Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Cardinal Raymond Burke

"As a bishop it's my obligation in fact, to urge the faithful to carry out their civic duty in accord with their Catholic faith. So, the Catholic Church in teaching that sexual acts between persons of the same sex are intrinsically evil, are against nature itself, is simply announcing the truth, helping people to discriminate right from wrong in terms of their own activities." - Cardinal Raymond Burke, telling America's Catholics that it's their Godly duty to remember to oppress their fellow citizens at the polls next Tuesday.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Bryan Fischer

"People argue that some folks have a genetic, hereditary predisposition to alcoholism. We would never say to such individuals, 'Hey, in most cases, we tell people not to drink themselves into a stupor - it will destroy your life, your marriage, your family, your career - but hey, go ahead, you’re born that way, you can’t help it, knock yourself out, wreck your life, don’t worry about it.'

"Of course not. We’d, say, hey the road may be a little tougher for you than others, but you have got to get control of these dark impulses before they wreak utter and total havoc in your life. I’m here to help, what can I do? That’s the same message we have for homosexuals: sexual behavior is a choice, homosexual behavior will leave you diseased, lonely, and dead, you’ve got to learn to resist homosexual impulses, I’m here to help. If homosexuals resist the offer of such help, well, I guess that’s a choice too, isn’t it?" - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer, writing for the AFA's Rightly Concerned blog.

I think it's time we launch a pool to bet on which "family values" advocate will be the next one found cavorting with a lithe young male hooker. Nominees: Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber, Porno Pete, Tony Perkins, Peter Spriggs, Ken Hutcherson, Harry Jackson. Who else?

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Maggie Gallagher

"LGBT teens were roughly four times as likely as other students to attempt suicide in the last year. They're also about twice as likely to report being in a physical fight at school, three times more likely to say they were injured by a weapon and almost four times as likely to say they missed school because they felt physically unsafe, compared to other teens. These kinds of negative outcomes are consistent with the idea that anti-gay bullying is mainly responsible for the higher suicide rate among gay teens. But as I kept reading, I kept finding pieces of the puzzle that don't seem to fit the 'it's homophobia pulling the trigger' narrative.

"Gay students are also more than twice as likely to report having had sexual intercourse before age 13 -- that is, to be sexually abused as children. They are three times as likely to report being the victims of dating violence, and nearly four times as likely to report forced sexual contact. A majority of LGBT teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs in the last month. (Perhaps most oddly, gay teens are also three times as likely as non-gay teens to report either becoming pregnant or getting someone else pregnant.) Forced sex, childhood sexual abuse, dating violence, early unwed pregnancy, substance abuse -- could these be a more important factor in the increased suicide risk of LGBT high schoolers than anything people like me ever said?" - Maggie Gallagher in a New York Post column that opens, "Do I have blood on my hands?" Yes, Maggie. You totally fucking do.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Jimmy Akin

"Will you be forced to participate in homosexual pride celebrations? Or will your children or grandchildren? Before you scoff at the possibility, recognize that it has already been happening to people. The homosexual lobby is relentless and is not seeking tolerance. It is seeking coerced social approval of homosexual behavior. That includes forcing non-homosexuals to participate in homosexual “pride” celebrations. It happened right here in San Diego, where four firemen were ordered to participated in the local 'San Diego Pride Parade.' [snip]

"And don’t think that just because these men were in California and that they worked for the government was what caused the problem. Private companies also often have pro-homosexual policies, and they also can put pressure on their employees to participate in activities that violate their moral principles—often with less legal accountability than is available when the government is the employer. Public employees also are at risk. Consider the delicate position public school teachers are now in—and which will continue to get worse—regarding the treatment of homosexuality in public schools. Things are already bad in our own time, folks, and it will be worse in the times of our children and grand children." - Jimmy Akin, writing for the National Catholic Register.

RELATED: Last week an appeals court upheld a settlement for the San Diego firemen, who claimed sexual harassment during the pride parade. Their actual motivation for filing the suit is revealed by the below 2008 legal fundraising appeal.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PhoboQuotable -Joseph Farah

"There is a reason most Americans do not want to promote homosexual behavior. They know in their hearts it's wrong. The Bible condemns it. But if we can't talk about the Bible openly in America, we can no longer talk about ultimate truth. We can no longer have a firm basis for knowing right from wrong – because it is our one and only guidepost on such matters.

"It is the basis for most of our laws. It is the basis for the very existence of this independent nation. It is the basis for our entire value system. Do you want your children to be indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is just as right as heterosexuality? Do you want them to believe they cannot resist the temptations of homosexuality? Do you want them to believe God doesn't care how they behave sexually – or worse yet that God wants them to do whatever feels right to them?

