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French Lessons for U.S. Workers If Ignorance is Bliss, Why Ain't I Happier? Buy a Candidate. Continue the Pollution! Boehner Will Headline At A Rally This Weekend Supporting Nazi Reenactor Richard Iott Jonathan Westminster: The 15% Solution, Serialization, 10th Installment, Chapter Nine 2007: The Supremacy Amendment (33rd)![](
What's The Buzz?
DOT Awards $2.4 Billion for High-speed Passenger Rail Corridors Tea Party-backed Republicans spur party switches Robert Naiman: Is the Pentagon Deliberately "Degrading" Afghanistan's Capacity for Peace? Paul Krugman: Divided We Fail Robert Reich (Halliburton and the Upcoming Election)![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- As Palin "stands with" Beck, his rhetoric is credited with inspiring death threats
- French Lessons for U.S. Workers -- Shamus Cooke for BuzzFlash
- The Most Racist Campaign in Decades, and What It Demands of Us
- Right Wing Violence
- "Happy Halloween from The Land of the Brain Dead."
- "As satire has done through the ages, Jon Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” has found a comedic way to focus national attention on a serious issue: Will the United States begin acting like a responsible force in the world or will it continue to wander off into its own ghastly dreamscape?"
- Obama: Terror explosives found, bound for US
- Buy a Candidate. Continue the Pollution! -- Barbara's Daily Buzz from Atlanta
- Marijuana Law Enforcement Disproportionately Targets Blacks, Latinos in California
- "The question for Rick Scott at last week’s debate had been asked countless times: Why was he qualified to be Florida’s governor when his tenure as a chief executive of Columbia/HCA led to $1.7 billion in fines for defrauding the government? Was he involved, or too out of touch to know what was going on?"
- William Rivers Pitt on the Downhill Run to the Election
- Have the Democrats Forgotten How to Woo the White Working Class? Pretty Much So.
- Boehner Will Headline At A Rally This Weekend Supporting Nazi Reenactor Richard Iott -- Tony Peyser's Verse Case Scenario
- One of the two major political parties in the country is run by a "news" network: FOX Fraudcasting
- "Rich Americans feel better off." Ain't That Sweet?
- The Tea Party Plan: A brilliant descent into madness
- Coal Ash: The Glowing National Security Threat
- U.S. on track for "fiscal train wreck": Roubini
- Crist Would Caucus With Senate Democrats, Advisor Says
- Tina Dupuy: Walmart’s wages are so low you can only afford to shop at Walmart
- Activists ramp up fight against Chevron “greenwashing”
- Arundhati Roy faces arrest over Kashmir remark
- The Movement Toward Progressive Values Will Continue, But We Need Your Financial Support to Grow Stronger. Click Here Now. The Truth Matters!
- AIG Redux: Wall Street Presses Regulators To Repeal New Derivatives Rules
- Jonathan Westminster: The 15% Solution, Serialization, 10th Installment, Chapter Nine 2007: The Supremacy Amendment (33rd) -- Commentary for BuzzFlash
- Still waiting for justice, black farmers rally in North Carolina
- Unmasking a Small Slice of Independent Corporate Spending in the 2010 Federal Elections. Disclosed Corporate Funds Behind Independent Spending Are a Fraction of What Is Hidden, Heavily Favor Republicans.
- Paladino’s Handling of Aunt’s House Involved a Curious Chain of Transactions, Including His Mistress With Whom He Had a Child
- Voters Wrong About Major Economic, Fiscal Facts: Poll
- Conservative editor: WikiLeaks founder should have been murdered with radioactive waste
- Bill Shein: The Emptiest Campaign
- "Senate Dems caution Clinton on oil sands pipeline"
- AK School Board Member, Who Wants Gays to Die, Resigns
- Wind Power Growth Slows. The American Wind Energy Association reports the slowest quarter since 2007, adding just 395 megawatts of wind power capacity. Isn't this something that would add jobs and make us less reliant on oil?
- Louisiana: Democrat Melancon has put an ad on the air going after Vitter for using "tax dollars" to solicit prostitutes. The ad, which you can watch below, also mentions a former Vitter aide arrested on numerous charges including domestic abuse.
