Dallas NBC sports reporter Newy Scruggs is in San Francisco to cover the World Series. Beyond the excitement of the event, he comes to a conclusion about the Bay Area: Everyone there is a pothead. Watch the video below.
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Are you that person who can never seem to put their phone down, even during meals? Yes? Well, you're obnoxious. And a majority of Americans agree, according to a new Zagat survey. Taking pictures of your meals is annoying too.
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[After going to a doctors appointment in Brentwood, newly single Christina Aguilera takes her son Max shopping at La La Ling in Los Feliz. What a great name for a kid! Photo via AP.]
Scientists have discovered a "liberal gene" that, combined with an active adolescent social life, appears to correlate with liberal political views. And you thought you made your own choices about your politics! Ha, ha, not according to science.
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Microsoft chairman Bill Gatesmade an unpublicized stop at Facebook today. A tipster sent this photo of Gates, possibly telling a Native American folk tale he learned in a storytelling workshop. Or just giving a talk about computers. Who knows?
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Florida mother Alexandra Tobias has pleaded guilty to killing her infant son after shaking him for crying while she was playing FarmVille on Facebook. She shook him, "smoked a cigarette to compose herself," and then shook him again. Yeesh.
Italian officials today launched a probe into Google, which has been accused of collecting mounds of personal information through unsecured Wi-Fi networks with its Street View cars.
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Tonight, President Obama sat down for a 30-minute Daily Show interview with Jon Stewart. Much was discussed! There was talk of the economy, health care reform, midterm elections, and more—a few pretty tense moments, too. Video highlights, inside.
The craziest Tea Party candidates are great for Democrats. The math bears it out. So, Democrats in Pennsylvania figured it was a good idea to help a crazy Tea Party Birther get on the ballot to play the spoiler.
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Since 30 Rock (here) and SNL (here) already threw in their two cents re: Brett Favre's sexting scandal, it seems only natural that South Park would be next. Watch as Cartman visits "Captain Hindsight," who has some advice for Favre.
It's a federal offense to take a bribe, endorse a product online and keep it secret. The Feds even launched an educational campaign about it. Too bad they never got around to educating Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley.
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Infamous spoiler-mongers, the Fine Brothers, just released another one of their helpful (if you hate surprises) videos. Just in time for Halloween, watch as Benny and Rafi spoil the endings of 100 different horror movies—all in five minutes!
This week, President Obama told Latino voters that they should go to the polls in order to "punish [their] enemies." Republican "enemies," presumably. On tonight's Factor, Bill O'Reilly—and especially Dennis Miller—took issue with Obama's controversial comments. Watch inside.
Why do people keep loaded guns near their bed while they sleep? For every crime in progress this stops, another three or four guys probably shoot themselves while sleepwalking. Like this man, who shot himself in the knee.
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Each day, we all wake up thinking, "Maybe today's the day I buy James Bond's Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger." No longer: The car was sold at auction for $4 million today. Maybe you can put missiles on your Prius?
A bedbug-sniffing dog has found the presence of bedbugs at the United Nations building. Shoot, the bedbugs have basically a freeway to the White House now! This must be Ahmadinejad's doing. We give Iran backpackers, and they give us bedbugs?
Here's a fun hobby: Covertly filming women's butts in tight pants or leggings and posting them to YouTube. A Canadian university was recently struck by a wave of this "upskirt-lite" voyeurism. But secretly-filmed butts are all over YouTube.
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[A rainbow was spotted over Brooklyn today. This would have been cool if it hadn't been ruined by that stupid "Double Rainbow" guy. A video after the jump.]
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SATC2 was released this week on DVD and it might just be the gayest movie ever—mostly because the word "gay" was uttered 16 times within the first 10 minutes of the film alone.
The Way We Live Now: making sacrifices to the oracle. If it demands we mortgage our underwater home to the hilt in order to raise cash to pacify the oracle, then lo, we shall. The oracle's blessing is luxury itself.
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So much for the war on Googler entitlement. Amid heated competition for engineers, Google is trying a remarkable new perk: free use of "runners" to clean apartments, take out trash, cook dinner, run errands—whatever is needed. More »
On Monday, Scott Naturals Tube-Free toilet paper will go on sale in Walmarts and Sam's Clubs across the Northeast United States. If it sells well, it'll expand nationally, and then globally. Personally, I just don't know what to think anymore.
Think Christine O'Donnell's Delaware Senate campaign is scared of the media amplifying her every word for delicious mockery? Because apparently her campaign manager threatened to "crush" a Delaware radio station in court if they, uh, posted an interview tape online.
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We're sorry to say, it's happening. Cult leader, killer, all that. Also today: a movie studio is more powerful than a country, the new Batman movie is just recycling the old title, and Darren Aronofsky loves robots.
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It's true that we'll never see actual video from inside the Plaza Hotel suite that Charlie Sheen trashed while on a cocaine and alcohol-fueled naked rampage, but this animated reenactment—from Taiwanese company NMA—is a great consolation. Watch inside.
Microsoft says its next generation video game console is backed by a half-billion dollar ad campaign and packs in technology ripped from the fantasy world of Minority Report. It's also already sitting in more than 40 million living rooms.
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