"That's what is at stake in this debate. Right and wrong. I'm troubled by the fact that so few Americans are willing to stand up and say it. Where are they hiding? Where are the pro-family organizations? Where is the church? Why is everyone who should know better so quiet? Why are they throwing in the towel? Why are they in retreat?" - World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah and his gay pornstache, in an endorsement of Carl Paladino.

It's rather curious that Farah feels his fellow pig-fucking Christofascists have been "quiet" on this when in the last few days the American Family Association has declared that gay teen suicides are the result of gay activism and the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins said that if queer kids would just stop being so fucking gay, they wouldn't be so fucking dead.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Tony Perkins

"Some homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal--yet they have been told by the homosexual movement, and their allies in the media and the educational establishment, that they are 'born gay' and can never change. This and not society's disapproval may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide.

"The most important thing that Christians can offer to homosexuals is hope--hope that their sins, just like the sins of anyone else, can be forgiven and their lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus' command to love our neighbor clearly embraces the homosexual as well. But love does not require affirming every behavior in which an individual engages." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, in a Washington Post column blaming gay teen suicides on the very people working to prevent them.

Commenters on the WaPo column are raging against the paper for providing space to Perkins. Jeremy Hooper piles on at Good As You:
There's absolutely no reason why Tony should be allowed such an open forum. NONE. The gig is not based on merit, but rather because we still live in a skewed world where (a) LGBT people are the one kind of vulnerable population sect whose lives remain subjected to back-and-forth public debate; (b) anti-LGBT discrimination is still passed off as "family values", (c) anti-LGBT groups like the Family Research Council are able to maintain a place in conservative politics by virtue of their connections and financing, and (d) these same groups are given platforms in the name of "objectivity" and journalistic "fairness." It doesn't happen to any other kind of people.

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Friday, October 08, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Eugene Delgaudio

"I’ve never felt so alone in the fight for the family. To be honest with you, I don’t know if I can go on much longer. Every day it’s something new. Like when my heart sank as Ann Coulter announced she’s abandoning the family to team up with so-called 'conservative' homosexuals. By speaking at GOProud’s 'Homocon' last Saturday, she gave her personal endorsement to those in the Homosexual Lobby who want to infiltrate our movement and destroy us from the inside. Say it isn’t so, Ann! Where did you go wrong?

"I remember just a year ago, Ann joined me in calling on Christians to take action and get involved in the fight for traditional values. In her own words, she told us 'it’s time for the churches to stand up and react' to the 'endless push for gay marriage.' But now, she’s dumped us like last week’s garbage. I paced my office for two hours last Saturday as she delivered her speech. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I just felt so... alone." - Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio, in this week's bizarre request for donations.

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Monday, October 04, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Tom Prichard

"Youth who embrace homosexuality are at greater risk, because they’ve embraced an unhealthy sexual identity and lifestyle. These alternative sexual identifications or lifestyles deny the reality that we are created male and female. To live or try to live in conflict with how we are made will invariably cause problems, e.g. emotional, psychological and social. Notwithstanding gay activist assertions to the contrary, people aren’t gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. by God’s design or nature.

"We are male and female with sexual expression designed for a lifelong union between a man and a woman. Denying or fighting against this reality is the reason alternative forms of sexual expression, whether homosexual or heterosexual, will put people at greater risk. To assert otherwise is to deny reality and involves 'kicking against the goad' to use a biblical analogy." - Minnesota Family Council head Tom Prichard, who says the dead LGBT students of the nation didn't kill themselves because of bullying, they killed themselves because of their "unhealthy lifestyle."

The Minnesota Family Council is currently fighting efforts to install anti-bullying programs in public schools, calling it "homosexual indoctrination." They can be reached at 612-789-8811.

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Friday, October 01, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Theodore Beale

"The body count of the gay rights movement grows by one. Despite literal decades of preaching about the morality of homosexuality, despite the pansexual propaganda of the public and private schools, the knowledge that what he was doing was shameful and wrong still managed to penetrate Mr. [Tyler] Clementi's mind. A normal man being forced to confront his immorality in such a public way might have reacted with anger, irritation, embarrassment, or amusement, but only one who is both psychologically disturbed and appalled by his own actions will destroy himself over it. [Snip]

"So it was not a juvenile prank that killed the unfortunate Mr. Clementi even though it served as the proximate trigger for his lethal actions. If anyone other than Mr. Clementi should be blamed for his suicide, it is those who repeatedly encouraged him to behave in a way that would fill him with such guilt, remorse, and shame." - World Net Daily columnist Theodore Beale, writing on his personal blog. Beale writes for both sites under the pseudonym Vox Day.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Eugene Delgaudio

"Last night, I had a dream. It was 2011 and Republicans were celebrating a sweep of the House and near takeover of the Senate. But that dream became a nightmare. A wounded soldier sat in a veteran’s hospital after returning from Afghanistan. Noticeably shaken, his doctor walked in and choked out the worst news of this young soldier’s life: He’d been infected with HIV. You see, the doctor informed him that his wounds came in contact with those of a practicing homosexual, now allowed to serve in our military. 'How could this happen?' the soldier expressed shock and disappointment right before I awoke.

