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  1. Gullible right RT @KOSMOSNET: Rep. Cleaver Earmarks $48 BILLION to Pal Who Runs Child Day Care Ce... #tcot #tlot
  2. RT @profblmkelley: But I do think we should be careful about language here. Acting nasty isn't lynching. @asoutherngirl
  3. @MsKoro so are you an 85 yet
  4. @jgriffaz_ thx
  5. @hardknoxfirst thx
  6. @MattAlgren thx for catching the lonk
  7. @jurassicpork59 thx
  8. @charyl thnx. Very kind of you
  9. @MsKoro very large kidney stone and infection. Doing OK, but not enough to leave hospital. May do surgery on Thurs.
  10. Sorry I forgot link earlier. Daughter's been in hospital since Sat & I'm exhausted
  11. Utah school grills 10-yr-old about grandfather's pro- #LGBT sign #p2 #lds
  12. Utah school grills 10-yr-old about grandfather's pro- #lgbt sign. #p2 #lds
  13. Dopey supports Palin rt @shannynmoore RT @steve_berra: I'm sorry. / as in one of the dwarfs if Snow White was a democrat?
  14. rt @MicheleMrigesh On being poor. #p2
  15. My daughter's ex-boyfreind's father looks just like Hitler.
  16. RT @larsolsson: If you hear @senatorsanders say "enough is enough" and think "he's hurting progress" might be an apologist.#filibernie
  17. .@marcslove Obama and his most fervent supporters seem to think his liberal critics were Hillary supporters. Delusional.
  18. RT @marcslove: The WH thought having Clinton over would help bolster the base, but instead it just reminded em how Clinton screwed em over.
  19. Yeah, you can download a new driver from Microsoft Support. It only takes about an hour #clintonera
  20. Can you believe some ppl send emails to people who are in the same office? #clintonera