Celebrity Justice

Capri Anderson -- I Will Sue Charlie Sheen

Capri Anderson is getting ready to drop a legal bomb on Charlie Sheen -- TMZ has learned the porn star is planning to sue Charlie for the events that went down during his hotel meltdown in NYC.

Capri Anderson
Sources close to Anderson tell TMZ ... she believes Charlie was acting so crazy in his hotel room at The Plaza Hotel on Tuesday morning -- that she felt her life was in danger ... and she also felt like she was being held in the room against her will.

As we previously reported, Charlie tore the room apart -- busting a chair and causing damage to several hotel items. Capri ended up locking herself in the bathroom and calling hotel security.

Capri claims Charlie also threatened her in the hotel room, although she made no mention of this to NYC cops when they interviewed her about the incident.

FYI -- law enforcement sources tell us officials have no plans to file charges against Charlie.

Tags: Capri AndersonCharlie SheenCelebrity Justice

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It just adds another point of sleaze to their resumes.


I think these crazy lawsuits are distinctly American.

This lucky bitch should be thanking Charlie for picking her up and making her famous...and her parents for screwing her up so horribly


Some women are a total embarrasment to womanhood. And here we have another one. Maybe she is related to Oksana?


All of a sudden she was "threatened" yet the watch is still "missing"


Bring it on, you s***my porn star! Marty Singer will salivate at taking you on. Fact is at no time did you claim any of this when the NYPD took your statement. It was only after you thought about extorting money - lots of it - that you saw a lawyer and even lied to HIM. Bring it....I look forward to the humiliation. Oh yes, and give him back his watch. I KNOW you have it.


should arrest her for prostitution - seriously, if they bust people online on craigslist, or massage parlors, or on the street ... what difference is this one indeed?


She is a gold digging worthless tramp and her lawyer is no better. Charlie should use his attorney to trample both of them and get attorney's fees for this suit. I suspect neither the tramp or her 3rd tier toilet attorney can afford to pay though.


Well duh!

Like we didn't see that one coming.


I can smell the stink of Gloria Allred rolling off this girl. Probably going to claim this night of hooking so traumatized her that she is now unable to perform in pornos so Charlie will have to make up her lost wages for the rest of eternity. On top of that, she can't sleep at night because of the nightmares he caused her and she has developed an eating disorder all because of him!


Ivan in Phoenix...you nailed it..what a freaking bimbo


Yet another predatory young woman. This is becoming predictable and all too common. TEAM CHARLIE. I hope they prosecute her for taking his watch. That's really nasty.


Both are SLEAZY.

A drunken crackhead bought a whore and lost a watch!

Aw! Cry me a river!!

She SHOULD sue-he's a super rich misogynist freak. If all the hookers he abused had the guts to sue him ...


Something doesn't add up. Cops are filing no charges yet this woman claims to have had her life threatened and be held against her will. I don't buy her story. She may have been there and chances are she and Sheen had a tiff, perhaps what caused the temper tantrum. But to come out days later and drop it instead of dropping it first? That's someone who smells an opportunity. No sale.


As much as I like "Two and a Half men" Charlie Sheen is a FOOL!! Hire someone to watch over him like a MOTHER and pay them well to be Charie's coommon sense! 1. STOP picking up strange women without some form of vetting first, go back to hookers! 2. Don't go crazy with someone around, period, you are a big, fat, EASY, TARGET!! 3. STOP threatening people's lives! 4. Pick a DIFFERENT type of woman, and an older one, dividing you age by 2 and sutracting 5 years is not the ideal demographic group you should be dating! 5. DON"T date ANYONE from the acting side of the business, find someone away from acting, porn, hookers, alcohole, drugs, grifters, women that seem to be too good to be true! 6. Stop getting married. 7. Stop fathering babies, DUH! 8. Get off the booze. 9. STOP putting yourself in situations that will go wrong at the drop of a hat! 10. WEARING a $150,000.00 watch around like it is a $30.00 Timex, picking up pretty, young women in resturants and then takeing them back to your room is evidence that you have some REAL JUDGEMENT concerns in your life. Get a COMMON SENSE, pay for a really good one, then listen to it, and keep a low profile. How much money are the kids you have fathered going to cost you? You negotiate the most profitable contract in Hollywood, for a 2 year stint on your show, only to PISS away God knows how much on child support and the upcoming divorce that is looming on the horizon. My God man! Just how increadibly STUPID are you?


Another Gold Digger, what is with all the porn tramps coming out of the woodwork????
Team Charleeeeee

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