Sunday, September 10, 2006
Disney/ABC defames Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger
Disney/ABC just broadcast a scene that never happened. Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger refuses to give the order to capture or kill bin Laden, even though our guys had him in their sights. Only problem, it never happened. This scene was the biggest problem in the entire show, Disney/ABC has known about this problem since early last week. But they chose to leave the scene in, simply cutting the part where Sandy Berger hangs up the phone. Gee, big change.
Disney/ABC just lied to the American people about Sandy Berger being responsible for Osama bin Laden being alive today. And there was no indication in the broadcast, by Disney/ABC or the local affiliate, that the scene was fictitious.
I cannot think of a greater libel than to tell millions of people worldwide that you are responsible for Osama bin Laden not being stopped before September 11. Disney/ABC just put the blood of 3,000 Americans on Sandy Berger's hands.
May he sue them for millions. Read More......
Disney/ABC just lied to the American people about Sandy Berger being responsible for Osama bin Laden being alive today. And there was no indication in the broadcast, by Disney/ABC or the local affiliate, that the scene was fictitious.
I cannot think of a greater libel than to tell millions of people worldwide that you are responsible for Osama bin Laden not being stopped before September 11. Disney/ABC just put the blood of 3,000 Americans on Sandy Berger's hands.
May he sue them for millions. Read More......
Would it kill the Los Angeles Times to do REAL reporting?
Apparently the answer is: Yes.
Their article on the "The Path to 9/11" is FAIR and BALANCED. That means they talk about "alleged" inaccuracies, rather than actually stating that there are inaccuracies. Because, after all, it would be BIASED journalism, and not journalism at all, if the reporter for the Los Angeles Times, his editor, or a college intern, picked up a free copy of the 9/11 Commission Report online and simply read the pages that flatly contradict the Disney/ABC film. Hell, I've even cited which pages of the report prove that the film is wrong.
No, that would entail actual reporting and actually giving your readers the facts. And real journalism nowadays isn't about giving your readers facts, it's about giving them what both sides claim, even if you know that one side is correct and have the evidence to prove it. You don't tell your readers that. You simply sit on your fat ass and call everything alleged.
The Los Angeles Time is one of the most important newspapers in America. And their shoddy journalism is symptomatic of the larger problem with news in America today. Reporters know the truth, they know how to find the truth, but they refuse to report the truth because somewhere along the way it became "biased" to include the truth.
Pathetic. Read More......
Their article on the "The Path to 9/11" is FAIR and BALANCED. That means they talk about "alleged" inaccuracies, rather than actually stating that there are inaccuracies. Because, after all, it would be BIASED journalism, and not journalism at all, if the reporter for the Los Angeles Times, his editor, or a college intern, picked up a free copy of the 9/11 Commission Report online and simply read the pages that flatly contradict the Disney/ABC film. Hell, I've even cited which pages of the report prove that the film is wrong.
No, that would entail actual reporting and actually giving your readers the facts. And real journalism nowadays isn't about giving your readers facts, it's about giving them what both sides claim, even if you know that one side is correct and have the evidence to prove it. You don't tell your readers that. You simply sit on your fat ass and call everything alleged.
The Los Angeles Time is one of the most important newspapers in America. And their shoddy journalism is symptomatic of the larger problem with news in America today. Reporters know the truth, they know how to find the truth, but they refuse to report the truth because somewhere along the way it became "biased" to include the truth.
Pathetic. Read More......
Disney/ABC defames American Airlines in worldwide broadcast
Well, so much for edits. Disney/ABC just blamed American Airlines, falsely, for ignoring a warning on their computers about Mohammad Atta boarding their flight. It's a lie. The warning came up on US Airways' computers for his Portland flight, American at Logan had nothing to do with it. We wrote this up two days ago and Disney didn't change a thing.
I hope American sues them because the entire world just got told that American Airlines loves hijackers. And tomorrow morning, guess what we're all going to be doing? Calling up American Airlines and asking them if they let Mohammad Atta fly even though a warning came up on their computers - and we're going to tell them that that's what Disney and ABC told us last night. Read More......
I hope American sues them because the entire world just got told that American Airlines loves hijackers. And tomorrow morning, guess what we're all going to be doing? Calling up American Airlines and asking them if they let Mohammad Atta fly even though a warning came up on their computers - and we're going to tell them that that's what Disney and ABC told us last night. Read More......
Live blogging "Path to 9/11"
Document the defamation in the comments.
What's been cut, what's still in, what's right, what's wrong?
Here's the entire 9/11 Commission Report, for fact-checking.