- Another Day, Another 850 Afghan Children Dead
- "As Reid Falters, Schumer Subtly Stands in the Wings"
- "As we all know, traditional media is in trouble. Newspapers are struggling with circulation and magazines like Newsweek are being sold for $1. But things can always get worse — and a new survey shows that, while two-thirds of Americans (67%) still agree that they prefer to get their news in more traditional ways such as network television and/or reading newspapers or magazines in print, over half of Americans (55%) say traditional media as we currently know it will no longer exist in ten years. Additionally, half of U.S. adults (50%) say they tend to get almost all their news online, say the findings of a new survey of 2,095 U.S. adults by Harris Interactive."
- Coal Industry Increases Spending to Sway Next Congress
- "Privatization of local and state assets, writes Aaron Renn, is increasingly "more about providing jackpots for financiers who stand at the core of a growing privatization-industrial complex."
- The Tea Party Spreads to the Likud in Israel? -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash
- John Boehner to Appear at Rally With Candidate Who Dressed as Nazi
- Delaware Republican Christine O'Donnell has parted ways with another campaign treasurer and appointed her campaign manager to the position, making him her fifth treasurer in less than two years.
- "How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited From Slavery”
- REPORT: More than 30 Fox Newsers support GOP in 600-plus instances during midterms
- Water Wars: Oregon Vs. Nestle
- "Just in case you want to video call grandma to say hello when you finally reach the peak of Mount Everest, you're in luck! Now 3G mobile phone service has reached the top of the peak. Yes, we can hear you now, even from way up there."
- Ostroy Report: "Dude," Where's My President!?
- Angela Glover Blackwell talks about the connection between transportation and social justice
- David Sirota: It's the Stupidity, Stupid
- Homeowners Get The Boot For Bad Paperwork While Banks Get Millions For Same
- "Why We Filed Racketeering Charges Against Karl Rove’s Election Operations"
- Antarctica Melting News
- What the Democrats Didn't Do
- Elizabeth Warren: Too Bold to Fail?
- NYT Editorial: Evidence of the huge injustice of the death penalty, and of the particular barbarism of lethal injection, continues to mount.
- SMS Text "TRUTHOUT" to phone number 85944 to donate $10.00 to Truthout and BuzzFlash. We need your support today! Your text contribution is tax deductible.
- Measure would outlaw Islamic law in Oklahoma — where it doesn't exist
- Paul Krugman: So if the Elections go as Expected Next Week, Here’s my Advice: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
- Intelligence spending at record $80.1 billion in first disclosure of overall figure
- NC GOP Files Lawsuit Over Touch-screen Voting
- The World: Fake Medicines may Kill a Million a Year
- Beth Arnold: Shame on Anyone Who Doesn't Vote
- Paul Rogat Loeb: The Republican War on Reality
- Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law. Meaning Follow the Money. "NPR spent the past several months analyzing hundreds of pages of campaign finance reports, lobbying documents and corporate records. What they show is a quiet, behind-the-scenes effort to help draft and pass Arizona Senate Bill 1070 by an industry that stands to benefit from it: the private prison industry."
- Paul Krugman | China Starts Talking Tough - but Offers Empty Warnings
- Campaign Cash: The Tea Party Jets to Grassroots Rallies, Wall Street-Style
- Thom Hartmann's New Book is Just in Time for the Election
- A Boot to the Head ...from Michael Moore
- NC07: GOP-T Candidate Who Shot Two Unarmed Iraqis Likely to Be Elected to Congress
- Whitman Wants Her Former Illegal Housekeeper to be Deported. Why Doesn't Whitman Just Auction Her Off on E-Bay? Signs of Desperation, Meg?
- U.S. Awards $2.4 Billion for Passenger-Rail Projects
- Clinton Asked Democrat to Quit Florida Senate Race
- Remember Renewable Energy
- Richard Power: 2010 Mid-Term Elections: I'm Done Making Excuses for the Electorate. Are You or Are You Not a Nation of Fools? It's Time to Move On!
