Another week. More preposterousness to report.
Chris Matthews, who sits home in his Jack Abramoff underoos while replaying videos of George W. Bush’s tight flight suit adventure to ensure he can still get his flag up to full mast, finally stepped over a line this past week. Actually, he has hurdled over the Checkpoint Charlie of decency in the past, but many mired in “reality-based” thinking have now decided enough is really enough.
The irrepressible Mr. Matthews, whose voluptuous head is so empty that D.C. squatters use it for shelter, has shown himself to be pathetically enamored with George W. Bush’s “maleness” in the past (although it doesn’t stop him from
making “fag” jokes on Imus) and often makes political pronouncements so stupid Jessica Simpson thought of them first.
Recently, Mr. Matthews
compared Osama bin Laden to Michael Moore, even though the Bush Administration can actually find Michael Moore. And Moore and Osama would have to strain to have anything in common, being that Moore, like any sentient being, detests Bush for his constant lying. Meanwhile bin Laden loves Bush for the wonderful recruiting possibilities he has opened up for Al Qaeda with his abject failure to succeed in any phase of being a “war-time president” or “decision-maker.” I assume Bush meant the latter, "decision-maker," as in, should I use Captain Morgan’s or Cruzan for that Cuba Libre next time I go off the wagon?
Well, sick of the right-wing noise machine and the falafel-using, hillbilly-heroine ingesting, Abramoff-licking, Jeff Gannon-Guckert hiring, maladjusted, paranoid cranks who now inhabit the GOP and the ranks of its media apologists, many have finally decided enough is enough. Chris Matthews likes to parade his
Bill Bennett physique around out television sets harrumphing about this or that while pretending to be an objective journalist, when he has been nothing but a vibrator in the right-wing echo chamber for the better part of a decade now. So many sick of the charade are now giving Matthews what this walking jack-in-the-box has deserved for a while.
A boycott of his advertisers until he apologizes for his sebum-stained attack on Moore as a terrorist.
This is made all the more interesting by the fact that
Karl Rove came out of his rat-hole this past week to do much the same maligning of Democrats. And sadly, even though this oversized excrement piñata certainly couldn’t miss his own shadow, there appears to be no hope that he might crawl back from whence he came. Rove supports religious zealotry, is anti-choice, anti-gay, against the separation of church and state, believes his political opponents are traitors to be destroyed and is particularly repulsive looking, all things that would dictate that HE is the one with the common dreams of Osama (not that I'm comparing the two).
Let’s see, whose beliefs were
Eric Rudolph and Timothy McVeigh espousing when they committed terrorist acts on American soil that left hundreds of our countrymen dead? Why Karl Rove’s of course. And who has failed to catch Osama, Mullah Omar, Al Zwahiri, Al Zarqawi, exposed the identity of an undercover CIA agent, has smaller testicles than Karen Hughes, failed to achieve anything resembling victory in Iraq, lied about WMD, has not protected our troops with body armor and failed this nation in possibly every conceivable way during his time serving The Boy?
Why Karl Rove: traitor, budget-buster and terrorist enabler.
Now we find out that Rove, Matthews and the rest of this band of lying right-wing shills for the most impotent individual next to Bob Dole and an empty Viagra bottle has again misunderestimated the truth. It turns out that
the Bush Administration objected to expanding the powers of the FISA Court for wiretaps in 2002, claiming they were
unconstitutional. They then secretly did things that much worse. So, the rationale that their DOMESTIC SPYING is constitutional is belied by their own claims, which begs the question once again, who and what would they have needed to break the law to spy on?
Jenna and the other twin? Indian tribes? Anyone wanting to report the truth about their criminal behavior?
Ken Mehlman’s dance parties? The political opposition?
Are the impeachment bells ringing yet? In a sane political culture they would be. But in the meantime, how about just getting Verizon, Toyota and Intuit/TurboTax to stop financially sponsoring the ever-delirious Chris Matthews.
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