Favorite part so far? Pregnant lady rubbing her stomach in 3 different clips to emphasize that she's pregnant and about to die - how sad, and forced.
PS I know Haloscan is screwing up, there's nothing I can do about it. Read More......
What's been cut, what's still in, what's right, what's wrong?
Here's the entire 9/11 Commission Report, for fact-checking.
Favorite part so far? Pregnant lady rubbing her stomach in 3 different clips to emphasize that she's pregnant and about to die - how sad, and forced.
PS I know Haloscan is screwing up, there's nothing I can do about it. Read More......
Sushi gets his final revenge
It all started early this summer when the pigeon began taunting Sushi up in the trees out back. When Sushi chased the pigeon, the pigeon would just jump over to another branch that was just out of reach or too thin for Sushi to walk on. The day after one especially dramatic day of chasing while innocently watering my trees, the pigeon dropped a little gift from above that landed on my back. Ugh. Everything calmed down for weeks until John arrived and there was the infamous "pigeon in the salad spinner" incident which John chronicled, photo and on. The pigeon lived to fight another day.
Well, that day was early this morning. Minutes after arriving home at 2AM and just on the verge of falling asleep I woke to a light growling sound from the hallway. Hmm. The last time I heard that sound was when Sushi dragged in a live pigeon and paraded him around the flat. Oh dear, same thing last night. There was sushi on the Moroccan throw rug, proud kill and all. The three month battle between Sushi and the pigeon is officially over.
If you want to see his prize, click on the image above - it's not gross, I've spared you the "after" photos (he started with the head). Read More......
WASH POST: After letting bin Laden escape in late 2001, Bush called off the hunt for Osama and instead prepared for war in Iraq
Bush should be run out of town on a rail. Bush called off the hunt for bin Laden only 6 months after September 11 because Bush wanted to invade Iraq. So much for 3,000 dead Americans. Bush gave up on them before the smoldering ashes at Ground Zero had barely gone cold. We are literally in greater danger as a country because of the incompetence of the man running our nation. God help us.
From today's Washington Post
From today's Washington Post
On the videotape obtained by the CIA, bin Laden is seen confidently instructing his party how to dig holes in the ground to lie in undetected at night. A bomb dropped by a U.S. aircraft can be seen exploding in the distance. "We were there last night," bin Laden says without much concern in his voice. He was in or headed toward Pakistan, counterterrorism officials think.Read More......
That was December 2001. Only two months later, Bush decided to pull out most of the special operations troops and their CIA counterparts in the paramilitary division that were leading the hunt for bin Laden in Afghanistan to prepare for war in Iraq, said Flynt L. Leverett, then an expert on the Middle East at the National Security Council.
"I was appalled when I learned about it," said Leverett, who has become an outspoken critic of the administration's counterterrorism policy. "I don't know of anyone who thought it was a good idea. It's very likely that bin Laden would be dead or in American custody if we hadn't done that."
Several officers confirmed that the number of special operations troops was reduced in March 2002.
Disney/ABC gets Sec. of State Albright's name wrong in 9/11 mockumentary
They didn't even get Secretary of State Albright's name right. Her first name is Madeleine, not Madeline. Geez. For $40 million could these guys have at least hired a copy editor? They don't even get the small things right. What a total negligent disaster.
You can watch this clip, and several of the other defamatory ones, at RedState. Read More......
Cliff's Corner
The Week That Was 9/08/06
Another week. More preposterousness to report.
I’m thinking most of us have lost the ability to be shocked by anything Republicans do anymore, from placing a shoe-wielding, Ron-Jeremy-milk-mustached lunatic at the United Nations to arguing that embryonic stem cells should be protected by Blackwater mercs. Unless, of course, they happen to be located in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, while President Bush is surveying storm damage at 30,000 feet. Then, like those African Americans who don’t quite make Barbara Bush’s Christmas card list—not even the segregated Macaca division—they’re on their own.
But one thing Republicans have certainly retained is their ability to continually revolt us, like we just caught Rush Limbaugh changing in the locker room or caught a glimpse of Anne Coulter’s goiter come feeding time.
Now Disney/ABC has jumped in the fray. This paragon of corporate virtue has scheduled Path to 9/11, the documentary… I mean docudrama… I mean fictionalized account, or whatever they’re calling this piece of bile these days, to completely distort the truth about what occurred leading up to that tragic day.