- Coddling the Rich
- "The United States economy grew at an annual rate of 2 percent in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported Friday, as it struggles to gain any momentum for a sustained recovery. That estimate matched the consensus forecasts for the gross domestic product, and is a slight uptick from the second quarter."
- A Bloomberg National Poll finds that by a two-to-one margin, likely voters in the midterm elections think taxes have gone up, the economy has shrunk, and the billions lent to banks as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program won't be recovered.
- Abstinence Education, Colorado Style
- Halliburton and BP knew weeks before the blast on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the well was unstable, a commission found.
- Here We Go with the Blatherer-in-Chief Rumors About Newt Gingrich Running for President in 2012
- An Ohio teacher accused of burning the image of a cross on students' arms says he signed a settlement agreement with one family because he was required under a judge's order.
- Report: The U.S. Department of Justice severely watered down an internal report on the conduct of its lawyers responsible for authorizing torture and has failed to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), depriving the public of necessary information about the conduct of our government.
- Halliburton's Gulf Oil Spill Admission: Critical Test Skipped On Deepwater Horizon Before BP Oil Spill
- Halliburton and BP knew weeks before the blast on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the well was unstable, a commission found.
- Exxon Mobil 3Q income jumps 55 percent. Oily profits. We feed their bottom line.
- Campaign Cash: Harry Reid Under Siege by Swift Boat Billionaire Bob Perry
- Palin may be encouraging ladies to lead, but her very same efforts might cause women to lose seats in national office for the first time in 30 years
- Federal Jobless Benefits Will Be Cut for Two Million Workers in December-- 800,000 Immediately – if Congress Fails to Renew the Emergency Program
- Néstor Kirchner: Argentina's independence hero The death of Argentina's former president is a sad loss. His bold defiance of the IMF paved the way for South America's progress
- Initial unemployment filings unexpectedly decline to 434,000 for the week, the lowest level since July.
- Obama vs. Stewart: "In fairness," the president replied defensively, "Larry Summers did a heckuva job." "You don't want to use that phr
- Tea party antics could end up burning Republicans
- Poll: Joe "Fascist" Miller falls to last place. Keep it up!
- Election 2010 to Shatter Spending Records as Republicans Benefit from Late Cash Surge
- Did Rove's Protégé Puff Up Résumé? Now He's Running for Congress.
- Probe Details Culpability Of Nazi-Era Diplomats
- Obama: More Aggressive Anti-Foreclosure Efforts Would Help People Who Don't Deserve It. Is He Trying to Lose the Election for the Dems?
- Who will buy the homes of tomorrow? 2010 highest average monthly foreclosure filings on record. 330,000 average monthly foreclosure filings in the United States. Student loans and stagnant job growth will create anemic prospects for housing.
- Marijuana web names snapped up, in case of legalization
- Recent revelations by WikiLeaks show how top American leaders lied, knowingly, to the American public, to American troops, and to the world.
- Foreclosuregate Explained: Big Banks on the Brink
- Michael Winship: The Enemies Eliot Spitzer Made
- Jon Stewart still calls out to sensible America. Fox won't His 'rally for sanity' this weekend is a laudable enterprise. But Fox News and friends will make it look like a liberal hatefest
- Robert Parry: WPost's Blinders on Afghan War
- Web Videos Show GOP Extremists In Their Own Words
- Reagan's Legacy: Indiana's budget crunch has become so severe that some state workers have suggested leaving severely disabled people at homeless shelters if they can't be cared for at home, parents and advocates said.
- Homophobia in Arkansas
- Arizona Republicans Continue Support for Unconstitutional Citizenship
- Arizona Ruling May Drastically Decrease Access to Abortion In the State
- Boehner To Appear with Nazi Reenactor
- Stewart, Colbert Say It's Not a Political rally, but Fans Say Otherwise
- Tomgram: Ann Jones, The Vote We're Fighting For
- Airline Profits Soar, Leaving Passengers Sour and Employees Sore
- Blinded by Sarah Palin
- Nicholas Kristoff - End the War on Marijuana
- Obama Does the Daily Show and Jon Stewart Challenges Whether Hope Still Outpaces Change
- Marine Toxicologist Riki Ott on the BP Oil Spill and Its Long-Term Effects
- Stop Killer Coke: The Kind You Drink!
