You can insult us all you want about television ratings, Mr. O’Reilly, and you’ll be right that yours are bigger for now and maybe forever. You are the undisputed champion. But even if no one watches us at all, except for my mom and my girlfriend and people who forgot to turn off the TV after Keith, you are still wrong on what really matters and that would be the facts, your highness.

Rachel Maddow (via stfuteabaggers) (via kdirvine) (via technipol, blahblahologist)


While he’s trying to spin it otherwise, the only real winner of this massive leak is Julian Assange himself. WikiLeaks gets another scoop, the public gets flooded with too much data to reasonably understand (sound familiar?), and we’ll all be barraged with intrepid reporters selectively excerpting single pieces of data to justify whatever their pet theories were about the war. In a way, this can be a teaching moment to the public — let’s try to make sense of this single source of information and ponder what it’s like to sift through dozens of archives just like it — but, at the end of it, the costs of so much exposure are just too high.
my friend Josh always knows how to ‘splain things to me
Neither” is a singular adjective and can be paired with “nor” in a sentence. “Neither” is never paired with “or”. When using “neither” in a sentence, you are saying not the first object and not the second object are behaving in a certain way. The nouns/pronouns are in agreement with one another.
I often get this wrong for some reason.

I honestly have no idea why she is on television. She’s neither likable nor hate-worthy. Is it her mind-numbing averageness that people are attracted to, her privileged wannabe everywoman persona? Her complete lack of a personality, a blank wall to project the viewer’s dreams onto?

Or is it just that easy to get cameras to document your every trivial moment now?

It’s a very special Sundog today. Jeff turns 25! And I got us him an iPad! I think he might just stay in bed for a couple of weeks playing with it.

It’s a very special Sundog today. Jeff turns 25! And I got us him an iPad! I think he might just stay in bed for a couple of weeks playing with it.

Kelis - 22nd Century
[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]
30 plays

Kelis - 22nd Century

I am BLOWN AWAY by this new album from Kelis. I’m as excited as a little school girl to see her and Robyn together on Aug. 4.

The Sugarcubes - Delicious Demon
[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]
51 plays

The Sugarcubes - Delicious Demon

I bought this the other night under the influence of Ambien, and have absolutely no recall of doing it. Good choice, though.

iloveoldmagazines: Life, 1966 Vol. 61, No. 24
It certainly does.

iloveoldmagazinesLife, 1966 Vol. 61, No. 24

It certainly does.


The best article about Inception, which seemed to me to be mostly one long car chase.

Cobb defeats his regret by finally telling Mal that the two of them did grow old together in their shared dream. In other words, he fulfilled his wedding promise to her. This is, perhaps, the thing that Cobb once knew but had forgotten; it’s also a positive thought that trumps the negative feeling that he betrayed his wife. It seems like a realization on his part when he actually says it to her; but it’s been basically suggested to him through Saito’s repetition of the “old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone” meme.

YES. This is the interpretation I have been waiting for. I watched this movie as if it was Memento, not The Matrix, and have been unsatisfied so far with the surface-level explanations of what happened. I suspected that Cobb might be going through a multi-level inception himself almost as soon as they described the concept. But I haven’t been able to flesh it out in my mind as well as this review does, while also leaving room for the ambiguity at the end. Bravo.

(via barthel, wizardishungry)
Only he can get away with this.

(via barthel, wizardishungry)

Only he can get away with this.



Kickass Keyboard Cat Cosplay of the Day: Ron Livingston cosplays as Keyboard Cat and I’m only just learning about this now why?

Also: Best caption forever goes to Redditor incestor_gadget: “Looks like somebody has a case of the caturdays.”


I didn’t think I could get excited about this meme again, but he scores extra points for getting the face right at the end.

Is the heart button broken on Tumblr?

Or do all of you just find me incredibly boring today?

UPDATE: It works. Guess the answer is boring.

(via poobah, juliasegal)
Otherwise known as Fire Island Pines.

(via poobah, juliasegal)

Otherwise known as Fire Island Pines.



“When you see this man on screen, his eyes wander all over you like a caged New York City rat. They seek out your curves and muscles with eerie desire. Those are not the eyes of someone you can trust. His mischievous grin suggests rape and sex and wanting to violate any thing he comes into contact with in the dead of night. He seems willing to say whatever it takes to get you where he wants to go, both physically and intellectually. Many of my fellow journalists have reported their fear of this man and his wicked charm, the way he works his way into the depths of your life, gets you to confess your darkest secrets.”

Boycott Bill Murray for a Better America | ChristWire

Christian rant or Observer trend piece?

Neither. Brilliant satire