"Today I was reminded of several disturbing news stories. Left and right I see conservatives -- even some good conservatives -- who no longer seem to care. And that’s when it hit me. In my nightmare, conservative Americans had been too busy focusing on jobs and the economy before the November elections. Distracted, they failed to maintain a committed resistance to the Homosexual Agenda." - Public Advocate head Eugene Delguadio, from a fundraising plea titled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Stalled In Senate By Public Advocate.

Send him money! He single-handedly stopped the repeal of DADT!

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PhoboQuotable- Matt Barber

"Let's say we had a group of people who defined their identity based upon a penchant for running headlong into brick walls. Oh, we'll call them, 'Wallies.' (Wally pride, baby!)

"As significant percentages of Wallies began to drop dead, or suffer irreversible brain damage, do you suppose the left would demand tolerance for such behavior? Do you think they'd begin handing out bicycle helmets in elementary schools, telling kids to practice safe walling? With liberals, anything's possible, but I'm more inclined to think that even the moonbat left might agree that people tending toward such behavior would be best served to simply avoid running headlong into walls altogether.

"I don't mean to be flip (okay, maybe a little flip) but can someone please tell me why on earth the left insists that we 'tolerate' homosexual behavior while – as the CDC has once again confirmed – it continues to have results similar to brick walling? We throw paper-thin latex condoms at kids who struggle with same-sex attraction and tell them: 'You're gay! Embrace who you are. Gay pride, baby!' We push them out onto a paper-thin latex tightrope with a one-in-five chance they'll plummet to their death." - Liberty Counsel rep Matt Barber, writing in a World Net Daily piece titled The 'Gay' Deathstyle.

RELATED: Note the Twitter hashtags Barber uses to try and lure his enemies to his column.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

PhoboQuotable- Matt Barber

"Madame Gen. Gaga summed up the trio's battle plan rather succinctly at a recent homosexualist rally for repeal: 'Our new law is called 'If you don't like it, go home!'' she observed. Those 12 words are perhaps the most perceptive ever to grace the dirty diva's foul-mouthed lips.

"In fact, according to a 2008 Military Times poll, Gaga's got it right. When asked the question 'If the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is overturned and gays are allowed to serve openly, how would you respond?' almost 10 percent of active-duty personnel replied: 'I would not re-enlist or extend my service.' Another 14 percent warned: 'I would consider not re-enlisting or extending my service.'

"Of course, the potential exodus of up to 24 percent of current military personnel from our all-volunteer services would be devastating to national security. But when those holding the reins of government function from an egalitarian, globalist, Euro-socialist worldview, we shouldn't be surprised that national security takes a backseat to political correctness." - Liberty Council bigot Matt Barber, writing for the Moonie Times.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Msgr. Charles Pope

"Many today advocate homosexual acts as normal even though any study of the design of the human body will indicate that man is not for man, or woman for woman. Rather, man is for woman, and woman for man. In Romans 1:27 St. Paul calls homosexual acts παρὰ φύσιν (para physin), 'contrary to nature.'

"The latest rejection of nature is the declaration of Florida’s 3rd District Court of Appeal that 'gay people and heterosexuals make equally good parents.' It is odd that Mother Nature never got the memo from the Florida Court for she apparently thinks it is best for a child to have a (female) mother and (male) father.

"In her plan, Mother Nature never made the two daddies, or two mommies option equally available through something like parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction). Mother Nature in her backward and primitive notions only allows for natural conception to occur between heterosexuals. But the Florida Court of Appeals has now rescued us from the backward notions of Mother Nature." - Catholic Archdiocese of Washington's Monsignor Charles Pope, responding to FL Gov. Charlie Crist's declaration that he will not appeal the overturn of the ban on gay adoption.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Rep. Devin Nunes

"I know what you all are thinking. Here is this young guy from California. He must be a liberal. What is he doing here? But please keep in mind: there are almost 40 million people in California. Not all of us come from Hollywood or San Francisco! In fact, one of the largest areas in California is the great San Joaquin Valley. That's where I was born and raised and that's the region I now represent in Congress. As a region, the San Joaquin has been labeled America's breadbasket. However, it might be better described as America's produce stand because farmers there grow more than 300 different crops. Actually, we grow a lot of fruits and nuts – ours are not the kind you hide from your children." - Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), speaking at World Net Daily's "Taking America Back" hatefest in Miami.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Rabbi Yehuda Levin

"Tens of millions of family-oriented citizens of all religious persuasions are fed up with the government genuflecting to radical homosexualists, while denigrating the millions of G-d-fearing, Bible-adherent families nationwide. In the wake of the recent one-man judicial fiat of homosexual Judge Vaughn Walker - who arrogantly 'vetoed' the opposition of millions of Californians to Same-Gender 'Marriage' - we now approach Tuesdays' attempted onslaught against the Republic.