- Indeed. In some big cities -- for example, New York -- the audience for local news has dropped 50% during the past decade.
- Rand Paul’s Goons Know ~ “Curbing” is NO Accident!
- Greg Palast for Truthout and BuzzFlash: The Petroleum Broadcast System Owes Us an Apology
- Steep Racial Divide in Approval for Obama's Presidency
- Joe Conason: The Rise of Sewer Money
- Anti-Union Ballot Measures Target Workers’ Rights
- 5 Constitutional Amendments That Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers Would Change
- Lisa Murkowski Can Appear On List Of Write-In Candidates, After All, State Supreme Court Rules
- Arundhati Roy is facing possible arrest in India on sedition charges after publicly advocating for Kashmir independence
- Attack on the Middle Class! First they came for your paycheck. Then your house. What's next?
- Reagan's Legacy: College tuition costs climbing again this fall
- Roger Shuler: "The nation's attention has been riveted in recent days on video of a woman being stomped at a Rand Paul rally in Kentucky. The thuggish behavior of Paul's tea-party supporters was captured on tape for the entire nation to see. Republican thuggery is not new for my wife and me. We've been dealing with it in Alabama for roughly 10 years, long before most people had heard of Rand Paul."
- Dave Lindorff: America's Happy News Media
- Israel and the Palestinian Authority are among 15 Mediterranean nations who have just signed a historic agreement to work together to combat the effects of climate change, one month ahead of the next United Nations conference on climate change, meeting at Cancun in November.
- Soros gives $1M to Calif. pot legalization measure
- "The White House and its allies in Europe are working on a new offer to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program, one that is expected to be tougher than the rejected pact presented to Tehran last year."
- Sarah Palin: Pants on Fire Liar, St. Petersburg Times
- US Foreclosure Crisis Becomes More Widespread
- Tackling Climate Change Could Save Biodiversity
- Fishermen Report Louisiana Bays Filled With Oil
- Prop 19 Pot Opponents Veer Off Into Paranoia
- Now the Longest War is Obama's Folly: WP, "Taliban is unscathed by U.S. military campaign." Blunt assessments are consistent across the main spy agencies responsible for analyzing the conflict and come at a critical juncture."
- Tea Party Parents: Instead of Food and the True Jesus, They Feed Their Children Spoonfuls of Hate -- BuzzFlash Editor's Blog for Truthout, By Mark Karlin
- "Critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll."
- "The Financial Times' Martin Wolf, who is probably the world's best (and most respected) financial columnist, argues that Obama's fate was sealed much earlier than Leonhardt suggests below: Back when the Obama Administration decided on the size of the stimulus."
- Gorbachev: Victory in Afghanistan Is 'Impossible'
- Clarence and Ginni Thomas: A Tale of Two Boobs -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash
- New Ralph Reed Ad Campaign Literally Declares "It's Us Vs Them"
- Mass Shootings Mark Week in Mexico
- Panetta and Obama Gut CIA Oversight
- In a victory for voting rights advocates, a federal appeals court in Phoenix struck down a key part of an Arizona law requiring voters to produce proof of citizenship before registering to vote
- Chuzpah Beyond Belief! "Kentucky Stomper Wants An Apology From Woman He Assaulted."
- The Tea Party movement: deluded and inspired by billionaires
- Der Spiegel: "With its invasion of Iraq, the United States rid the Iraqi people of a tyrant. But it also broke the law and destroyed tens of thousands of lives. With the release of close to 400,000 Iraq logs by WikiLeaks and the coming publication of George W. Bush's memoir, it is time to take stock of a war that was catastrophic for Iraq and America's standing in the world."
- WP: Global extinction crisis looms, new study says
- Could Legalizing Marijuana in California Help Cure Breast Cancer?
- When Tea Party wants to go back, where is it to?
- Mother Jones reports on how Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), perhaps the Tea Party's most favorite senator, has mounted a dramatic flip-flop on using political action committees--to become one of Washington's more powerful insiders.
