Buck Banks | Nov. 1, 2010
One of the truly gnarly parts of this rad Republican wave is the GOP’s constant harping about how it is going to balance the budget and reign in government spending — you know, the whole smaller government/bootstraps deal. If you’ve been conscious around a GOP candidate speaking about the budget, you’ve probably been rendered senseless by the utter lack of detail or solid programs he or she outlined.
There’s a reason for that — it’s called fear. Candidates are afraid to speak specifics because that would give voters the information they need to make truly informed decisions, and who needs that? So to protect the Republicans who refuse to “man up” and give us the truly horrifying news about their approach to fixing the economy, they got the conservative Heritage Foundation to do it:
Federal spending is on an unsustainable path that risks disaster for America. Runaway spending has increased annual federal budget deficits to unprecedented levels, adding $2.7 trillion to the national debt in the past two years alone. Each year’s huge federal deficit increases the mountain of national debt borrowed from future generations of Americans. Congress needs to cut federal spending sharply and quickly. This paper sets forth $343 billion in available spending cuts.
But rather than have to wade through all that turgid, foot-noted prose, just go to this handy 19-point Business Insider presentation that explains through bullet points and photos what the poor, uneducated, unhealthy and jobless have in store once the GOP wave subsides.
Oh, and you won’t see deep cuts in defense or an end to war as a swell money- and life-saving Republican alternative, either.