Short version: It was Clinton’s fault. Apparently big Bill was the one who ignored the August 6th, 2001 PDB that said “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the U.S.,” completely concentrated on missile defense while ignoring the terrorist threat and spent what seemed like an eternity reading My Pet Goat to school children after he knew we were under massive aerial assault. Bush, on the other hand, must have been the president during the 90s who just missed killing bin Laden by launching missiles at a camp in Afghanistan and whose people prevented the millennium plot from killing untold thousands.
A list of further lies can be found here.
By the way, speaking of bin Laden, um… where is he right now, you know five years after he committed mass murder against our people? The super-competent Bush team seems to possess about as much a clue as the Bush’s daughters have of where those open sores on their lips came from. But maybe he’ll come out of hiding when The Bush Administration opens up our next set of ports to the highest bidder in the Middle East.
Getting back to the film, nobody should really be surprised by ABC’s involvement. This corporate leviathan is also known for employing slightly-less-inbred, Geraldo Rivera look-alike John Stossel, who makes up facts concerning everything from the minimum wage to corporate regulation, because it fits his triple-Y chromosome, hirsute-knuckled view of the world. Where is former pro-wrestler David Schultz when you need him?
They’re also remarkably fair in their bookings for political shows. For example, this past Sunday, with George Stephanopoulos at the helm — in the role of objective host — who do we get on discussion panel expressing their views? Why the increasingly demented David Brooks, a man whose arguments are so stupid Jessica Simpson understands them and an all-around intellectual Spider Monkey who is slowly morphing into one of the two constipated old commentators on the Muppets.
Here’s a new idea for your next book David: Bobo With His Vacant Head Up His Ass.
Otherwise, conservative George Will and progressive E.J. Dionne filled out the panel, keeping the usual ABC 2:1 conservative bias in order. But the other half of this corporate parasite, Disney, makes ABC look pleasant in comparison.
Disney cancelled their distribution deal with Michael Moore, right before Fahrenheit 9/11 was to be released, because they didn’t want to enter the “politically charged” environment it would cause. They also came up with the brilliant idea of supporting Mel Gibson’s—currently in his Lindbergh phase (don’t worry, it only lasts about 45 years)—quest to do a short series on THE HOLOCAUST.
This would be like having Jean Schmidt do a film on fashion, Ken Mehlman on how to woo a woman—you know because he is too busy to date—or Rush Limbaugh on how to achieve a non medically-induced erection.
But, overall, my biggest problem with Disney is the fact that Mickey Mouse pushed someone off a roller coaster at Disneyland in 2003. Now I didn’t see him to it, but Mickey’s never denied it, so I thought I’d use my creative license to relay how Disney allowed Mickey to kill an innocent human being at one of their theme parks.
Note to Disney/ABC: Our television stations and children’s classrooms are not to be the province of your propaganda. Perhaps you have us mixed up with China, say circa Cultural Revolution. In the meantime, good progressives, contact those Disney and ABC execs and let them know which station you won’t be watching and theme parks not attending unless they cancel this outlandish film, which is not only false, but will provide the necessary excitement for Dan Senor to masturbate to after spending portions of the $8 billion that went missing in Iraq under his watch.
Darn it, there I go using creative license again.
For my weekly segment on The Young Turks, Republican Sexcapades, click here Read More......
Another week. More preposterousness to report.
I’m thinking most of us have lost the ability to be shocked by anything Republicans do anymore, from placing a shoe-wielding, Ron-Jeremy-milk-mustached lunatic at the United Nations to arguing that embryonic stem cells should be protected by Blackwater mercs. Unless, of course, they happen to be located in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, while President Bush is surveying storm damage at 30,000 feet. Then, like those African Americans who don’t quite make Barbara Bush’s Christmas card list—not even the segregated Macaca division—they’re on their own.
But one thing Republicans have certainly retained is their ability to continually revolt us, like we just caught Rush Limbaugh changing in the locker room or caught a glimpse of Anne Coulter’s goiter come feeding time.
Now Disney/ABC has jumped in the fray. This paragon of corporate virtue has scheduled Path to 9/11, the documentary… I mean docudrama… I mean fictionalized account, or whatever they’re calling this piece of bile these days, to completely distort the truth about what occurred leading up to that tragic day.
Short version: It was Clinton’s fault. Apparently big Bill was the one who ignored the August 6th, 2001 PDB that said “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the U.S.,” completely concentrated on missile defense while ignoring the terrorist threat and spent what seemed like an eternity reading My Pet Goat to school children after he knew we were under massive aerial assault. Bush, on the other hand, must have been the president during the 90s who just missed killing bin Laden by launching missiles at a camp in Afghanistan and whose people prevented the millennium plot from killing untold thousands.