"They plan to unfairly amnestize millions of illegals, providing replacements to the poll-projected up-to-25% of enlistees expected to abandon the military if forced to serve, sleep, and shower in no-privacy conditions side-by-side with open, flaunting homosexuals. Additionally, in the midst of a severe recession, these Robin-Hoods aim to finance free college for the illegals, while American students are left to fend for themselves. Experts predict that the exodus resulting from homosexualizing the military will lead to a draft - *forcing* Bible adherents into a LGBT-regimented armed forces." - Rabbinical Alliance head Rabbi Yehuda Levin, launching a campaign to join the nation's faiths in a giant "religious Tea Party."

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Peter LaBarbera

"What is the bigger threat to freedom in America, presently? a) Sharia Law; or b) the anti-religious homosexualist agenda (including legalized 'gay marriage')? If you said 'b,' you are correct. Tell that to conservative and 'liberal-tarian' pundits who are silent on the intolerant government-gay agenda and yet very vocal on the threat of Islamic radicalism." - Porno Pete LaBarbera, writing from his dildo-strewn basement dungeon in suburban Chicago.

(Photo via Pam Spaulding)

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Friday, September 10, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Robert Knight

"Outrageous. Unbelievable. Our armed forces are fighting the enemy overseas while this lunatic judge behind our own lines decides to throw a hand grenade right into our own barracks. The arrogance of this judge is stunning. She has decided she is smarter than God, more than 1,163 retired generals and admirals who support the military's policy, the hundreds of congressmen and senators who voted for the law in 1993 and generations of military leaders who believed that morality affects discipline and that homosexual conduct undermines military preparedness." - Coral Ridge Ministries' Robert Knight, as quoted in World Net Daily. Knight adds that a repeal of DADT would result in the "forced re-education of religious soldiers."

RELATED: In case it's not obvious, I'm really enjoying watching these nutbags blow their Jeebus-stacks.

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Sunday, September 05, 2010

PhoboQuotable- Joseph Farah

"The homosexual press has noticed. In an enlightening commentary on a homosexual activist blog, we get this observation: 'But isn't it something how the issue of marriage equality is slowly starting to tear at the GOP. What a difference a few years make. In 2004, there was nary a Republican that could get behind the issue of marriage equality without looking like a Benedict Arnold. And now? The trend is shifting big time.'

"And that's really the context needed to understand why WND took the stand it did with Ann Coulter upon her acceptance of the headliner position at GOProud's Homocon event this month. The conservative movement is nearing surrender on the issue – even while public opinion stands firmly committed against same-sex marriage. This is the way it works in our political culture.

"I, for one, don't plan on giving up. Someone needs to hold the celebrities accountable. Someone needs to offer correction. If we lose the battle over marriage, I'm not sure there's much left to preserve. Marriage is literally the building block of our civilization. Destroy it and you destroy the foundation. The enemy knows this. Do our so-called allies? I am ashamed of these people who should know better flirting with the destruction of a 6,000-year-old, God-created institution with no regard for the unforeseen and unimaginable consequences. That's why I will not be silent. I will not go quietly into the night." - Wing Nut Daily founder Joseph Farah, who has agreed to debate GOProud head Christopher Barron over whether the Quislings are legitimately a conservative group.

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Sally Kern

"Here in America we’ve had what maybe three known real big terrorist attacks on our nation. But every day our young people especially, all of us, but our young people especially are in a sense bombarded with the message that homosexuality is normal and natural." - Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern, repeating her 2009 claim that teh gay are worse than terrorism.

Kern's 2010 challenger is Brittany Novotny, whom you can support here.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Wally Leimgruber

I don't judge any person because they don't participate in the same heterosexual lifestyle as my wife and me. But when you tell me that homosexual marriage is a normal thing, it's like telling me the Earth is flat. I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and the law of California says that homosexual marriage is illegal. So if nobody else in government will defend the law, then I guess it's up to us. The Alliance Defense Fund called me in November and told me it was necessary that a governmental entity get involved. I knew right away it was the right thing for us." - Imperial County Supervisor Wally Leimgruber, explaining why his county has filed to defend Prop 8.

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