

And even as we’re doing that, the President is taking affirmative steps to make it more likely that another boy, like Khadr, will be put in the same situation as him, attacked for following the orders of the adults around him.

Obama: “Heckuva Job” Summers = 9.6% Unemployment

By: Jon Walker Thursday October 28, 2010 2:55 pm

The most disturbing moment of John Stewart’s interview with President Obama was when Obama claimed the soon-to-exit director of the National Economic Council, Larry Summers, had done a “Heckuva Job.” It was a statement both profoundly wrong and politically stupid. On so many levels, it was an awful thing to say just days before the election. It is a moment that has honestly made me question Obama’s judgment and basic intelligence.

The Banks Want Homeowners to Feel Helpless; The Administration Agrees

By: masaccio Thursday October 28, 2010 2:00 pm

Homeowners must take care of themselves and their families first and only. Neither banksters nor their enablers in the Obama Administration will.


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