A list of further lies can be found here.
By the way, speaking of bin Laden, um… where is he right now, you know five years after he committed mass murder against our people? The super-competent Bush team seems to possess about as much a clue as the Bush’s daughters have of where those open sores on their lips came from. But maybe he’ll come out of hiding when The Bush Administration opens up our next set of ports to the highest bidder in the Middle East.
Getting back to the film, nobody should really be surprised by ABC’s involvement. This corporate leviathan is also known for employing slightly-less-inbred, Geraldo Rivera look-alike John Stossel, who makes up facts concerning everything from the minimum wage to corporate regulation, because it fits his triple-Y chromosome, hirsute-knuckled view of the world. Where is former pro-wrestler David Schultz when you need him?
They’re also remarkably fair in their bookings for political shows. For example, this past Sunday, with George Stephanopoulos at the helm — in the role of objective host — who do we get on discussion panel expressing their views? Why the increasingly demented David Brooks, a man whose arguments are so stupid Jessica Simpson understands them and an all-around intellectual Spider Monkey who is slowly morphing into one of the two constipated old commentators on the Muppets.
Here’s a new idea for your next book David: Bobo With His Vacant Head Up His Ass.
Otherwise, conservative George Will and progressive E.J. Dionne filled out the panel, keeping the usual ABC 2:1 conservative bias in order. But the other half of this corporate parasite, Disney, makes ABC look pleasant in comparison.
Disney cancelled their distribution deal with Michael Moore, right before Fahrenheit 9/11 was to be released, because they didn’t want to enter the “politically charged” environment it would cause. They also came up with the brilliant idea of supporting Mel Gibson’s—currently in his Lindbergh phase (don’t worry, it only lasts about 45 years)—quest to do a short series on THE HOLOCAUST.
This would be like having Jean Schmidt do a film on fashion, Ken Mehlman on how to woo a woman—you know because he is too busy to date—or Rush Limbaugh on how to achieve a non medically-induced erection.
But, overall, my biggest problem with Disney is the fact that Mickey Mouse pushed someone off a roller coaster at Disneyland in 2003. Now I didn’t see him to it, but Mickey’s never denied it, so I thought I’d use my creative license to relay how Disney allowed Mickey to kill an innocent human being at one of their theme parks.
Note to Disney/ABC: Our television stations and children’s classrooms are not to be the province of your propaganda. Perhaps you have us mixed up with China, say circa Cultural Revolution. In the meantime, good progressives, contact those Disney and ABC execs and let them know which station you won’t be watching and theme parks not attending unless they cancel this outlandish film, which is not only false, but will provide the necessary excitement for Dan Senor to masturbate to after spending portions of the $8 billion that went missing in Iraq under his watch.
Darn it, there I go using creative license again.
For my weekly segment on The Young Turks, Republican Sexcapades, click here Read More......
BREAKING NEWS: "Path to 9/11" airs in New Zealand with defamatory scenes about Sandy Berger and Madeleine Albright, report says
I just got a report from a blogger in New Zealand. The first half of Disney/ABC's "Path to 9/11" apparently just ran there and it, reportedly, still includes the defamatory and totally fictitious scene about Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger refusing to let the CIA grab bin Laden. Also, reportedly, the defamatory scene about Madeleine Albright was aired as well.
I want to be Sandy Berger's love child cuz pretty soon daddy's gonna own ABC and half of New Zealand.
Here's the account:
As for Albright, a second New Zealand source reports that "the Albright scene has not been touched. Even the scene with the reporter saying that "pundits" are blaming the Sudan bombing on Clinton's desire to divert attention from Lewinsky is still there."
I want to be Madeleine's love-child too. Read More......
I want to be Sandy Berger's love child cuz pretty soon daddy's gonna own ABC and half of New Zealand.
Here's the account:
FBI HQ watching screens nervously. Our people are in danger. sandy berger -I don’t have that authority. The pres has approved every plan sent for review. Our people are in place, women and children nearby can we clear them! What do we know? We know enough to try now. Can’t you give the order? George can present case to pres,. The buck stops down the hall!Reportedly, Berger does not hang up on the team in Afghanistan anymore, he just stares straight ahead, not responding, like a moronic coward
Are there any men left in Washington or are they all cowards?
As for Albright, a second New Zealand source reports that "the Albright scene has not been touched. Even the scene with the reporter saying that "pundits" are blaming the Sudan bombing on Clinton's desire to divert attention from Lewinsky is still there."
I want to be Madeleine's love-child too. Read More......