- Alaska Judge's Order Deals Blow to Murkowski's Write-in Bid. The Neo-fascist Joe Miller Looks Like Sarah Palin's Next Senator.
- Former oil industry executive speaks about hydrofracking and its threat to water supplies
- Glaxo Pays $750 Million for Tainted Products
- Your request is being processed... Karl Rove: '45 Percent Of NPR Listeners Were Saddam Hussein'
- Work Till 70? Yes, if Boehner and Republicans Have Their Way.
- Ellsberg Joins WikiLeaks in Rebuking U.S. War on Whistleblowers
- Your request is being processed... Julian Assange To Larry King: 'You Should Be Ashamed' For Bringing Up My Personal Life (VIDEO)
- WikiLeaks and Assange Honored
- Nearly 9 Million Students Facing Pell Grant Cuts If Congress Doesn’t Act
- William Rivers Pitt on the Iraq War: Now We Know
- The Other Ballot Battles
- Univision Set to Become Top U.S. Broadcast Network. Even Corporations are Going Multicultural.
- Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project. New book examines dangerous trends toward surveillance state.
- Democratic Party activists have pushed up early voting totals in Chicago and Cook County versus 2006, the last mid-term elections, giving party members hope ahead of November 2. President Bill Clinton swooped into town today to provide an even larger boost.
- Obama: Union Members the ‘Backbone’ of Final Election Push
- DADT Damage Control: Obama joins gay rights groups to discuss 'don't ask, don't tell.' It must be election season, eh?
- Of the $176.1 million spent by outside groups using large, often undisclosed contributions to influence the current elections, just 10 groups are responsible for the bulk of the spending, according to a new analysis released today by Public Citizen
- Harry Reid Under Siege by Swift Boat Billionaire Bob Perry
- In a report released today, Transparency International ranks world governments on a corruption scale from least to most corrupt. For the first time, the United States is no longer among the twenty least corrupt nations, dropping to number twenty-two on the list. Despite this important news, the New York Times appears to be ignoring the report entirely, while the Washington Post is reporting on it primarily to point out how far Russia has fallen.
- Bush Tells Texas Crowd, 'I Miss Being Pampered' While 9/11 Occurred Under His Anointed Presidency and Our GIs Died in Iraq, He Enjoyed the Pampering.
- Major Contender to Rahm Emanuel Drops Out of Chicago's Mayor's Race: Cook County Sherriff Tom Dart
- Hacking Harry Reid (or Sharron's Angle)
- Republican Victories in State Legislatures Will Affect Redistricting for a Decade
- Campaign Cash: Corporations Get More Power, Political Parties Get Less
- NYT: "The United States Treasury concealed $40 billion in likely taxpayer losses on the bailout of the American International Group earlier this month."
- Seymour Hersh: Should We be Worried About a Cyber War
- Vanity Fair: "With his perma-tan, two-pack-a-day baritone, and natty wardrobe, House Republican leader John Boehner is a backslapping, deal-making throwback to the G.O.P.’s past. But his recent “Hell, no!” anti-Obama strategy, as he seeks to ride the Tea Party wave, may point to an ugly future."
- "You're Not Alone" - Gazans and Afghans Share Their Pain: Bamiyan Diaries, Day Three
- Michelle Obama Deployed in Turnout War
- Was Ginny Thomas Drunk Dialing Anita Hill? Enquiring Minds Want to Know -- Tony Peyser's Verse Case Scenario
- Then They Came for Me -- Bob Koehler for BuzzFlash
- Dr. J.'s BF Commentary No. 156: The GOP's Perfect Storm -- Steven Jonas for BuzzFlash
- The "Backlash" of the New Right Wing -- The September BuzzFlash/Truthout Review by Thom Hartmann -- Thom Hartmann's Exclusive September "Independent Thinker" Review for BuzzFlash/Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Tim Profitt, Rand Paul Supporter, Recruited by Linda McMahon
- Mark Morford: Your mind, well and nicely blown
- NPR's Pledge Drive To Feature The 'Juan Williams Tote Bag'
- I Am Not Aqua Buddha
- MadKane: An Open Limerick to Republicans