Action Alert: Call the BBC, tell them to drop "Path to 9/11"
From a reader - I just tried the number it works:
The film is riddled with errors and Disney/ABC have admitted as much. It is irresponsible for the BBC to be treating September 11 like some kind of cartoon or soap opera. 3,000 people died on that day, it's only been five years. Can we please treat September 11 with the respect it deserves? The BBC should not be airing this defamatory, disrespectful television show. Read More......
The BBC charter dictates that they must log your complaint. You speak to a real person and they take down everything. I explained that 100 Brits died on 9/11, that it was unacceptable they were showing this film, and that they will get sued. She told me senior management had told the complaints desk to be ready for calls like mine. My point is, if we can get thousands to call the BBC they might drop it. We've still got 5 hours before it airs. If the BBC drop it, ABC are in trouble.Possible talking points:
The number in the UK is 08700 100222
From the states you dial (011) 44 8700 100222
You press option two to complain.
The most complaints they ever got was 12,000. Let's beat that goddamn record.
The film is riddled with errors and Disney/ABC have admitted as much. It is irresponsible for the BBC to be treating September 11 like some kind of cartoon or soap opera. 3,000 people died on that day, it's only been five years. Can we please treat September 11 with the respect it deserves? The BBC should not be airing this defamatory, disrespectful television show. Read More......
Russert catches Cheney lying about Iraq and Al Qaeda on Meet the Press
Two days after the US Senate Intelligence Committee report stated categorically that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda leader Zarqawi, Cheney just went on Meet the Press this morning and stated categorically that there was a link. When Russert pushed him and told him that the Senate report says he's wrong. Cheney replied that he hadn't seen the report. ThinkProgress has the video.
Cheney outright lied today. He's been doing it for years about Iraq and Al Qaeda, but this time he was caught. Kudos to Russert for catching him. But the mainstream media needs to blow up this story. At some point, Cheney and Bush need to be held accountable for their continuing need to lie about the war in Iraq. Read More......
Cheney outright lied today. He's been doing it for years about Iraq and Al Qaeda, but this time he was caught. Kudos to Russert for catching him. But the mainstream media needs to blow up this story. At some point, Cheney and Bush need to be held accountable for their continuing need to lie about the war in Iraq. Read More......
Blair blames everyone else for Labour Party problems
Uh no, if Labour loses, it will be because people are fed up with Blair being a poodle and dragging the UK into Iraq because of lies. If Labour loses, Blair and his under 30% approval will have everything to do with it. If Labour loses, people will be wonder why he stuck around for so long despite his incredible unpopularity and they will probably ask questions about his inflated ego and wonder why he chose to remain in power instead of helping the party and pass along power to someone else who was not burdened with his history. I know that Blair has learned a great deal from his master in the White House, but the clever folks in the UK will see through this sad attempt at deflecting attention from the real problem, which is Blair himself.
Read More......
A mom's letter to Disney/ABC
AMERICAblog reader Diane Kennedy sent me a copy of her letter to Disney/ABC. She gave me permission to publish it along with her name.
To whomever at ABC that has a conscience:Read More......
I have a son who works for American Airlines and he left Boston Logan at 8:30 on 9/11/01. For several hours we did not know what had happened to him. Fortunately, he was on his way to the Caribbean - however, he knew most of the crew that was killed on Flight 11. HOW DARE YOU try to portray AA as the airline that let Mohammed Atta through without checking while warning lights were flashing on the computer screen and imply that the airline simply blew off the threat and helped Atta kill 3,000 Americans. You know damned well that airline was a U.S. Airways flight leaving Portland, Maine and NOT American Airlines at Logan.
What is WRONG with you people. As far as I'm concerned I will NEVER watch ABC again. Listen you idiots, 911 was very scary for all of us and especially my family and to think that you would lie about the facts just for the hell of it makes me sick. I hope that American Airlines takes legal action against you for libel or slander and gets a HUGE reward as I also hope the people involved in the other lies (Clinton for example) sue you as well. People like you have no moral conscience whatsoever.
Diane Kennedy
Wash Post: War in Iraq stopped us from getting bin Laden in 2003
Wonder if this made it into Disney/ABC's movie?
Although the hunt for bin Laden has depended to a large extent on technology, until recently unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were in short supply, especially when the war in Iraq became a priority in 2003.Read More......
In July 2003, Vine said that U.S. forces under his command believed they were close to striking bin Laden, but had only one drone to send over three possible routes he might take. "A UAV was positioned on the route that was most likely, but he didn't go that way," said Vines. "We believed that we were within a half hour of possibly getting him, but nothing materialized."
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